
  1 为什么汽车专业英语中大量使用名词化结构
  2 汽车专业英语名词化结构与对应的汉语译文的差异
  2. 1 英语多用静态性词汇,汉语多用动态性词汇英语是静态的,喜好用相关的名词代替所需的动词。反之,汉语是动态的,甚至一个简单句中用到多个动词。翻译时多将名转动或将名词词组转成动宾词组。
  例: Because thesespeed relationsmust be exact, the connecting drive must be positive, this requires the use of gears or chains. 因为凸轮轴转速与曲轴转速的速比关系必须恰当,所以连接传动必须准确可靠,这就需要采用齿轮或链条。
  2. 2 英语表达多抽象化,汉语表达多具体化。
  一般来说,英语的抽象名词比汉语多,还有许多是汉语中本来没有对等的词,后来洋为中用了,比如:humor, logic, romance, ideology, democracy, and etc. .本来中文中没有对等的词,所以直接音译成了幽默、逻辑、罗曼史、意识和德谟克拉西(后改译成民主) 。科技英语翻译成汉语时一般会使抽象名词或词组具体化。例一: These smaller cars are light enough that even with the lower ratio, the effort required to turn the steering wheel is not excessive. 而且,这些轻型和小型车不必过多地考虑其转向轻便问题(原义为&精力&译为具体的&轻便问题&) 。
  例二: Correction: Drain oil until p roper level is obtained. 解决方法:放出多余的机油,使其符合规定的油
  位(原义为&更正&译为具体的&解决方法&) 。
  2. 3 英语忌讳重复,汉语较多重复,因此汉语中有时出现一个意思,不同表达或重复表达的现象。通常来说,科技英语较少重复,其特点是准确、简洁。汉语相比较而言,为了明确、强调或生动,或者符合汉语的表达习惯,用词或意义上重复较多一点。翻译成汉语时视上下文采用增词法、转性法或重复法等手法。
  例一: This shows that the resistance of an electric conductor is inversely p roportional to its cross - section area. 这表明,导体电阻的大小与导体横切面的大小成反比(用词重复法) 。
  例二: Place the towel in an app roved containerwhen disconnect is comp leted. 拆卸完毕后,应将带油的毛巾放入一密封良好的容器中(增词法,重复上句的词语。因为上句中提到&用工作手巾盖住油管接头以吸附可能逸出的燃油&。通过重复承上启上,文章更流畅) 。
  例三: Inany case, the performance test have p riority. 不管怎样进行,测试性能都要第一优先(这里将名词&p riority&转译为副词&第一优先&,用来修饰&测试&这个动作,更符合汉语喜欢四个字四个字的说的表达习惯) 。
  3 在翻译名词化结构时,针对英汉的差异性所采取的翻译方法
  3. 1 转性译法
  3. 1. 1 名转动
  例一:Aswith all cooling system service, take measures to p revent personal injury and damage to the system.
  与所有的冷却系维修情况一样,作泄漏和压力测量时,要防止伤人和损坏系统(这里将名词化结构&per2sonal injury&和&damage to the system&转译成动宾结构&伤人&和&损坏系统&) 。
  例二: Formerly, all p istons were made of cast iron,but today the alloy cast irons, which offer greater heat resistance and betterwearing qualities, are widely used. 以前所有的活塞都是铸铁的,但现在耐热、耐磨性能更好的合金铸铁被广泛地采用(这里将名词&resistance&转译为动词&忍耐&) 。
  3. 1. 2 名转形例:The cars p roduced in our factory are well - known for their novel design, elegant colors, beautiful looks and magnificent aura. 我厂生产的汽车设计新颖、色调雅致、美丽大方、富丽豪华。(汉语习惯四个字四个字的说,四字形容词在这里可起到抒情的作用,抒发赞美我厂的汽车之情) 。
  3. 2  增词译法
  3. 2. 1 增加名词和修饰性词语
  例一: Both the automatic transmission and the manual transmission accomp lish exactly the same thing, and are identical in ever respect, excep t that they do it in totally differentways. 手动变速器和自动变速器完成同一任务,而且,除了工作原理完全不同以外,其他各方面完全一样(增加&任务&这一名词,使句子表达更清楚) 。
  例二: Correction: Drain oil until p roper level is obtained. 解决方法:放出多余的机油,使其符合规定的油位(增加&多余的&这一修饰词,使句子表达更清楚) 。
  3. 2. 2 增加表示名词复数的词
  汉语的复数没有词形变化,很多情况下不必表达出来。英语复数汉译时可以根据情况来决定增不增加汉字。例一: For this reason, designers try to keep p iston weight low, particularly in high - speed engines. 为此,设计者们设法使活塞造得轻些,特别是高速发动机。
  例二: In&uncooled&p istons, the heat absorbed by the p iston top travels through the p iston side - walls, then through the rings, into the cylinder walls and finally to the jacket water surrounding the cylinder. 在那些&无冷却&的活塞中,活塞所吸收的热通过活塞侧壁,再通过活塞环传入汽缸壁,最后传向包在汽缸周围的水套中的水。
  例三: The planet gears are connected to each other through a common carrier, which allows the gears to sp in on shafts called&p inions&which are attached to the carrier. 行星齿轮用同一行星架相互联在一起,每个行星齿轮在各自的轴上转动,行星轮也称为行星架上的&小齿轮&。
  3. 2. 3 增加量词
  英语中数词(包括不定冠词a和an)与可数名词往往直接连用,它们之间没有量词,而汉语却往往要借助量词。例一: Many more combinations are possible using two or more p lanetary sets connected in various ways to provide the different forward speeds and reverse that are found in modern automatic transmissions.两排或三排以上的简单行星齿轮机构进行不同的组合,就形成了现代自动变速器各个前进档和倒档(既然英汉表达方式不同,那么汉译时要符合汉语习惯增加量词) 。
  例二: Thus, one cycle ends and another begins immediately. 因此,一个循环结束, 另一个立即开始(既然英汉表达方式不同,那么汉译时要符合汉语习惯增加量词)
  3. 2. 4 增加概括
  例一: These metals have better wearing qualities than aluminium, so they can betterwithstand the wearingeffects of the p istons and ringsmoving up and down in the cylinders. 因为铸铁之类的金属比铝更耐磨,所以它们更经得起活塞和活塞环在气缸内部上下运动的磨损。
  例二: Live axles are attached to the wheel so that both the wheel and the axle rotate together. 断开式车桥与车轮相连,这样轮与桥两者一起转动。
  3. 3 重复译法
  3. 3. 1 重复名词
  例一: In highly loaded engines, additional means of heat removal are necessary, this is accomp lished by a liquid, generally oil. 在那些高负荷发动机中,散热的附加措施是必要的,采用液体,通常采用油来进行散热(此处重复起一定明确表达意思的作用) 。
  例二: The top section of a p iston is called the crown and the lower section the skirt. 活塞的顶端部分称为活塞冠顶,下面部位称为活塞裙(此处重复起一定生动形象作用) 。
  3. 3. 2 重复先行词
  定语从句的翻译方法有两种: 一种把从句译成&&&的&放在中心词前面,一种重复先行词,译成两个句子。汉语不喜用几个定语或较长定语修饰中心词的长句,较喜用短句,即倾向于用后一种翻译方法。
  例一: These materials are not perfect as regards weight and heat transfer ability, but nevertheless arequite satisfactory in slow - speed engines, particularly where the p iston is effectively cooled by a liquid. 这样材料在重量和传热能力方面是不理想的,但尽管如此,它对低速发动机,特别是对那些活塞能得到液体充分冷却的发动机,还是十分合适的。(如译成&特别对那些活塞能得到液体充分冷却的低速发动机&,&发动机&前的定语太长,不符合汉语的表达习惯) 。
  例二: The differential is part of the rear - axle -housing assembly, which includes the differential, rear axles, wheels and bearings. 差速器是后桥壳组成的一个部分,后桥壳组成包括差速器、后桥、车轮和轴承。(同上例,与其译成一个长句,不如译成两个短句,更清楚明白) 。
  3. 4 具体化译法
  例一: Aswith all cooling system service, take measures to p revent personal injury and damage to the system.与所有的冷却系维修情况一样,作泄漏和压力测量时,要防止伤人和损坏系统(&service&原义为&维修&译为具体的&维修情况&) 。
  例二: The measurements were collected the way you did. 这些观测资料是按你曾进行的方式收集的(&measurement&原义为&测量类活动&译为具体的&观测资料&).
