汤姆福特官网grey vetiver时候女士用吗

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  日,香港 C 世界奢侈品旅游零售业领军者DFS集团(DFS)于今年七月份于香港国际机场独家推出汤姆•福特(Tom Ford)品牌香水美妆精品, DFS亦成为亚太地区首家发售汤姆•福特奢华香水美妆系列的机场零售商。
白广藿香  DFS集团全球采购总裁哈罗德•布鲁克斯(Harold Brooks)表示,“汤姆•福特对在不同地区的DFS来说是绝佳的合作机会,同时香港国际机场对我们来说也极其重要,我们很荣幸能在这里推出这个品牌并创造杰出的成果。”
  汤姆•福特香水美妆部总裁Caroline Geerlings亦表示,“与DFS的合作将使更多人了解汤姆•福特品牌的香水美妆,我们倍感荣幸。汤姆•福特是21世纪第一个真正的奢华品牌,
  随着在香港国际机场推出汤姆•福特香水美妆系列,DFS再次为顾客带来了一个全新而激动人心的奢华品牌,实现集团为全球旅行者提供无与伦比的机场购物体验的使命。汤姆•福特系列由七款男士和女士香水组成,包括这一设计师品牌的标志性香水:白广藿香(White Patchouli)、金色香氛(Violet Blonde)、午夜兰花香水(Black Orchid)、橙花油系列(Neroli Portofino)、汤姆•福特经典男香(Tom Ford For Men)、灰色香根草淡香水(Grey Vetiver)和Noir香水。包括花香木调、东方西普调、柑橘调和经典木质香调,精巧工艺制作的香水诠释了二十一世纪的奢华品味,完美契合DFS的顾客群、特别是在香港这些全球枢纽地区顾客的喜好。
  DFS集团公司北亚区总裁胡伟成(Benjamin Vuchot)先生说道,“一年前,我们接管了香港国际机场三个指标性零售区域的业务。今天,我们再次将旅客的零售体验提升至一个崭新水平。多年来,香港已成为DFS的重要地区,我们十分自豪能与在香港国际机场的合作伙伴,一同在这座城市体现DFS为全球旅客提供顶级购物体验和服务的传承。”
  白广藿香(White Patchouli)
编辑:赵小溪美妆生活门户 |
性感大师Tom Ford再次亮剑 推出第三款男士香水
  导语:作为古驰旗下的时尚设计师,Tom Ford继2007年推出男士香水Tom Ford for Men及2009年推出Grey Vetiver后,将于今年10月份推出命名为Tom Ford Noir的Tom Ford男士香水第三弹。据悉,这款Tom Ford男士香水新品融合了诸多天然且珍贵的材料,充满诱人的男士魅惑力,只需往身上洒几滴,即可感受到Tom Ford男士香水的魔力香气。
  产品介绍:Tom Ford推出的第三款男士专用香水Tom Ford Noir,融合了东西方的双重原料,来自东方的黑胡椒、肉豆蔻、佛手柑、广藿香、香根草油等,结合西方的鸢尾花、天竺葵、玫瑰、紫罗兰等,两种不同风情的东西方原材料调制出了极具男人味的香气。据了解,这款香水售价为60英镑。
  产品功效:Tom Ford Noir男士香水不仅可以掩盖男士们身上的汗味,还有效透露出男士与众不同的成熟稳重的魅力,可快速为男士们增添些许男人味。
  使用方法:沐浴后,适量洒几滴男士专用香水Tom Ford Noir于手腕后,再用手腕轻轻碰触身体即可。建议顺着香水从下往上升的规律涂抹。
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Copyright (C)
, All rights reserved.Tom Ford Noir : Perfume Review
Tom Ford must love Guerlain Habit Rouge with a passion, because we have already seen its incarnation in Private Blend Bois Rouge, and now in Tom Ford Noir. You can compare this fragrance to others perfumes in Ford’s collection or to a dozen other plush orientals, but you only need to smell Habit Rouge for everything to fall into place. From the fizzy citrus top notes to the leather, tonka bean and vanilla inlaid drydown, Tom Ford Noir wears its Guerlinade well.
