the 1860s英语怎么说呢 日语

[shǐyòng] to useto employto apply
[?'plai] vt.申请,应用 vi.申请,适用
单词使用的英汉对照例句别以为我能相信那件事。You can scarcely expect me to believe that.<华尔街日报>上的这篇文章使用了大量现代的陈词滥调。The article in the Wall Street Journal leans heavily on modern cliches.12月1日各法院开始试验在法官认可下,准许在法庭内使用摄影机。可是在钱伯斯因谋杀18岁的莱文而受审时,贝尔拒不同意。On Dec.1, the courts began an experimental program allowing cameras in courtrooms with judges' approval, but Bell refused to go along in the trial of Robert Chambers for the murder ofCASHL是高校图书馆使用的文献传递服务系统中最典型的非中介服务体系。Cashl is the most typical unmediated document delivery service system in university library.(和“of”或者“with”一起使用)有气味、引人注意。( Used with` of 'or` with') noticeably odorous.19世纪60年代美国内战之后,《比德尔月刊》有一期中有一名作者使用了doughboy(步兵)这个词来描述内战士兵。After the american civil war in the 1860s a writer in a publication called beadle's monthly used the word doughboy to describe civil war soldiers.Eiland将军表示,使用武力是阻止舰队前进的唯一方法。General eiland said that the use of force was the only way to stop the flotilla.DPT胜选人中有9位使用尼泊尔语。两党的官员都说解决南方的不满将被优先考虑。Nine of the dpt's winning candidates were nepali-speakers.officials in both parties said that resolving the southerners 'grievances was apriority.1存放丝绸衣物时,要尽量避免过多使用樟脑丸等化学驱虫剂,尤其是存放时间较长时,会导致衣物变黄。1 When depositing silk clothings should avoid to use the chemical repellent such as camphor ball too much as far as possible deposit especially when time is longer can bring about clothings to become yellow."如果能节约地使用自然资源,那么耗尽有限能源的速度就会放慢。"If the natural resources are used economically we can certainly slow down the present drain on the limited energy supply.%1执行了非法运算。|%1使用数学协处理器时出错。% 1performed An invalid arithmetic operation.|% 1encountered An error in its use of the math coprocessor.(二)排他使用许可,是指商标注册人在约定的期间、地域和以约定的方式,将该注册商标仅许可一个被许可人使用,商标注册人依约定可以使用该注册商标但不得另行许可他人使用该注册商标;2.exclusive License means the trademark registrant licenses the exclusive right to use the registered mark to only one licensee for an agreed period of time ar(九)使用无卫生许可证的消毒药剂、消毒器械或者一次性医疗卫生用品;8.using Fake inferior expired inefficacious or (使用)鱼眼镜头的:覆盖角度在180°左右、产生圆形图象且中央是夸张的使更向外围扭曲的透视图的广角摄影镜头的或与之有关的。"Fisheye: of relating to or being a wide-angle photographic lens that covers an angle of about180 producing a circular image with exaggerated foreshortening in the center and increasing distortion toward the periphery."(四)在机动车辆上非法安装、使用特殊音响警报器或者标志灯具的。Illegally installing or using special sirens or signal light equipment in motor vehicles.提交更多使用的相关例句
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the USA的用法和样例:
The Forth of July is the National Independence Day of the USA.
The USA has assimilated people from many different countries.
He's disdainful of anyone from the USA.
Are the Hawaiian Islands a dependence of the USA?
In the USA foreign policy is decided by the federal government and federal laws are made by Congress.
The secession of some southern states from the USA in the 1860s led to the civil war.