  3. 5 转句译法
  3. 5. 1 转名词化结构成动宾式。由于英语是静态的,汉语是动态的,在汽车专业英语英译汉时,我们多采用把名词词组(名词)转换成动宾结构(或动词)的方法。
  例: Electronic fuel injection, like carburetion, is a way of delivering the correct air / fuel mixture to the engine at the correct time under different operating conditions. 电控燃油喷射系统和化油器一样都是在发动机和不同的工况下适时给发动机提供燃油混合气。
  3. 5. 2 转化名词化结构成单独分句。
  例一: The need for large crankp in bearings in highly loaded enginesmakes it difficult to keep the crankp in end small enough to withdraw the rod through the cylinder(which is the rod bearings). 高负荷发动机需要大的曲柄销轴承,这就应该把曲柄销端部造得小些,以便让连杆通过汽缸(连杆轴承) (划线部分是个介词短语做后置定语的名词化结构在这里转化成了分句) 。
  例二: Many more combinations are possible using two or more p lanetary sets connected in various ways toprovide the different forward speeds and reverse that are found in modern automatic transmissions. 两排或三排以上的简单行星齿轮机构进行不同的组合,就形成了现代自动变速器各个前进档和倒档(划线部分是个动名词短语做后置定语的名词化结构在这里转化成了分句)。近年来,我国汽车工业发展迅猛,译者需不断提高汽车专业水平和英语应用能力,探索和掌握各种翻译技巧和手法,努力做到译文为读者服务。英译汉过程中要考虑到汉语的思维模式和语言习惯,尽量避免只忠实、不通顺。因为只忠实、不通顺乃译家之大忌。加之名词化结构被大多数包括汽车专业英语在内的这样的科技性文章大量使用。这也是名词化结构译法的掌握和运用显得非常关键的原因。
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管道 (20253)管路 (19938)曲线 (18648)传输线 (16254)设计 (14820)电线 (12859)边界 (9739)通信线 (9050)基线 (7082)线段 (6238)条线 (6175)生产线 (6117)共线 (4337)金属线 (4224)测线 (4041)流线 (3668)基准线 (3463)面线 (3459)路线 (3312)用户线 (3216)连线 (2997)外形 (2348)线线路 (2128)种类 (2099)行程 (1655)输电线路 (1156)线式 (1051)条纹 (1009)品系 (877)装线 (786)传送带 (768)束线 (649)输送管线 (573)品种 (510)界限 (470)图线 (438)自交系 (404)油管道 (373)大线 (364)限度 (353)作业线 (314)恢复系 (303)线制 (285)赤道 (280)育性 (273)加衬 (243)航线 (229)行列 (204)家系 (199)行业 (198)基因系 (194)排队 (186)翼型 (183)皱纹 (155)线方法 (148)架线 (118)线路工 (107)削线 (91)运行线 (80)排成直线 (72)铁路线 (69)联络线 (55)草图 (49)油线 (46)垫衬 (44)贯线 (43)存货 (40)交通线 (36)衬覆 (35)行当 (33)系群 (32)绳子 (27)灌装线 (26)有衬里的 (19)镶衬 (18)饰线 (18)买卖 (17)掌纹 (13)轮廊 (11)生意 (10)铁丝 (10)线状光斑 (7)主测线 (7)款额 (5)峡谷 (4)纹饰 (4)区位线 (4)纹样 (3)线路选线 (3)运输公司 (3)衬贴 (3)战线 (2)装衬里 (2)培养建系 (1)线条化 (1)
线路 更多 【专利 A 类 (2455) 】【专利 C 类 (1154) 】【专利 E 类 (656) 】【专利 D 类 (256) 】【自然科学 (51) 】【人文社科 (30) 】报错变形: &&【复】1例如,如果软件是使用同轴电缆、光缆、双绞线、数字用户线路(DSL)或者诸如红外、无线和微波之类的无线技术从网站、服务器或其它远程源传输的,那么同轴电缆、光缆、双绞线、DSL或者诸如红外、无线和微波之类的无线技术包括在所述介质的定义中。&For example, if the software is transmitted from a website, server, or other remote source using a coaxial cable, fiber optic cable, twisted pair, digital subscriber line (DSL), or wireless technologies such as infrared, radio, and microwave, then the coaxial cable, fiber optic cable, twisted pair, DSL, or wireless technologies such as infrared, radio, and microwave are included in the definition of medium.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US号线 更多 【专利 F 类 (733) 】【专利 C 类 (153) 】【专利 E 类 (135) 】【专利 D 类 (64) 】【人文社科 (7) 】【自然科学 (6) 】报错变形: &&【复】1有机发光元件10R、10G和10B中的任一个设置为与信号线120A和扫描线130A之间的交叉点相应。&Any one of the organic light emitting elements 10R, 10G, and 10B is provided in correspondence with the cross point between the signal line 120A and the scan line 130A.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US方法 更多 【专利 B 类 (4414) 】【自然科学 (4164) 】【专利 F 类 (2173) 】【专利 E 类 (868) 】【人文社科 (352) 】【专利 D 类 (300) 】报错变形: &&【复】1具体地,图10表示半导体结构100,其包括利用对于图1至9概述和讨论的方法制造的MOSFET器件50、52和54。&In particular, FIG. 10 illustrates a semiconductor structure 100 comprised of semiconductor MOSFET devices 50, 52, and 54 that have been fabricated using the method outlined and discussed herein with respect to FIGS. 1 through 9.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1853260A&&&英文专利号:US6831350管线 更多 【专利 H 类 (2893) 】【专利 A 类 (2557) 】【专利 E 类 (1583) 】【专利 D 类 (338) 】【自然科学 (95) 】【人文社科 (23) 】报错变形: &&【复】1要求在换热器65中使管线31中的高度混合制冷剂冷却至这样的温度,在其从换热器65通入管线32之前全为液态。&The high-level mixed refrigerant in line 31 is desirably cooled in the heat exchanger 65 to a temperature at which it is completely liquid before it passes from heat exchanger 65 into line 32.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1330760A&&&英文专利号:US6250105扫描线 更多 【专利 F 类 (32) 】【专利 C 类 (26) 】【专利 E 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1各色彩的插值确定单元409C、409M、409Y和409K确定在之后的作为输入的N元数据的扫描线转换点前后像素的处理中是否是需要进行插值的像素。&Interpolation determining units 409C, 409M, 409Y, and 409K for the respective colors determine whether or not the pixel requires interpolation later as a process for pixels before and after a scan line changing point in input N-ary data.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US范围 更多 【专利 B 类 (2169) 】【专利 C 类 (1767) 】【专利 F 类 (1649) 】【专利 D 类 (260) 】【专利 E 类 (197) 】【人文社科 (40) 】报错变形: &&【复】1即,通过具有第二电容器C1的驱动电路,能够使信号电流和EL器件驱动电流的动态范围偏移,以使得给予数据线DATA的信号电流Ip比EL器件驱动电流Iel大。&That is, it is possible by the driving circuit having the second capacitor C1 to shift the dynamic ranges of the signal current and the EL device driving current so as to make the signal current Ip given to the data line DATA larger than the EL device driving current Iel.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US管道 更多 【专利 A 类 (1248) 】【专利 H 类 (1066) 】【专利 E 类 (1026) 】【专利 D 类 (254) 】【自然科学 (107) 】【人文社科 (83) 】报错变形: &&【复】1图4是根据本公开的至少一些实施例配置的、沿图1的2-2线得到的气旋光催化管道100的另外一个示例截面透视图的说明。&FIG. 4 is an illustration of a further example cross-sectional perspective view of cyclonic photocatalytic duct 100 taken along line 2-2 of FIG. 1 arranged in accordance with at least some embodiments of the present disclosure.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US管路 更多 【专利 H 类 (1103) 】【专利 G 类 (1048) 】【专利 E 类 (681) 】【专利 D 类 (174) 】【自然科学 (7) 】【人文社科 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1如图1B所示,装置部Y包括端口15和流体流动管路5',该流体流动管路在接合部P直接地连接到室3。&As shown in FIG. 1B, device portion Y comprises port 15 and fluid flow line 5′&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US曲线 更多 【专利 F 类 (2076) 】【专利 C 类 (796) 】【自然科学 (704) 】【专利 E 类 (365) 】【专利 D 类 (161) 】【人文社科 (13) 】报错变形: &&【复】1结果证明:电光晶体调制函数曲线平移法是一种有效制做非线性晶体半波电压V_n的光学方法.