But Tom Ford Noir isn’ it’s polished and well-crafted–Tom Ford is known for putting plenty of money into his perfumes–with enough darkness to satisfy most fans of rich, oriental notes. Women who love
and all things “noir” should disregard Ford’s male oriented marketing and try the new fragrance. As much as I want to say that one Habit Rouge is enough, kudos to Tom Ford for taking such a classical idea and launching it as a mainstream fragrance. In contrast to the classical but dull Tom Ford for Men, Tom Ford Noir has plenty of drama.
Describing an oriental perfume as crisp is just as odd as calling a molten chocolate cake refreshing, but Tom Ford Noir, just like its parent Habit Rouge, are the rare examples of this unique genre. Perfumer Olivier Gillotin gives lots of dazzling contrasts, which you will experience as Tom Ford Noir dries down.
First, the cool bergamot laced with herbs feels explosive, but the rich floral accord of rose, jasmine and iris is mellow and velvety.
The plush drydown is another surprise awaiting you a couple of hours later. Here Tom Ford Noir pulls all of the oriental plugs–earthy patchouli, smoky leather, dark amber, sweet benzoin, and animalic civet. Generous lashings of vanilla and musk give the composition a cozy, warm glow. In contrast to Habit Rouge, the animalic growl is subdued, but the incense and amber stand out. Tom Ford Noir has tremendous lasting power and sillage, and a tiny spray is enough to be wrapped in Noir for the whole day.
Tom Ford Noir is nothing new, but as I survey the masculine market today, few new launches stand out and there are even fewer that I would want to smell around me. By contrast, I plan to give Tom Ford Noir as a gift to my husband, with an ulterior motive of sneaking some from his bottle from time to time. And if for no reason but a selfish desire to smell something other than
or Paco Rabanne One Million in the subway, I wish Tom Ford Noir plenty of success on the market.
Tom Ford Noir includes notes of bergamot, verbena, violet, pink pepper, caraway, geranium, iris, rose, nutmeg, black pepper, clary sage, leather, patchouli, vetiver, amber, civet, benzoin, opopanax, and vanilla. Available at Tom Ford boutiques, Bergdorf Goodman, Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom and other major retailers.
Sample: my own acquisition
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: Well, even though it might be a masculine, your description makes me want it for myself.
After all, I love Shalimar.
: Ines, then you might enjoy Noir. This is the case when the masculine marketing may be safely disregarded! I wear Habit Rouge myself, and nobody has ever commented that it smelled masculine on me.
And Habit Rouge is worth trying too, if you’re a Shalimar fan.
Mikael: What a coincidence, I just happen to be test-driving Noir today! The recipe seems to be: 3 parts Habit Rouge, 1 part Shalimar and 2 parts Coromandel, add violet as garnish. Very nice
: That’s a great description, Mikael. I agree that it’s really nicely done. At first I expected something along the lines of Tom Ford for Men, but this is far more interesting.
Barbara: I saw it at the store last week but it didn’t even ocurr to me to try it. Too bad, because it sounds like something I would like.
: I don’t blame you, the packaging looks so corporate, more suitable to Hugo Boss than Tom Ford. But the fragrance is very good, and I recommend sniffing it if you have a chance.
Anne: The packaging isn’t very Tom Ford but I like the big black cube.
: I didn’t get a chance to hold it, because the SA sprayed the blotter for me herself and then gave me a sample to test at home, but it looked heavy. I love the heft in perfume bottles, whatever the shape.
: I thought it was a lovely incense fragrance. I wouldn’t mind wearing it.
: I was also pleasantly surprised, J! I didn’t have any expectations in particular, but as I wore my sample more, I discovered that I would want to wear it myself.
It’s such an elegant perfume.
Anne: This talk of Shalimar and Guerlain is timely. I recently fell in love with Shalimar EDT and now I am going to order a decant of vintage Shalimar EDT. V, how do they compare to you? Or do you recommend getting it in parfum?
: The vintage Shalimar in any concentration is more animalic and smoother. If I had a choice between the parfum and the EDT, I would go for the parfum.
It’s so luxurious that it will be worth the money. The EDT is also very good, but the parfum is heavenly.
Carla: I would love to smell more Habit Rouge on men out there. Their perfume is generally so bad and so strong. Yay for Tom Ford.
: I hear you, Carla! Whatever I encounter tends to be a shrill cologne of some sort. But the other day I was in line next to a man wearing Dior’s Eau Sauvage, and it was such a treat.
