Acronis True imagecreatetruecolor怎么样

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0 && image.height>0){if(image.width>=700){this.width=700;this.height=image.height*700/image.}}" alt="user posted image" src="/pics/big.tisw8.0_box.en.jpg" border=0 twffan="done">
两个文件分别是普通版(对应98、2000 Pro和XP)以及服务器版(对应2000 Server和2003),序列号生成器已经包含在里面非常强大的硬盘备份软件,可以直接在Windows下面使用,这个是最新的8.0版详细的使用方法请参考浮躁之前发布的7.0版本:软件简介:  谈到系统克隆与恢复软件,大家想到的一定是 Norton Ghost 与 PowerQuest Drive Image ,但随着 Acronis True Image 的出现,这一格局发生了不小的变化.  True Image 的优点在于与 Windows 的完全兼容,所有的工作都可以在 Windows 环境下完成,而不需要切换到 DOS 的命令行执行状态.另外,它的速度远远超过另外两款软件,是系统备份与恢复最为方便的工具.软件特性:  1.从软件的安装到系统的恢复,都在 Windows 环境下完成.这是唯一一款完全在 Windows 环境下工作的软件.  2.在安装过程中,除了可以创建启动软盘,还可以创建启动光盘,这一点,尤其适用于没有软盘驱动器的电脑以及某些笔记本电脑.  3.速度奇快,即使在边用电脑进行其他工作边进行系统备份的情况下,速度仍然超过另外两款软件.  4.操作简单,所有过程都在帮助精灵的指引下进行.第一次使用本工具时会弹出三个选项:创建映射;映射恢复;浏览映射文件并进行修改.在进入具体的工作过程时也有详细的精灵帮助界面.  5.可以对压缩率进行调整;  6.对映射文件可以进行密码保护;  7.支持 DVD 驱动器,可以将大量的数据备份到一张 DVD 碟片上,而不是多张 CD 碟片上;  8.支持 USB 接入  9.(8.0新功能) 可以进行日常备份工作定制;可以创建新的分区;可以直接的进行硬盘与分区克隆功能.
我想许多用过Ghost的用户都会被Ghost强大的功能所折服,用过之后的惟一的遗憾就是所有的操作均在DOS界面下。尽管著名的PowerQuest Drive Image克隆硬盘内容的操作都在Windows界面下进行,但真正的备份工作还是在DOS下完成,所以还算不上真正的Windows克隆软件。难道茫茫互联网大海中就没有真正的Windows克隆软件?通过在网上寻寻觅觅,终于发现一款名叫Acronis True Image的软件,一番安装和实际使用过后,发现它正是我要寻找的真正的Windows克隆软件。  Acronis True Image支持Windows 98/2000/XP,大小为10539 KB,我们可以它。Acronis True Image可以创建一个分区或整个硬盘的镜像文件、恢复一个分区或整个硬盘数据,支持镜像文件的浏览。我们以制作硬盘镜像文件为例,来看看它的使用方法。
0 && image.height>0){if(image.width>=700){this.width=700;this.height=image.height*700/image.}}" src=".cn/pcedu/tuijian/system/backup/10311/pic/_kelong_1.jpg" align=center twffan="done">  步骤1 启动Acronis True Image后,选择“Create an image of a partition or the whole hard disk drive”,再单击“Next”按钮开始对硬盘进行快速扫描,软件开始分析硬盘各个分区的详细信息。接下来软件会列出硬盘各个分区的详细信息,如卷标、总容量、文件系统等。黄色的标志条表示硬盘的主分区,蓝色的标志条表示硬盘的逻辑分区,绿色的标志条表示未分配的分区,当前被选中的分区标志块底部会出现一条红线,默认情况下选中的是C盘。
0 && image.height>0){if(image.width>=700){this.width=700;this.height=image.height*700/image.}}" src=".cn/pcedu/tuijian/system/backup/10311/pic/_kelong_2.jpg" align=center twffan="done">  步骤2 用鼠标单击选中欲备份的分区后,单击“Next”按钮进入图1所示的界面,选择镜像文件存放的路径和文件名。Acronis True Image支持的备份媒体很多,包括本地硬盘、网络驱动器、CD-R/CD-RW和ZIP100等,保存的镜像文件后缀是“.tib”。
0 && image.height>0){if(image.width>=700){this.width=700;this.height=image.height*700/image.}}" src=".cn/pcedu/tuijian/system/backup/10311/pic/_kelong_3.jpg" align=center twffan="done">
  步骤3 单击“Next”按钮进入选择镜像文件压缩比的界面。拖动滑块可以设置压缩比率,压缩比越小,备份速度越快、生成的镜像文件容量越大。压缩比越大,备份速度越慢、生成的镜像文件容量越小。默认情况下压缩比为3,一般选择默认值即可。  步骤4 单击“Next”按钮进入所图2所示的选择镜像文件大小界面。“Automatic”模式是由系统根据目标空间的大小自动进行分割;我们可以在“Fixed size,please,specify the size”下拉框中选择固定的软盘、ZIP100和刻录光盘容量来分割镜像文件。  步骤5 单击“Next”按钮进入镜像文件密码输入界面,两次输入相同的密码后(当然你也可以不输入密码),单击“Next”按钮,可进入镜像文件描述界面查看镜像文件的描述。再次单击“Next”按钮进入图3所示的界面,软件开始生成硬盘镜像文件。此时你就可以喝口茶,享受生活了!