&The result proved that the paralling method of modulation function curve of electron-optical crystal is an effective optical method of making half-wave voltage (Vπ) of nonlineral crystal.&来源:学术文献传输线 更多 【专利 F 类 (318) 】【专利 E 类 (78) 】【专利 C 类 (69) 】【自然科学 (32) 】【专利 D 类 (4) 】报错变形: &&【复】1在一实施例中,传输线115的长度120约为500μm,传输线135的长度140约为1000μm。 传输线135的寄生效应可以使用本征传输参数表示,并可以使用ABCD矩阵[M_2L]表示。&In an embodiment where the length 120 of the transmission lines 115 is about 500 um, the length 140 of the transmissions 135 is about 1000 um Parasitic contributions of the transmission line 135 may be expressed in terms of intrinsic transmission parameters and may be represented by an ABCD matrix [M—21].&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US设计 更多 【专利 A 类 (909) 】【专利 C 类 (757) 】【专利 E 类 (674) 】【自然科学 (461) 】【人文社科 (197) 】【专利 D 类 (144) 】报错变形: &&【复】12.根据权利要求1所述的设备,其中,该设备所设计用于的所述容器(2)均包括由两个相对侧壁和一底壁限定的隔间,所述侧壁在其顶部结合以形成沿直线延伸的上侧(5),并且其中,所述容器(2)沿所述第一方向(P1)的定向意味着所述容器(2)的所述上侧(5)被设置成基本平行于所述第一方向。&2. A device according to claim 1, wherein the containers each comprise a compartment which is defined by two opposite side walls and a bottom wall, said side walls being joined at a top portion thereof for forming an upper side extending along a line and wherein the orientation of the containers in said first direction so that the upper sides of the containers are arranged substantially parallel to said first direction.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US电线 更多 【专利 A 类 (362) 】【专利 E 类 (161) 】【专利 C 类 (100) 】【专利 D 类 (43) 】【自然科学 (24) 】【人文社科 (5) 】报错变形: &&【复】1根据本申请的一个方面,该设备包括用于使电蓄能器与所述设备电连接的接触元件、用于连接电机与电机控制装置的第一电线和用于连接接触元件与电机控制装置的第二电线,其中,第一电线长于第二电线。&According to one aspect of the application, the device comprises a contact element for the electrical connection of an electrical-energy storage device to the device, a first electrical line for connecting the electrical motor to the motor control mechanism, and a second electrical line for connecting the contact element to the motor control mechanism, wherein the first electrical line is longer than the second electrical line.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US边界 更多 【专利 F 类 (591) 】【自然科学 (473) 】【专利 C 类 (176) 】【专利 E 类 (144) 】【专利 D 类 (24) 】【人文社科 (6) 】报错变形: &&【复】1线468表示外壳414的边界,其可以是下一抽屉或两个相邻抽屉间的分隔壁470。&line 468 indicates a boundary of the housing 414, which can be either the next drawer or a horizontal separation wall 470 between two adjacent drawers.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US通信线 更多 【专利 A 类 (213) 】【专利 E 类 (80) 】【专利 C 类 (21) 】【专利 D 类 (13) 】【人文社科 (1) 】【自然科学 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1在使用过程中,管道110可以预先组装有一个或多个通信线路。&In use, the duct 110 can be pre-populated with one or more communications lines.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US基线 更多 【专利 F 类 (445) 】【专利 B 类 (351) 】【自然科学 (175) 】【专利 E 类 (71) 】【人文社科 (22) 】【专利 D 类 (9) 】报错变形: &&【复】1第一算法(称为算法1)基于单基线精确定位。&A first algorithm, referred to as Algorithm 1, is based on a single baseline precision positioning.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US线段 更多 【专利 F 类 (421) 】【专利 E 类 (65) 】【专利 D 类 (60) 】【专利 C 类 (59) 】【自然科学 (22) 】【人文社科 (4) 】报错变形: &&【复】1如图4A和图5A所示,在低电位表面28平行于衬底1的表面的情况下,在电子发射位置24处的等势线22几乎平行于线段AB作为其法线的虚平面。&As illustrated in FIG. 4A and FIG. 5A, in a case that the low-potential surface 28 is parallel to the surface of the substrate 1, the equipotential line 22 at the electron emission position 24 is nearly parallel to the virtual plane to which the line segment AB serves as the normal line.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US条线 更多 【专利 F 类 (262) 】【专利 C 类 (92) 】【专利 E 类 (52) 】【专利 D 类 (52) 】【自然科学 (13) 】【人文社科 (2) 】报错变形: &&【复】1更特别地,表面22传送被排列成一条线的开启设备3,其中每个被设置成使其各自的盖子7接触表面22并且各个突起9是自由的。&More specifically, surface 22 conveys opening devices 3 arranged in a line, and each positioned with respective cap 7 contacting surface 22, and with respective projection 9 free.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US生产线 更多 【专利 A 类 (455) 】【专利 D 类 (246) 】【专利 F 类 (214) 】【专利 E 类 (80) 】【人文社科 (51) 】【自然科学 (17) 】报错变形: &&【复】1首先参照图1和图2,硫化线10被示作一体化轮胎生产线的一部分。&Referring initially to FIGS. 1 and 2, a curing line 10 is shown as part of an integrated tire manufacturing line.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US共线 更多 【专利 F 类 (217) 】【自然科学 (105) 】【专利 E 类 (47) 】【专利 C 类 (20) 】【人文社科 (16) 】【专利 D 类 (13) 】报错变形: &&【复】1在并不存在在至少三个非共线的点处接触所述交界面并且使所述基体位于所述平面的仅一侧上的平面的情况下,所述倾斜平面为切平面,所述切平面合并了沿着所述外周表面的具有最大的纵向外周厚度的点。&where there is no plane that contacts the interface at least at three non-collinear points and also has substrate located on only one side of the plane, the slope plane is the tangent plane that incorporates a point along the peripheral surface having the greatest longitudinal peripheral thickness.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US金属线 更多 【专利 C 类 (34) 】【专利 A 类 (29) 】【自然科学 (6) 】【专利 D 类 (3) 】【专利 E 类 (3) 】报错变形: &&【复】1如上所述,可以通过重复用于形成金属线和通孔的工艺,继续形成金属线M2、M3、M4等的其他层和通孔层V2、V3等。&Further levels of metal lines M2, M3, M4, etc and via levels V2, V3, etc. could proceed as discussed above by repeating the process for formation of metal lines and vias.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US测线 更多 【专利 F 类 (59) 】【自然科学 (35) 】【专利 E 类 (15) 】【专利 C 类 (11) 】【人文社科 (3) 】【专利 D 类 (2) 】报错变形: &&【复】1在产生失效检测信号FDS之前,检测线DL的电压电平可对应于地电平。&A voltage level of the detecting line DL may correspond to a ground level before a fail detecting signal FDS is generated.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US流线 更多 【专利 C 类 (252) 】【专利 A 类 (124) 】【专利 E 类 (89) 】【自然科学 (45) 】【专利 D 类 (13) 】报错变形: &&【复】1设置旋转控制装置24(RCD)以密封环部20的顶部,并且设置流量滑阀以将环部20中的泥浆引入回流线路26。&A rotating control device 24 (RCD) is provided to seal the top of the annulus 20, and a flow spool is provided to direct mud in the annulus 20 to a return line 26.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US基准线 更多 【专利 F 类 (211) 】【专利 E 类 (125) 】【专利 C 类 (30) 】【专利 D 类 (6) 】【人文社科 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1然而,在该实施例中,横向基准线914大致与膜的横向(TD)相符合,并还与纵向轴线916垂直。&In this embodiment, however, the transverse reference line 914 is generally coincident to the transverse direction (TD) of the film and is perpendicular the longitudinal axis 916 as well.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US面线 更多 【专利 F 类 (425) 】【专利 E 类 (104) 】【专利 D 类 (65) 】【专利 C 类 (41) 】【自然科学 (13) 】报错变形: &&【复】1Japanese PatentApplication Laid-Open(日文专利申请平开)No. (US A1)披露通过压制处理形成的面线。&Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No.
