
帐号:密码:下次自动登录{url:/nForum/slist.json?uid=guest&root=list-section}{url:/nForum/nlist.json?uid=guest&root=list-section} 产生错误的可能原因:指定的文章不存在或链接错误How a Facebook Post Turned into a Best-Selling Book: A Q&amp
Last June, author Adam Mansbach was teaching in the graduate writing program at Rutgers
and working on a novel. Life was good, except for the (non)sleep habits of his daughter Vivien, then 2. Mansbach took to his Facebook page to post a complaint: "Look out for my forthcoming book, Go the F--- to Sleep," he wrote. He got the immediate gratification of comments and "likes" from a couple dozen friends. 本文来自英语堂
去年六月,作者亚当Mansbach是教学中,研究生写作课程在罗格斯大学和一个新的工作。生活是好,除了他的女儿云,然后2(非)睡眠习惯。 Mansbach走上他的Facebook网页,发布的抱怨:“你看,比较适合我即将出版的新书,围棋的F ---睡觉 ,”他写道。他的意见立即得到了满足和“喜欢”从几十个朋友。
He also got the idea to create a picture book for grownups, beautifully illustrated by Mansbach's friend Ricardo Cortes and featuring at least one dirty word per page. Go the F--- to Sleep is already a best seller ahead of its June 14 release date, and Fox 2000 has optioned it for a movie. Not bad for a guy who just wanted his kid to go to sleep. copyright englishtang
他还得到了主意,创造一个大人的图画书,精美的插图由Mansbach的好友里卡多科尔特斯,其特点是每一页至少有一个肮脏的字眼。 转到了F ---睡觉是最畅销的已经超越了它的发布日期6月14日和福克斯2000年已购买股权的电影了。不坏的家伙谁只是希望他的孩子去睡觉。
The novelist and essayist has always tended toward good luck. As a kid, the Newton, Mass., native was crazy about hip- his first real-world job was as a roadie for jazz legend Elvin Jones. Mansbach nabbed an agent the day he graduated from Columbia's graduate writing program and a book contract the week after. Go the F--- to Sleep became an Internet phenomenon — thanks to pirated galleys — just as his gig at Rutgers was wrapping up. "It is really sort of exactly on time," he says.
小说家,散文家一直趋向好运。作为一个孩子的时候,牛顿,马萨诸塞州,当地约hip - hop和爵士疯狂,他的第一个真正的世界工作作为爵士乐传奇人物埃尔文琼斯roadie了。 Mansbach抓获代理人的一天,他从哥伦比亚大学毕业的研究生编写程序和合同书后一周- 。 进入休眠状态的F ---成为互联网盗版现象感谢厨房-就像他在罗格斯演出是结束了。 “这是真的正好排序时间,”他说。
english tang .com
Mansbach: As I often do when I make a joke that I think is funny, I repeated it to a lot of people. Gradually it dawned on me, over the course of a week or so, that it could actually be a book. I wrote it last July. Then I showed it to Ricardo. The process of illustrating it took a number of months. english tang .com
Actually, I took it directly to Akashic. It's one of my favorite publishers. I've contributed stories to a couple of their anthologies, and edited an anthology for them in 2006. I have a lot of respect for what they do, and I like the idea of spreading projects out, doing some books at the bigger houses and some at smaller. I took it straight to Johnny [Temple, the publisher], and he was into it. That was good enough for me. 英语课堂
What has happened with this book is kind of new to everyone. I've had a lot of conversations with industry people, and they all say it's not just that the book is selling but that there was
huge buzz in advance of publication, buzz not caused by anything we
It was not marketing. We had nothing to do with it and in fact tried to stop it. We sent out numerous cease-and-desist orders. Before the PDFs got leaked, there was a week and a half of crazy Amazon linkings and publicity that happened, all based on a title, a cover and one verse that was on Amazon. Then the PDF got out and that was something that we were sort of mortified by. But I am not going to deny that it helped us initially. The PDF allowed people to see that the product delivered on the promise of the premise. 英语堂欢迎大家到来
We are really fortunate that people decided it was worth owning. It is an art object, the kind of book you buy as a gift. And it's not like you could print the PDFs, staple them together and give it to someone for Father's Day. 英语课堂
No, the PDFs were sent to bookstores in lieu of galleys, to friends and stuff like that. It wasn't sort of a big galley push. Keep in mind, the book wasn't scheduled to come out until October, so this was way, way in advance, and went just to a few key booksellers. By the time the thing had leaked, the cat was out of the bag, so tracing it back to the source was sort of pointless. I did get in touch with a number of people who posted the whole book as a Facebook album. They really beli they are very invested in the book's success. english tang .com
A little bit, but the main feedback I am getting is this incredible weird gratitude, because I think it makes a lot of people feel a
little less alone. It is a sort of cathartic experience for people to read it, and it [creates] a weird sense of community, as if it's given people permission to laugh at something that is difficult.
copyright englishtang
My mother is a very excellent and colorful user of such language. I might have learned it from her. 英语课堂
A lot of people are suggesting a sequel. It's possible, but I don't want to do a sequel just for the sake of cashing in. If it happens, it will have to take some other direction. It won't be an exact blueprint of this. 英语课堂
copyright englishtang
I hope so. My sense is that it will, yes. We are going to go out with that book in a couple of weeks. I have my fingers crossed.
Yes. It came out of the realization that kids are going to be interested. Johnny has two sons, who are 5 and 3, and of course, their house is in an uproar because of this [book]. He read a highly censored version of it to them, and they loved it. Particularly the 5-year- he is old enough to understand that putting him to bed is a major undertaking. 内容来自英语堂
At the moment I have only a vague idea, because I haven't sat down with the producers yet. I do know they want to do live action and use the framing element in the book of a story within the story. I am also a screenwriter, and [while] I don't know if they'll let me anywhere near the screenplay, I do know that if I were approaching it as a screenwriter, it would be exciting because it is so wide open. They're really buying a piece of the zeitgeist. english tang .com
english tang .com
copyright englishtang
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