  Acronis True Image 8 系列软件是强大的系统备份软件,性能方面感觉比现在(2005年1月)的 Ghost 9 还要强,其中突出的软件特性有:在 Windows 环境下运行,硬盘或分区快速镜像备份和恢复,支持USB设备、磁带机和刻录机,可以将镜像文件保存到其它网络位置甚至刻录到 CD 或 DVD,可以制作软盘或 CD-ROM 拯救启动盘,支持远程备份、恢复和管理等。   Acronis True Image 8 系列包括 Corporate Workstation(用于工作站)、Enterprise Server(用于服务器)和 True Image Server for Linux 三个产品,还有各种产品的功能比较。下面以 Acronis True Image Enterprise Server for Windows以下简称 True Image ES)为例给出简要的安装及使用指南。
  True Image ES 包括4个主要功能组件:
Acronis True Image Management Console(True Image 管理控制台):向远程计算机安装及管理 Acronis True Image Agent(True Image 代理客户端),创建及恢复备份,创建备份调度等。
Acronis True Image Agent(True Image 代理客户端):安装在远程计算机上,使 Acronis True Image Management Console 可以管理这台计算机。
Acronis True Image(local console)(True Image 本地控制台):管理本地计算机,创建及恢复备份,创建备份调度等。如果不需要远程管理其它计算机,则只需安装这个组件。
Acronis Bootable Rescue Media Builder(应急拯救盘生成器):创建应急拯救启动盘(软盘或CD),在系统崩溃无法启动时使用以恢复备份。
不支持远程安装和远程管理 Windows XP 家庭版。
Windows 98/Me 不支持远程安装 Agent,需要在本地安装 Agent。
在远程安装 Windows XP Agent 之前,要先关闭目标计算机上的“简单文件共享”功能。
如果目标计算机是 Windows XP 而且安装了 SP2,则在远程安装 Agent 之前要选中防火墙设置→例外→文件和打印机共享。
  True Image ES 的使用十分直观简单,下面简要说明 local console 中各功能:
Create Image:创建硬盘(或分区)备份镜像。如果要将备份镜像刻录到CD或DVD上,则需要安装 Roxio DirectCD 或者 Ahead InCD 之类的软件。
Restore Image:从备份镜像还原硬盘(或分区)。
Disk Clone:将操作系统、应用程序和数据从旧硬盘复制到新硬盘(通常用于将系统从小硬盘迁移到大硬盘)。
Add New Disk:挂接新硬盘。
Explore Image:将备份镜像作为虚拟分区(只读)挂接。这样就可以从备份镜像中恢复特定的文件,而无需恢复整个镜像。
Unplug Image:取消所挂接的虚拟分区。
Check Image:检查备份镜像的完整性。
Show Log:查看日志。
Activate Acronis Startup Recovery Manager:激活系统启动时管理功能(此功能相当重要,当系统无法启动时可以使用此功能恢复备份镜像)。
Manage Acronis Secure Zone:创建并管理一个隐藏的硬盘空间用于存放备份镜像文件(使用此功能提高备份镜像的安全性)。
  使用小 Tips:
  关于 Acronis Secure Zone(安全备份分区)的补充说明:
删除 Acronis Secure Zone 会同时停止 Acronis Startup Recovery Manager 功能。
只能在静态硬盘中创建 Acronis Secure Zone。
如果将一只创建了 Acronis Secure zone 的硬盘由基本硬盘变为活动硬盘,则会禁止访问 Acronis Secure Zone 和停止 Acronis Startup Recovery Manager 功能。因此建议在操作前先删除 Acronis Secure zone。
  关于 Acronis Startup Recovery Manager(系统启动时恢复管理控制台)的补充说明:
注意:在 Acronis Startup Recovery Manager 中各硬盘分区所使用的盘符有可能和 Windows 中的不一致!
激活 Acronis Startup Recovery Manager 时会改写硬盘的主引导区。因此如果你安装了第三方的系统引导管理器,则可能需要重新激活它。
  上面只是对 Acronis True Image 的概括性说明,具体内容请参考下面的链接(英文):
function open_phone(e) {
var context = document.title.replace(/%/g, '%');
var url = document.location.
open("/" + encodeURIComponent(url) + "&t=" + encodeURIComponent(context) + "&sid=70cd6ed4a0");
大 名:&&[]&&[注册成为和讯用户]
请不要超过6个字From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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by . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (October 2011)
Acronis True Image (or simply True Image) is a brand name for a line of
operating systems, produced by . Until about 2010 the "True Image" name was used for versions ranging from Home through Enterprise to C later the business packages, though functionally the same, were renamed, with Backup, Recover, vmProtect, Snap Deploy, etc. being for businesses, and True Image (without qualification) for home users. Much of this article applies also to several versions no longer named "True Image".