(USA1) discloses face lines formed by the press processing.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US路线 更多 【专利 C 类 (134) 】【专利 A 类 (121) 】【人文社科 (66) 】【专利 E 类 (44) 】【专利 D 类 (25) 】【自然科学 (18) 】报错变形: &&【复】1在此条件下,为了使条带状元件粘贴到环面支撑件3上,要将环面支撑件在空间中沿着三维路线进行移动,从而使得支撑件3外表面3a上标出的预定铺贴轨迹与条带状元件5的中线相重合,该操作仍然是借助于机械臂7来完成的。&At this point, to make the strip-like element adhere to the toroidal support 3, the latter goes on being moved in space, still by means of the robotized arm 7, according to a three-dimension path so as to cause the predetermined laying trajectory identified on the outer surface 3a itself of support 3, to be coincident with the median line of the strip-like element 5.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US用户线 更多 【专利 C 类 (3) 】【专利 F 类 (2) 】【人文社科 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1日公开的美国专利系列号4317962(Cox等人)公开了用于为可扩展数量的用户提供服务的数字交换市话或中心局的固态模块化分布式控制,其中用户线路和中继线通过至组交换机的标准化硬件接口通信。&U.S. Pat. Ser. No. 4,317,962 (Cox et al.), issued on Mar. 2, 1982, discloses a solid state modular distributed control for a digitally switched local or central office that services an expandable number of subscribers in which subscriber lines and trunks communicate through a standardized hardware interface to a group switch.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1232595A&&&英文专利号:US5805690连线 更多 【专利 F 类 (133) 】【专利 C 类 (73) 】【专利 E 类 (35) 】【自然科学 (25) 】【专利 D 类 (13) 】【人文社科 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1即在如图15所示的翅片20中,每个面对着S形内侧的倒V字形锥体部分20g都设在翅片20的短下沿部分上的凸起15f和缺口15d之间的连线上。&Namely, in a fin 20, as shown in FIG. 15, inverted v-shaped concave sections 20g each facing the inside of the S-shaped form are provided on a line drawn between the projection 15f and the notch 15d in the lower shorter edge section of the fin 20.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1105120A&&&英文专利号:US5761811外形 更多 【专利 A 类 (229) 】【专利 C 类 (38) 】【专利 E 类 (35) 】【专利 D 类 (24) 】【自然科学 (6) 】报错变形: &&【复】1绝缘单元槽口40h的外形形成为与外壳槽口12h的外形匹配。&The outline of the insulating unit notch 40h is formed to match the outline of the case notch 12h.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US线线路 更多 【专利 A 类 (24) 】【专利 E 类 (4) 】【专利 C 类 (2) 】【专利 D 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1有线线路网络,即,PSTN的某些类型通常不提供指示呼叫完成的信号。&Some types of wireline networks, i.e., PSTNs do not currently provide a signal indicative of call completion.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1352852A&&&英文专利号:US6370382种类 更多 【专利 C 类 (156) 】【专利 F 类 (105) 】【自然科学 (36) 】【专利 E 类 (26) 】【专利 D 类 (19) 】【人文社科 (4) 】报错变形: &&【复】1这种类型的方案的潜在缺陷是光源产生的光的损失超过70%,并且由于彩色滤波器的吸收以及每个子像素的TFT 212和行线204以及列线202占用了阻碍区域,所以显示器的亮度受限。&One potential drawback of this type of mechanism is that up to 70% of light being generating by the light source may be lost and the brightness of the display may be limited due to absorption in the color filters and blocking areas occupied by the TFTs 212 and row 204 and column 202 lines for every sub-pixel.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US行程 更多 【专利 A 类 (78) 】【专利 E 类 (66) 】【专利 D 类 (19) 】【专利 C 类 (9) 】【自然科学 (2) 】报错变形: &&【复】1由于这个原因,当活塞4在随后的下降行程期间关闭入口24时,之前经加速的流体混合物被活塞4所阻塞(如附图2所示)并且,由于惯性的原因,产生从发动机1沿进气管线70朝向空气滤清器71的空气/燃料混合物的反向流以及反向压力波。&For this reason, when during the subsequent down stroke the piston 4 closes the inlet 24, the fluid mixture previously accelerated is blocked by the piston 4 (see FIG. 2) and, as a consequence of inertia, generates a reverse pressure wave and a inverse flow of the air/fuel mixture down the intake line 70 from the engine 1 towards the air filter 71.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US输电线路 更多 【专利 D 类 (8) 】【专利 A 类 (8) 】【自然科学 (6) 】【专利 F 类 (2) 】【专利 C 类 (2) 】【人文社科 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1西藏段35kV输电线路由于长距离输电而造成电压波动过大,并存在谐波、过电压、电压闪变等问题,其中电压波动大、过电压问题影响较为严重。&The voltage of 35 kV Transmission line on Tibet segment fluctuate greatly due to long distance,and at the same time,harmonic,overvoltage and voltage flicker also happen,and among which voltage fluctuation and overvoltage have a great influence on its normal operation.&来源:学术文献线式 更多 【专利 F 类 (82) 】【专利 C 类 (30) 】【专利 E 类 (23) 】【自然科学 (22) 】【专利 D 类 (4) 】【人文社科 (2) 】报错变形: &&【复】1浅槽163和与其相邻的直线式导向凸起部分165的斜面形成一连续斜面,而这些连续斜面整体上又形成根据条状。&The slopes of the shallow groove 163 and the linear guide convex portion 165 adjacent to each other are formed as a continuous slope, and the respective continuous slopes form a saw-blade-like shape as a whole.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1159522A&&&英文专利号:US5989425条纹 更多 【专利 C 类 (27) 】【专利 F 类 (17) 】【自然科学 (16) 】【专利 D 类 (4) 】【专利 E 类 (3) 】报错变形: &&【复】1但是,在未充分进行向面状的光的转换的情况下,会产生沿着光源的排列的条纹状的灯影像,使液晶显示装置的显示质量劣化。&However, when the line light is not sufficiently converted into the planar lights, a linear lamp image is generated along arrangement of the light sources, which deteriorates display quality of the liquid crystal display device.