This island is no longer a dependency of the USA.
the USA的海词问答与网友补充:
相关词典网站:“One of the best-loved Am...”阅读答案_英语阅读_英语阅读网
“One of the best-loved Am...”阅读答案
“One of the best-loved Am...”阅读答案
One of the best-loved American writers was William Sydney Porter, or O.Henry. From 1893 he lived with his family in a house in Austin, Texas, which is now a museum. Visitors to Austin can see the house. It was saved from destruction (破坏) and turned into a museum in1934. The museum is a good way to learn about the interesting life of the American writer.William Porter rented this house in Austin and lived there with his wife Athol and daughter Margaret for about two years. Many objects in the museum belonged to the Porters. Others did not. An important piece in the room is the original photograph over here. It was taken there in the house about 1895. The piano there goes back to the 1860s. His wife took lessons on it when she first moved to Austin.Porter did not start his career as a successful writer. He worked at a farm, land office and bank. He also loved words and writing. The museum has a special proof of Porter’s love of language --- his dictionary. It is said that he had read every word in that dictionary.Later William Porter was forced to leave Austin because he was charged with financial wrongdoing at the bank and lost his job. Because he was afraid of a trail (审判), he left the country secretly. But he returned because his wife was dying. After her death, he faced the trial and became a criminal. He served three and a half years in a prison in Ohio.William Porter would keep his time in prison a secret. But there was one good thing about it. It provided him with time to write. By the time he was freed, he had published 14 stories and became well known as O.Henry.Porter later moved to New York City and found great success there. He published over 180 stories in the last eight years of his life.【小题1】O.Henry’s house in Austin has been well kept up till now so that ____. A. Americans can explore their historyB more visitors will be attracted to AustinC. visitors can learn about O.Henry’s lifeD. it can show the way of life in the 1860s【小题2】What do we know about the piano in the house?A.It was hated by Porter’s daughter.B.It has a long history of about 150 years.C.Porter’s wife gave music lessons on it.D.Porter usually created music on it.【小题3】How does the museum prove (证明) Porter was fond of language?A.With a dictionary he used.B.With the records they keep.C.Using the books they wrote.D.Using the photograph they keep.【小题4】Why did Porter escape from Austin?A.He didn’t want to lose his job.B.He didn’t want to make trouble.C.He meant to save his wife’s life.D.He was charged with a crime.【小题5】From the last two paragraphs we know that _______.A.Porter became famous suddenlyB.Porter spent his time in prison writingC.Porter suffered a lot from his time in in prison provided what he could write for Porter
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要地道的说法,发音好象是 ok
commander.而平时一般人则习惯说YES SIROkie dokie 一般为士兵军人对上级的命令的回答,比较地道的也有回答Yes
Okie dokie来自美式英文, 是OK的变体, 表示赞同,许可. 最初来自1839年波士顿报纸的文字游戏栏目中, 作为&oll korrect& (&all correct(都对)&的变体)的首字母缩略字. 在随后的1840美国总统大选中, 政客们利用对OK的不同解释来扩大知名度, 拉选票, 同时也使OK名声大振. 美国内战确定了OK在语言中的地位. 十九世纪后期, OK开始了向英国以及世界各地的扩张. OK常见的变体有: kay or 'kay, k or kk (短信中常用), 'mkay, m'kay or mkay, Okey dokey, Okey Doke or Okie Dokie Okily dokily, A-ok, Okey, Okee or Okie 参考资料: Okay is a term of approval, assent, or acknowledgment, often written as OK or O.K.. This is also known as AOK. When used to describe the quality of a thing, it denotes acceptability. However, its usage can also b as with most slang, its usage is determined by context.The historical record shows that O.K. appeared as an abbreviation for &oll korrect& (a conscious misspelling of &all correct&) in Boston newspapers in 1839, and was reinterpreted as &Old Kinderhook& in the 1840 United States presidential election. Because it is a recent word born of word play, and because it is so widely used, O.K. has also invited many folk etymologies. These competing theories are not supported by the historical written record, except in that folk and joke etymologies influenced the true history of the word. Since the 19th century, the word has spread around the world, the okay spelling of it first appearing in British writing in the 1860s. Spelled out in full in the 20th century, 'okay' has come to be in everyday use among English speakers, and borrowed by non-English speakers.参考资料:回答者:游神手 - 首席运营官 十二级 8-8 08:52百度上就有:


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