As disk imaging software, True Image can restore the previously captured image to another disk, replicating the structure and contents to the new disk, also allowing disk cloning and partition resizing, even if the new disk is of different capacity. The backups are in a proprietary and undocumented file format which uses a .tib .
Several editions of Acronis True Image are available. Acronis True Image Home is the full-featured edition of the product and the only edition available at retail outlets. Four other editions of True Image are available to
under the umbrella title of True Image OEM but each has only a subset of True Image Home features. Finally, Acronis True Image Online is a subscription-based
offering that allows backups to be stored off the user's computers for a monthly fee. It has a Windows software agent of its own but is also integrated with Acronis True Image Home.
True Image can make two types of backup: file backup and disk backup. Apart from being able to back up select groups of files on a disk, it can create , exact backups of a disk drive
by sector. The program can back up a system hard drive while the OS is running.
Backups can be stored on:
Hard disk drives
Removable media such as
Networked storage devices,
servers or a True Image Online account on the Internet
True Image can browse the contents of backups and restore them partially or entirely. It can also mount a disk backup as a , thus allowing the user to access them as he would normally do from a real read-only disk.
Although backups can be restored when the system is running, a major purpose of backup is to restore the system when it fails to start. Therefore, True Image can install Acronis Startup Recovery Manager (ASRM), a computer program that helps restore backups at boot time. Additionally, True Image can create a copy of Acronis Rescue Media, a
that contains a copy of True Image and can restore backups to a computer when the contents of the entire computer are lost.
True Image supports multiple
including , , , , ,
(since version 2011), , , and .
In addition to the officially supported filesystems, True Image also provides raw sector backup and restore options for all other filesystems. 'Raw' mode provides support for a file system that is corrupt, or that isn't officially supported, by capturing a complete image of all sectors on the disk. This method results in a larger image file as it isn't able to compress, resize, or selectively restore files on the unrecognized filesystem.
Release notes for many versions list changes. Most releases fix errors, in addition to stated feature changes. Several builds are often released for each version.
Supports creation of
on recordable DVD media and external USB drives.
Includes a -driven interface. Supports disk cloning that directly duplicates the contents of a hard drive to another.
Supports backing up to a network location and restoring individual files from a disk image.
The last version to supports
and . Secure Zone allows backing up to a hidden drive partition. Startup Recovery Manager helps restore during boot time without a separate boot disk.
Backs up and restores directly from network shares and
servers. Can save archives of
as well as .
File Shredder helps permanently destroy files. Try&Decide helps set up a
in which untrusted programs can safely run without the risk of permanently changing or damaging the system.
One-click Backup backs up a computer using default settings, without asking any question other than backup destination.
(VHD) and . Nonstop Backup provides . Online Backup backs up data to an off-site location on the Internet.
Supports , integration with Windows 7 and predefined backup schemes.
Supports File synchronization, , Nonstop Backup over network and integrated online backup.
Adds mobile access and Windows 8 support (except )
Bug fixes, minor changes.
support was added in this version.
Bug fixes, minor changes.
According to Acronis, True Image provides backward compatibility for image files (with the .tib extension) created with a single previous version, that is, images created with an immediate previous version can be successfully restored. Backups are compatible between different editions of True Image within the same version (Home, Enterprise), e.g., between True Image Echo Workstation and True Image Echo Enterprise Server, or between Linux and Windows versions. Compatibility is not guaranteed between products that are not within the same version. Guaranteed cross-version compatibility is documented.
by virtualisation company
supports converting .tib files created by Acronis True Image Echo 9.1 and 9.5, and True Image Home 10 and 11 into a . However, reports about failure to recognise True Image 2013 .tibs were met with the response "unfortunately VMware Converter doesn't support current Acronis TrueImage versions".
True Image has an option to convert backups between its proprietary .tib and Microsoft's
backup format, more widely supported, and documented under the .
Acronis licenses custom versions of True Image to certain hard disk manufacturers, including 's Acronis True Image WD Edition and
DiscWizard. Such editions are free to download and use, but only with that manufacturer's hard drives.
(PDF). Acronis 2012.
. Acronis, Inc.
Collins, Barry (). . Dennis Publishing.
(subscription required)
. . p. 20.
. Retrieved 22 November 2014
Patrick, Stephen. . Pocket Lint.
from the original on 31 May 2007.
. Top Ten Reviews.
from the original on 18 May 2008.
. . . 2 February .
Jacobi, Jon L. (5 October 2004). . PCWorld. PCWorld Communications 2012.
. . SoftNews NET SRL 2012.
Ilascu, Ionut (16 November 2011). . Softpedia. SoftNews NET SRL 2012.
. . CBS Interactive. 23 August .
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