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US品系 更多 【专利 H 类 (5) 】【专利 B 类 (5) 】【专利 D 类 (2) 】报错变形: &&【复】11. 利用大白菜离体叶片扦插方法,结合多年青岛农科院研究人员的田间观察对大量的大白菜品种进行广泛筛选,得到了抗病品系F1-6-5-2-2-2-3 和感病品系P14-2-1-15。 分别将其作为父母本,杂交授粉获得了F2群体。&1. Through the comprehensive selection in many lines by the detached leaves inserting into detection solution method and combination with the phenotypic trait in field observed by the Qsingtao Agricultural Science Research Academy, we acquired the resistant line F1-6-5-2-2-2-3 and the susceptible line P14-2-1-15.And the F2 population were derived from the parents.&来源:学术文献装线 更多 【专利 F 类 (32) 】【专利 C 类 (16) 】【专利 E 类 (12) 】【专利 D 类 (9) 】【人文社科 (5) 】【自然科学 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】119.如权利要求18所述的集成电路视频编解码器,其中计算对象被输入到组装线式处理元件系列中的第一处理元件,被所述第一处理元件在第一高级计算步骤中操作,并且从所述第一处理元件输出到所述组装线式处理元件系列中的下一处理元件,以供所述下一处理元件在下一高级处理步骤中进行操作。&19. The integrated-circuit video codec of claim 18 wherein a computational object is input to a first processing element in an assembly-line-like series of processing elements, operated on by the first processing element in a first high-level computational step, and output from the first processing element to a next processing element in the assembly-line-like series of processing elements for operation on by the next processing element in a next high-level processing step.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US传送带 更多 【专利 D 类 (40) 】【专利 C 类 (18) 】【专利 F 类 (18) 】【专利 E 类 (7) 】报错变形: &&【复】1一旦所述瓶子12通过所述传送带21到达所述提取头15下的指定位置,所述线性传动装置16被激活,以确定所述提取头15和相应瓶子12的喷嘴11a的线性靠近移动。&Once the bottles 12 have reached the desired position under the extraction heads 15 by means of the conveyor belt 21, the linear actuator 16 is activated to determine a linear approach movement of the extraction heads 15 and the spouts 11a of the relative bottles 12.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US束线 更多 【专利 F 类 (38) 】【专利 A 类 (38) 】【专利 C 类 (20) 】【专利 E 类 (4) 】【专利 D 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1射束线室107把离子发生器、加速器区域及工件处理区域围起来。&A beamline chamber 107 encloses the ionizer and accelerator regions and the workpiece processing regions.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US输送管线 更多 【专利 G 类 (25) 】【专利 E 类 (17) 】【专利 H 类 (16) 】【专利 A 类 (8) 】报错变形: &&【复】1比例阀12具有一个与输送管线段13a连接的入口16,以及一个与输送管线段13b连接的出口17,而输送管线段13b又与刹车油缸装置15相连。&Proportional valve 12 has an inlet 16 connected to delivery line segment 13a and an outlet 17 connected to delivery line segment 13b, which is in turn connected to brake cylinder device 15.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US4583790品种 更多 【专利 B 类 (10) 】【专利 D 类 (5) 】【专利 H 类 (2) 】【专利 E 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】12.对26个品种的恢复性进行聚类,结果在2.0水平左右聚为三类,第一类品种大部分呈现半恢复性,第二类品种的恢复度均在高可育(51-80%)范围内,第三类品种除部分表现不同外,其余品种对这8个不育系均表现出高不育或完全的保持性。&2. Clustering result for the average restoration of 26 varieties, it could be divided into three groups at the level of 2.0. In the first group, most varieties were half-restoring to the male sterile lines;&来源:学术文献界限 更多 【专利 A 类 (48) 】【自然科学 (16) 】【专利 C 类 (15) 】【专利 E 类 (12) 】【人文社科 (2) 】【专利 D 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1工序质量控制界限的确定准则&Princinles for Determining Process Quality Control line&来源:学术文献图线 更多 【专利 F 类 (13) 】【专利 C 类 (12) 】【自然科学 (11) 】【专利 D 类 (3) 】【专利 E 类 (3) 】报错变形: &&【复】1对图线存储设备28和34有一公共的读出控制装置45。&A shared read controller 45 for the picture line memory means 28 and 34 is also provided.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US4729037自交系报错变形: &&【复】1以98个家系组成的Nipponbare/Kasalath//Nipponbare回交重组自交系及其亲本为遗传材料,利用不同方式GA3处理幼苗以及复合区间作图法,研究了苗高和叶鞘长度对外源GA3处理的敏感性及控制GA3反应指数的数量性状位点(QTL).&A mapping population with 98 backcross inbred lines(BC1F12),derived from a backcross of Nipponbare(ssp.japonica)/Kasalath(ssp.indica)//Nipponbare by the single seed descent methods,was employed to study different disposal of GA3 in inducing seedling growing and leaf sheath elongating and to map quantitative trait loci(QTL) of GA3 responsive index by composite interval mapping method in this research.&来源:学术文献油管道 更多 【人文社科 (17) 】【专利 E 类 (16) 】【专利 A 类 (5) 】【自然科学 (5) 】【专利 H 类 (4) 】报错变形: &&【复】1输油管道泄漏实时检测定位系统的研究与应用&Study and Application of Oil Pipeline Leak Detection and Positioning Real Time System&来源:学术文献大线 更多 【自然科学 (13) 】【专利 A 类 (12) 】【专利 C 类 (6) 】【专利 E 类 (2) 】【人文社科 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1双环前馈放大器10的第二个环取得放大了的失真信号,并将它耦合回主放大线14。&The second loop of the dual loop feed forward amplifier 10 takes the amplified distortion signal and couples it back up to the main amplification line 14.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1195226A&&&英文专利号:US5929701限度 更多 【专利 A 类 (32) 】【专利 C 类 (21) 】【专利 E 类 (10) 】【专利 D 类 (2) 】【自然科学 (2) 】报错变形: &&【复】1这些在误差限度内可重现的主要峰的存在,用于大部分的足够确认所述结晶盐存在的情况。&The presence of these main peaks, reproducible and within the error limit, is for most circumstances sufficient to establish the presence of said crystalline salt.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US作业线 更多 【专利 C 类 (17) 】【专利 G 类 (11) 】【专利 A 类 (10) 】【专利 F 类 (7) 】【人文社科 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1在纯化14中处理A/D阶段的洗涤器滤液13,由此经由作业线15将它排至用于产生滤液的氧阶段洗涤器,其还经由作业线16排至粗浆处理。&The washer filtrate 13 of the A/D stage is treated in purification 14, wherefrom it is taken via line 15 to an oxygen stage washer for generating filtrate, which is taken via line 16 further to brown stock treatment.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US恢复系 更多 【专利 G 类 (2) 】报错变形: &&【复】1水稻恢复系选育的轮回选择法及其应用效果的研究&Study on Method and Application Effect of Recurrent Selection in Rice Restorer line Breeding&来源:学术文献线制 更多 【专利 A 类 (18) 】【专利 C 类 (12) 】【专利 D 类 (9) 】【专利 E 类 (3) 】【人文社科 (3) 】报错变形: &&【复】1迹线14可由金属或其它导电材料细线制成。