Marc: I tried it recently and I agree, it’s very nice. Good projection too. This and Tom Ford Extreme are in the same ballpark for me.
: I don’t remember Tom Ford Extreme that well, but I liked it better than Tom Ford for Men. Sounds like something I should revisit.
Eric: I loved Tom Ford Extreme but it had no longevity on my skin. If Tom Ford Noir is any similar, I need to give it a test drive.
iodine: I was given a sample a few days ago, spritzed it casually on a wrist and, for the first few hours I thought I was smelling L’Eau Lente! Maybe it’s just because I’ve got a sharp detector for opoponax, lately!
: The incense notes in the drydown are beautiful, and they linger and linger. Your Eau Lente mention is spot on, because that is another fragrance in the style of Shalimar and Habit Rouge.
: Wow, it sounds awesome. I feel like masculine fragrances are making a comeback, after being nothing but dreck for years.
: I agree, it’s great to discover more interesting things at the masculine counter. I’m so tired of fruitchoulis. The SA was very surprised that I wanted to smell it and told me several time that it was a masculine fragrance. Not to have to explain further, I simply told her that I was looking for a new fragrance for my husband. Otherwise, I doubt that she would even spray it on me.
: These SA’s are so unimaginative! I’m going to wear a tie next time I go perfume shopping just to throw them off.
: LOL! Please let me know what reaction you get.
Lauren: Thank you for yet another lovely review!
As a woman wearing Habit Rouge today, I definitely need to check this one out.
My taste seems to be very similar to yours, so when you give something 4 stars and compare it to one of my absolute favorites, I know it’s worth tracking down a sample!
: I love meeting fragrance twins.
If you have Habit Rouge, you probably don’t need Tom Ford Noir as well, but what an excellent fragrance. Definitely worth smelling at least once.
Tatiana: Thanks for this great review. I was at Neiman’s swatching one of the new TF nail polishes and chatting with the SA when I just blurted out, “What smells so darn good?” The SA then sprayed Noir on a card for me and for the next 20 minutes I just stood there sniffing and chatting with her. Instead of pressuring me to buy it on the spot, she gave me a sample and said, “Ignore all the marketing, this is really a unisex scent. Here’s a sample for you to try at your leisure before you decide to buy.”
I really love all it’s oriental goodness and when I save up enough pennies, I plan to go back and buy this one.
: What a great SA! I agree with her that it’s definitely a unisex perfume. If it were launched in a niche line, nobody would question its gender. I love the velvety drydown. Incense is prominent on my skin, but it’s warm and soft.
Tatiana: There are still a few good SAs out there. When I stumble across them, I try to be as loyal as I can be to purchasing from them. I have my two guys at the SF Barney’s and my gal at the SF Saks. Looks like I found someone I like at Neiman’s, even if it’s just for the TF line.
Annikky: How I envy you for that! Tallinn has one department store with a really good selection (Lutens, Goutal, L’Artisan, Etro, Biehl, Amouage, Bond nr 9, even Xerjoff, plus of course the big houses) for such a province town. However, the SAs almost panic when you are browsing or buying something not entirely mainstream. They are not unfriendly or even pushy, simply totally bewildered.
Gosia: Same here in Warsaw! They stare at you without comprehending what you ask. But I finally met one SA lady who is as passionate about perfume as me.
: Sounds like you’re set with great SA help.
I do the same thing. The SA job is so tough, and they are not getting the proper training from their managers, hence their inability to help us. But when I meet someone passionate and
motivated, I stay loyal to them.
Phyllis Ann Iervello: Well, perhaps I won’t even try it for fear of wanting it.
I already have two of the older Tom Fords–Japan Noir and Bois Rouge.
I have had them since they came out and didn’t even know they were categorized as “masculine”.
I just think they are interesting and sexy.
: Oh, you’re set with Tom Ford’s Habit Rouge fantasies then. At least for now.
I also like those two Private Blends very much, especially Japon Noir. I don’t think that they are categorized as masculine, because the Private Blend collection tends to be fairly lax on that. The more mainstream line is a bit clearer on the division for marketing reasons. But for practical ones, it doesn’t really matter. Anyone can wear Grey Vetiver, White Patchouli and Tom Ford Noir.