&Tracks 14 may be made of fine lines of metal or other conductive material.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNU&&&英文专利号:US赤道 更多 【专利 A 类 (10) 】【专利 F 类 (5) 】【专利 D 类 (2) 】【专利 C 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1此外,内侧深槽251及外侧深槽252设置成以轮胎赤道线CL(槽内中心线DCL)为基准线对称。&The inner deep groove 251 and the outer deep groove 252 are provided to be line symmetric to each other with respect to the tire equator line CL (groove center line DCL).&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US育性报错变形: &&【复】1温光敏细胞核雄性不育小麦C49S的育性及其适应性分析&Analysis of the Fertility and It's Adaptability of Thermo-photo-sensitive Genic Male Sterile Wheat line C49S&来源:学术文献加衬 更多 【专利 C 类 (27) 】【专利 G 类 (13) 】【专利 A 类 (7) 】报错变形: &&【复】1开口103可加衬有一个或多个层的SiN、氧化物、聚合物等。&The openings 103 may be lined with one or more layers of SiN, an oxide, a polymer, or the like.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US7687311航线 更多 【专利 B 类 (20) 】【自然科学 (5) 】【专利 E 类 (2) 】【专利 A 类 (1) 】【专利 C 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1航空公司航线市场份额研究&Study on Market Share in Terms of Airline's Air Routes&来源:学术文献行列 更多 【专利 F 类 (9) 】【专利 A 类 (8) 】【专利 C 类 (4) 】【专利 E 类 (2) 】【专利 D 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1图3为示出下部加热行列的反应器沿图1中3-3线的平面切开的剖视图;&FIG. 3 is a section of the reactor taken in the plane of line 3--3 of FIG. 1, showing a&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1258324A&&&英文专利号:US5792273家系 更多 【专利 F 类 (7) 】【专利 B 类 (6) 】【专利 E 类 (5) 】【专利 C 类 (4) 】报错变形: &&【复】1采煤机在线故障诊断与预报专家系统&Mining-machine on-line fault diagnoses and prediction expert system&来源:学术文献行业 更多 【专利 F 类 (17) 】【专利 B 类 (14) 】【专利 E 类 (8) 】【自然科学 (7) 】【专利 A 类 (4) 】【专利 D 类 (4) 】报错变形: &&【复】1在宏观环境分析(PEST分析)、行业竞争压力分析(波特五因素模型)的基础上,进行机会、威胁(OT)综合分析;&line of business competition pressure analysis ( Porter's model) and opportunities,&来源:学术文献基因系报错变形: &&【复】1本文以陆地棉铃重近等基因系为材料 (大铃≥ 5.4g,小铃≤ 1 .7g) ,构建大小铃两个近等基因池。&Gossypium hirsutum near isogenic lines (NIL) for boll weight were applied in this experiment(large boll weight≥ 5.4g, small boll weight≤1.7g).&来源:学术文献排队 更多 【人文社科 (2) 】【专利 A 类 (1) 】【专利 E 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1电子出口边缘路由器布局2000包括多个光纤延迟线(FDL)545、多个脉冲串接收器2005、多个脉冲串标头包接收器2010、多个脉冲串分解器2015、多个IP传送器2020、多个排队管理/排定块2025、一个接线器1415、以及多个传承接口2030。&The electronic egress edge router architecture 2000 includes multiple fiber delay lines (FDLs) 545, multiple burst receivers 2005, multiple burst header packet receivers 2010, multiple burst disassemblers 2015, multiple IP forwarders 2020, multiple queue management/scheduling blocks 2025, a switch 1415, and multiple legacy interfaces 2030.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1296346A&&&英文专利号:US6721315翼型 更多 【专利 H 类 (2) 】【自然科学 (2) 】【专利 A 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1此重叠通常是指,涡轮叶片如果对齐成当它们安装在常规涡轮发动机的转子轮中时可能地样子,由于嵌套的翼型件之间的干涉,则涡轮叶片不可通过其中一个叶片的轴向或线性运动来分离,即,翼型件会以此方式进行接触并阻止分离。&This overlap generally means that the turbine blades, if aligned as they might be when installed in a rotor wheel of a conventional turbine engine, cannot be separated with an axial or a linear movement of one of the blades because of the interference between the nested airfoils, i.e., the airfoils would make contact and prevent separation in this manner.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US皱纹 更多 【专利 H 类 (2) 】【自然科学 (1) 】【专利 D 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1在自然和/或光化性老化过程中,表皮也经历了许多改变和降解,这反映为随着老化,出现微纹损伤,皮肤的屏障功能受损,出现皱纹和细纹,皮肤机械性质的损失、特别是皮肤缺少弹性,以及肤色失去光泽。&During chronological and/or actinic ageing, the epidermis also undergoes many changes and degradations that are reflected, with age, by an impairment in the microrelief, impairment in the barrier function of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, an impairment in the mechanical properties of the skin, especially lack of elasticity of the skin, and loss of radiance of the complexion.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US线方法 更多 【专利 C 类 (9) 】【专利 B 类 (7) 】【专利 A 类 (6) 】【专利 E 类 (3) 】【人文社科 (2) 】【专利 D 类 (2) 】报错变形: &&【复】1基于小波变换和LMS自适应滤波器的单相接地选线方法&SELECTION OF SINGLE-PHASE TO GROUND FAULT line BASED ON WAVELET TRANSFORM AND LMS ADAPTIVE FILTER&来源:学术文献架线 更多 【专利 E 类 (4) 】【自然科学 (3) 】【专利 C 类 (3) 】【专利 A 类 (2) 】【专利 D 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1JJK14-6/550型交流窄轨架线式电机车&Type JJK14-6/550AC narrowgauged overhead line electric locomotive&来源:学术文献线路工 更多 【人文社科 (5) 】【专利 F 类 (5) 】【专利 B 类 (4) 】【专利 C 类 (3) 】【专利 A 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1因此,通过连接器150的中间部段182的简单视觉指示,技术人员或线路工人能确定这两个连接器是否适当地配合。&Thus, via simple visual inspection of the middle section 182 of the connector 150, a technician or lineman may determine whether the connectors are properly engaged.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US削线 更多 【专利 A 类 (3) 】【专利 F 类 (2) 】【专利 C 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1功率半导体装置1010的分离沿着正交的切削线(以下,也称作位置线(scribe line))1020x以及1020y来进行。&The power semiconductor devices 1010 are separated from one another along orthogonal cutting lines (hereinafter also referred to as scribe lines) 1020x and 1020y.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US运行线 更多 【专利 A 类 (1) 】【专利 E 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1同时,第二液压蓄能器22被阀块23连接到第一运行线路10。&Simultaneously, the second hydraulic accumulator 22 is connected to the first work line 10 by the valve block.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US排成直线 更多 【专利 A 类 (7) 】【专利 E 类 (5) 】【专利 C 类 (4) 】【专利 D 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1图58中,每个加热板(元件基板)701有128个按密度360dpi排成直线的电热转换元件(发热元件)702。&In FIG. 58, each of the heater board (element substrate) 701 has 128 electrothermal transducer elements 702 (heat generating elements) arranged in a line at the density of 360DPI.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1172012A&&&英文专利号:US6252616铁路线 更多 【专利 A 类 (3) 】【专利 F 类 (2) 】【自然科学 (2) 】【专利 E 类 (2) 】报错变形: &&【复】1铁路线路计算机辅助设计系统的设计与实现&The Design and Implementation of Computer-Aided Design System to Railway line&来源:学术文献联络线 更多 【专利 C 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1河北南网220kV网间联络线的安全稳定控制&Safety and Stability Control System for 220kV Inter-network Tie-line in Southern Hebei Electric System&来源:学术文献草图 更多 【专利 E 类 (3) 】【专利 A 类 (2) 】【专利 C 类 (1) 】【人文社科 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1特征和结构信息对草图人脸识别的影响&The Roles of Feature and Structural Information in the Edge-based line Face Recognition&来源:学术文献油线 更多 【专利 H 类 (4) 】【专利 G 类 (2) 】报错变形: &&【复】1在该马达10处于水平定位时,油槽充油线36与甲板12平行。&When the motor 10 is oriented horizontally the sump oil fill line 36 is parallel with the deck 12.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US垫衬 更多 【专利 F 类 (1) 】【专利 D 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1在可选择的实施例中,栅衬垫衬里824可以完全省略。&In alternate embodiments, the gate spacer liner 824 may be omitted entirely.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US贯线 更多 【专利 E 类 (1) 】【专利 H 类 (1) 】【专利 A 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1在按照图1上的相贯线VI-VI剖切的运输和存储容器10的剖视图中,图6示出当运输和存储容器10不均匀地放置在底层地板上时,由于运输和存储容器10相对于地板倾斜可能遇到的某种负载的例子。&In a sectional view of the transport and storage container 10 according to intersecting line VI-VI on FIG. 1, FIG. 6 presents an example for a load of the kind that can be encountered when the transport and storage container 10 is placed unevenly on a subfloor because the transport and storage container 10 is tilted relative to the floor.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US存货 更多 【人文社科 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1随后,存货承载件10沿竖直方向V被送到指定的存放空间103的高度,最后借助运输单元108沿水平方向被推入存放空间103(参见在图9中用虚线表示的存货承载件10的上部位置)。&Subsequently, storage product carrier 10 is transported along the vertical direction V to the height of an assigned storage space 103 and finally pushed in the horizontal direction into the storage space 103 by means of transport unit 108 (see the upper position of storage product carrier 10 indicated by a dashed line in FIG. 9).&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US交通线 更多 【专利 E 类 (1) 】【自然科学 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1至少一个公共交通线路(R,M)网络,其具有沿途站(S)以及在线路交点的换乘站(C);&at least one network of public transit lines (R,M) with station stops (5) and transfer stations (C) at the crossing of lines;&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US衬覆 更多 【专利 A 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1图12A和12B分别是本发明另一实施例的适用于在建造期间衬覆墙体单元的墙体衬覆设备400的等角视图和侧面俯视图。&FIGS. 12A and 12B respectively depict isometric and side plan views of a wall-lining apparatus 400 suitable for use to line wall segments during fabrication according to another embodiment of the invention.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US行当报错变形: &&【复】1在这种处理正进行当中,在发生了共同电位VCOM的极性反转的情况下(图12的步骤S504:“是”),在该时刻正在进行的1条扫描线的图像读出处理被中断(图12的步骤S507)。&When the inversion of the polarity of the common electric potential VCOM occurs in the middle of such a process (Step S504 shown in FIG. 12; YES), the image reading-out process for one line that is actually performed at that time point is stopped (Step S507 shown in FIG. 12).&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US系群报错变形: &&【复】11、对育成的约2200个株系的导入系群体经目测选择长粒株系,测量粒长、粒宽,发现有667个株系的粒长超过7.0mm,粒长最大可达10.6mm,平均8.4mm,粒宽变幅为2.0—3.8mm,长宽比变幅为2.3—4.3,粒型变化明显。&1. Grain length and width were measure for the lines with longer grains from total 2500 ILs, selected by optimal observation. There were 667 ILs with grain length more than 7.0mm, a mean value of 8.4mm and maximum value of 10.6mm. The grain width (GW) varied from 2.0mm to 3.8mm.&来源:学术文献绳子 更多 【专利 F 类 (1) 】【专利 D 类 (1) 】【专利 E 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1在此实施例中,细长物件联接件30b用弹性材料形成,与绳子100分开形成,使得用于插入绳子100的各个适配件31b、32b中的开口部分38首行构成如图17的双点画线所示的一个侧面部分。&In this embodiment, the elongate article coupler 30b is formed with a plastic material separately of the cord 100 in such a state that opening parts 38 for permitting insertion therethrough of the cord 100 may be formed at first in one lateral part of each of fitting parts 31b, 32b as shown by an alternate dash and double-dot line in FIG. 17.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1140041A&&&英文专利号:US5689860灌装线报错变形: &&【复】1从DE 10
A2分别还已知在通过灌装线的输送过程中的操纵容器的方法。&From DE 10
A2, respectively, methods of handling containers during the transport through filling lines are also known.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US有衬里的报错变形: &&【复】1必须用有衬里的反应器,以便消除由于催化剂的磺酸官能基和金属反应而使催化剂活性减低的潜力。&A lined reactor was necessary to eliminate the potential for the catalyst to be deactivated by the reaction of the catalyst's sulfonic acid functionality with a metal.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1204349A&&&英文专利号:US5962727镶衬 更多 【专利 B 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1在一个实施例中,绝缘物23镶衬在真空室15的内壁上,而供应水的腔室冷却套(未示出)环绕着它。&In one embodiment, insulation 23 lines the inner wall of vacuum chamber 15 and a chamber cooling jacket (not shown) fed with water surrounds it.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1272147A&&&英文专利号:US5882402饰线报错变形: &&【复】1另外,在前身大片2a和后身大片2b的接合部19形成由规定数目的线圈纵行构成的装饰线20。&Formed in the joint portion 19 of the front and back bodies 2a, 2b are fashion lines 20 formed by a specified number of wale.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1316028A&&&英文专利号:US6286340买卖报错变形: &&【复】1广告交换是由在线广告网、代理、广告客户和买卖在线广告展示的其它人使用的技术平台。&Advertisement exchanges are technology platforms used by online advertising networks, agencies, advertisers, and others for buying and selling online advertisement impressions.