Perfumista8: Looks like a trip to Nordstrom is in the very near future. This Noir sounds wonderful and I’m really looking forward to trying Volutes. Thanks!
: Both would make great fragrances for fall/winter. I like Volutes ok, but if a bottle fell into my lap, I would wear it happily. With Tom Ford Noir, I’m already making a room in our budget for it.
Amer: Your review got me drooling again. Are you part of the global conspiracy to drive me bankrupt? Gillotin you say? What a name!
I could post a bunch of negative reviews (and I do time to time), but lately the time for writing has been so limited that I’m selecting to focus on things that I like. Writing about boring perfumes isn’t fun.
Amer: I feel you but I laugh more often with the negative ones. In a way they are good for me
Henrique Brito: There must be something really Guerlain on this one, because you are the second to make this link. Kevin from Nstperfume also did, but he noticed similarties with Jicky. Now i’m intrigued
: Well, Jicky is a father of Shalimar, and Shalimar is a father of Habit Rouge. They are all in the same family.
Henrique Brito: A beautiful family, btw
: That does sound nice. Perfect for the season!
eminere: Interesting how this is polarising all the reviewers.
: Heard that, sister: if the heartless wielders of Bleu and One Million would lay down their arms (so to speak) in exchange for Tom Ford Noir, I would cry tears of gratitude. I prefer it when men smell snuggly instead of sneezy or cheesey.
: I really like your comments abotu Tom Ford Noir. Despite some accusations that’s too similar to some other fragrances, I find it very beautiful, opulent, smoky. Perfect balance for a elegant seducer.
Icetea: haha i am a shalimar fan too…i smelled this few weeks ago in our company’s fine fragrance smelling session…i mistook this as shalimar initially…i really hope guys will love this one rather than the boring sports, clean perfumes!yucks!
Maureen: Are you kidding me?!
I have a sample of this Tom Ford Noir.
I sprayed it all over myself and I am in love.
I am keeping this for moi.
It’s too good to be left for boys only!
Rose: Thanks Vitoria for this review. I bought this just like you mentioned as a gift to my husband, but he seems to be enamored with Theirry Mugler’s Cologne right now, so more for me! I loved the top notes and then about a couple of hours into it I was peeved that it did not last that long as I could barely smell it on me. Half an hour later. it surprised me when I moved my wrist close to my face unintentionally with this gorgeous dry down. I loooove this surprising dry down. I had to come and search your blog to read your opinion. I have to try Habit Rouge now!
FYI thanks for your email about the courses in Cinquième Sens. Their semester already started and I felt I should do some self learning before I join a course, just so I am more familiar with the vocabulary, being an utter novice. So I am reading Luca Turin and Jean Claude Ellena and everything else I can get a hold of at my library.
: Yay! I’m glad to hear it, Rose, and I know that once you start the course, you will be a star student.
marios: Hi Victoria, i fully agree with the comment of bleu de chanel and 1 million…my god, sometimes i feel there are no any other perfumes.
about noir, i love habit rouge, jucky and mouchouir and would like to know if noir worths the purchase.
i never smelled it because we dont have it, i will order it on line.
what do you say?
shall i do it or not?
it worths the purchase?
is it manly perfume or unisex-feminine?
: Why not get a sample from one of the decanting sites like Surrender to Chance first? I don’t recommend blind purchases, especially when we talk about such an expensive perfume.
marios: I didnt know about that side…thanks its great…i order some samples…will see!!
Cornelia Blimber: I got a sample of Tom Ford Noir and love it—I love drama in my perfume. But I would not buy it if the civet is natural. Do you know wheter it is?
: Unlikely. Natural animal materials are highly restricted.
Cornelia Blimber: Thank you for answering! That perfume is no. 2 on my list now, after Iris Silver Mist/
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in : Thank you for the fun draw! I live in the midwest US. I haven’t done it yet but I am tempted to buy L’Air du Temps for the memory. I&
in : You are welcome! It is such a gift that Victoria gives us all with these giveaways. Reading everyone’s comments has had such an impact on me, reminding me (or reinforcing)&
in : Great story! Giorgio is another perfume with really beautiful packaging.
in : Hi Priscella – maybe it has been reformulated, but it’s nice to have the bottle to evoke memories.
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