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US掌纹报错变形: &&【复】1此外,交叉点35如上所述是手腕一侧的生命线32和掌纹印的手腕一侧的直线30b的交叉点。&As described above, at the interunit 35, the lifeline 32 on the wrist side meets the lower horizontal line 30b on the wrist side of the palm imprint.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1223416A&&&英文专利号:US6370263轮廊 更多 【专利 A 类 (1) 】【专利 B 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】112.00-20 18PR大轮廊载重斜交轮胎的优化设计&Optimize design of 12.00-20 18PR large outline lorry cross - ple tyre&来源:学术文献生意 更多 【专利 G 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1换句话说,在本发明中,当从与加热元件相距7m的光源发出的光穿过加热元件时,事实上,干涉图案在光源的圆周方向上基本不产生意味着,在穿过加热元件的光的强度大于或等于25的光的图像的周围方向上不存在哑铃形或直线形。&In other words, in the present invention, when light emitted from a light source that is 7 m apart from the heating element passes through the heating element, the fact that the interference pattern is not substantially generated in a circumference direction of the light source means that the dumbbell shape or the straight line shape is not present in a circumference direction of the image of light having the intensity of 25 or more in light passing through the heating element.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US铁丝报错变形: &&【复】1为了探讨金属纤维增强铝合金复合材料用做电力机车触线的实用性,本文研究了铁丝/Al—Sn—Cu—Ni、铜丝/Al—Si—Cu 和不锈钢丝/Al—Sn—Cu—Ni 复合材料的强度及界面上的元素分布。&The tensile strength of the composites and elemental distribution at the interface in the com- posites,iron fibre/Al-Sn-Cu-Ni,copper fibre/Al-Si-Cu and stainless steel fibre/Al-Sn-Cu-Ni are stud- ied in order to inquire into the practicality of using metal fibre reinforced aluminum alloy compos- ites as lines of contact of the electric train.&来源:学术文献线状光斑报错变形: &&【复】1图6是表示由构成图2所示高度位置检测装置的圆锥反射镜所反射的线状光斑的位置根据环状光斑的直径大小而变化的状态的说明图。&FIG. 6 illustrates the condition where the position of the linear-shaped spot of the laser light reflected by the conical mirror constituting the height position detector shown in FIG. 2 is changed according to the size&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US主测线报错变形: &&【复】1例如,一个压力梯度传感器56可以获取指示在特定点相对于联络线方向压力波场的部分衍生物的地震数据,而另一个压力梯度传感器可以获取指示在特定点相对于主测线方向的压力数据的地震数据。&For example, one of the pressure gradient sensors 56 may acquire seismic data indicative of, at a particular point, the partial derivative of the pressure wavefield with respect to the crossline direction, and another one of the pressure gradient sensors may acquire, at a particular point, seismic data indicative of the pressure data with respect to the inline direction.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US款额报错变形: &&【复】1服务器3若从初始处理转移到未处理案件处理,则从数据库33读出该未处理案件信息(s31),并使用语音应答功能31对移动电话1送出请求输入用于表示对于所述逆汇款请求的汇款承诺的意向的确认信息的语音向导,其中该语音向导至少包括与进行了与该未处理案件信息对应的请求的固定电话2的电话号码相对应而在数据库33中注册的与收款侧的利用者有关的信息和与交易金额(出款额)有关的信息(s32),并且经由语音应答功能31等待来自移动电话1的语音输入或键输入(s33)。&When moving on to the unprocessed case process from the initial process, the server 3 reads out the unprocessed case information from the database 33 (s31) and sends out voice guidance, which requests an input of confirmation information indicating an intention to accept remittance to the reverse remittance request and includes at least information regarding the recipient user and information regarding the transaction amount (withdrawal amount) registered in the database 33 corresponding to the telephone number of the fixed line telephone 2 having carried out a request corresponding to the unprocessed case information, to the portable telephone 1 (s32) using the voice response function 31 to wait for a voice input or a key input from the portable telephone 1 via the voice response function 31 (s33).&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US峡谷报错变形: &&【复】1横跨麦特莱克峡谷新建线路上410英尺高的复线桥梁&410 Foot High Double Track Bridge on New line Across Metlac Canyon&来源:学术文献纹饰报错变形: &&【复】1纹饰艺术与原始崇拜──日本阿伊努族和中国赫哲族纹饰文化比较研究&Art of ornament-in-lines and primitive worship──A comparison between culture of ornament-in-lines of Hezhen nationality and culture of ornament-in-lines of Ainu nationality&来源:学术文献区位线报错变形: &&【复】1交通区位线布局法在高速公路网规划中的应用&The Application of Traffic line Distribution Method to Expressway Network Planning&来源:学术文献纹样报错变形: &&【复】1中国传统纹样与现代标志设计的结合&The Combination of the Chinese Traditional Delineation and the Design of Modern Sign&来源:学术文献线路选线报错变形: &&【复】1三维立体设计在电力线路选线和测量中的应用&Application of the Three-dimensional Designing in Optimizing and Surveying Electric Power line&来源:学术文献运输公司报错变形: &&【复】1内部手册表格和一览表206b将呈现一列表格和一览表,专用于特定运输公司并可以包括TMSA准则支持下可以执行或不可以执行的过程。&Internal Manual Forms and Checklists 206b will present a list of forms and checklists which are specific to the particular carrier and which may involve procedures which may or may not be performed in support of the TMSA guidelines.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US衬贴报错变形: &&【复】1为了使内衬12恢复到其衬贴位置,使之和水池的内侧表面16紧密贴合并靠在板22的前表面48上,此时使空气流过导管36/36′进入溢流道24。&To return the liner 12 to its lining position in which it sits in close conformity to the inside surface 16 of the pool and against the front face 44 of a plate 22 air is now passed through conduit 36/36' into the spillway 24.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1242816A&&&英文专利号:US6195812战线报错变形: &&【复】1中国社团发展与统一战线工作&Development of the Chinese NGO and the Work of Unified line&来源:学术文献装衬里报错变形: &&【复】1如图8所示的112处,前帮可以装或不装衬里。&As FIG. 8 suggests at 112, the forepart may or may not be lined.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1035043A&&&英文专利号:US4852275培养建系报错变形: &&【复】1人胚胎干细胞培养建系及其应用&Human Embryonic Stem Cell lines and Their Application&来源:学术文献线条化报错变形: &&【复】1线条化的边界检测&lined edge detection&来源:学术文献


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