借一个iphone用facebook book账户用

随着互联网的发展,人与人之间的距离似乎越来越远,人们都喜欢在网上聊天,要“见面”可以使用视频通话,而现在这款Like-A-Hug背心甚至连拥抱都可以模拟了。这款由麻省理工学院的Melissa Kit Chow教授开发出来的新型背心,可以和网络连通,当用户在上获得网友的“赞”以后,背心就会自动充气,形成类似拥抱的效果。
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[导读]Facebook目前有70%的用户居住在美国之外的地方,Facebook将借助虚拟货币从这些用户身上实现盈利。业内人士此前表示,Facebook Credits或将成为世界上第一种全球通用的货币。
腾讯科技讯(向北)北京时间7月27日消息,据国外媒体报道,Facebook为了推广Facebook Credits虚拟货币,目前正免费向用户随机派送。Facebook向用户赠送虚拟货币,给部分用户尝点甜头刺激用户需求,这是一种行之有效的策略。据悉在过去几周里,Facebook一直时不时地随机向用户发放10至25个虚拟货币。Facebook随机向用户的“虚拟账户”中派发10-25个虚拟币(腾讯科技配图)Facebook确认在网站上向部分用户赠送了虚拟货币。同时Facebook Credits页面显示,该公司将在本周进一步发起各种活动推广其货币系统。Facebook在网页上表示,通过兑换礼品卡、进行地理位置签到等方式也能获得Facebook Credits。虚拟经济市场上,向用户赠送小额虚拟货币(又称种子资金)是常见的做法,用户可以大方而放心地将这笔资金花掉。由于Facebook即将关闭其虚拟“礼品商店”,Facebook货币目前只能用于玩游戏或是在游戏中使用。业内人士推测称,除了想让用户在游戏中使用虚拟货币以外,Facebook或许还在试水将虚拟货币应用至其它领域甚至是用于购买真实商品。一位业内人士此前表示,Facebook Credits或将成为世界上第一种全球通用的货币。Facebook在全球的用户数量迅速增长,但网页显示广告并未带来足够的回报。Facebook目前有70%的用户居住在美国之外的地方,Facebook将借助虚拟货币从这些用户身上实现盈利。真正的问题在于,你会愿意用Facebook Credits购买什么?1.99美元可以兑换20个Facebook Credits,平均每个Credits不到10美分。每笔交易额的30%归Facebook所有。Facebook表示,“使用Facebook Credits的用户比普通用户更有可能完成一笔交易。”或许这是因为虚拟交易更加容易操作,而且人们很难将虚拟货币与真实货币联系起来。免费赠送货币是一个教育用户的好办法,还能让他们明白虚拟货币在真实世界里一文不值,让他们更乐于消费虚拟货币。
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Facebook账号 = 互联网“驾照” ?
Facebook Wants to Supply Your Internet Driver's License Facebook希望提供您的互联网“驾照” And new security measures protect everyone's data. ——新的安全措施将用来保护每个用户的数据
日 &星期三 & by &&SIMSON GARFINKEL& Although it's not apparent to many, Facebook is in the process of transforming itself from the world's most popular social-media website into a critical part of the Internet's identity infrastructure. If it succeeds, Facebook and Facebook accounts will become an even bigger target for hackers. && & & 尽管对大多数人来说,这并不是那么明显,但Facebook自身却正处于一个转变的过程,那就是从全球最流行的社交媒体网站转向互联网身份管理基础平台的重要组成部分。如果这次转变成功,Facebook和Facebook账号将成为黑客攻击的相当大的目标。
Facebook introduced Connect back in July 2008, offering third-party websites tools to coordinate with the user information that Facebook holds, including logins. Thus websites had the option of allowing Facebook users to identify themselves with their Facebook identities. 2008年7月,Facebook推出链回(Connect back)功能,提供第三方网站工具来协调Facebook所拥有的包括“登录”在内的用户信息。这样,网站可以允许Facebook用户采用他们的Facebook身份在验证个人信息。 As security professionals debate whether the Internet needs an "identity layer"—a uniform protocol for authenticating users' identities—a growing number of websites are voting with their code, adopting "Facebook Connect" as a way for anyone with a Facebook account to log into the site at the click of a button.
&& & & &当安全专家们辩论:互联网是否需要一个“身份层(identity layer)”(一个验证用户身份信息的统一协议)时,越来越多的网站投了Facebook一票,将“Facebook Connect”用在他们的网站代码中。这样,任何拥有Facebook账号的人只需点击一个按钮即可登录到他们的网站。 So, for instance, the Web statistics vendor Alexa gives new users the choice of creating an account by entering a username and a password or by simply clicking the "Connect with Facebook" button. Well-known websites that also use Connect include the Internet Movie Database, , and ESPN. Others will almost certainly jump on the bandwagon in 2011. && & & 例如,专门统计网站世界排名的网站Alexa给新用户两种登录选择:一是输入一个用户名、密码来新建一个账号,二是简单的点击“Connect with Facebook”按钮。使用这种“Connect with Facebook”的知名网站还包括互联网电影数据库,和ESPN。而其他网站也几乎肯定会在2011年追赶这一“风潮”。 Facebook's identity system might very well supply something that VeriSign, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Google have all struggled to offer: a single "driver's license" for the Internet. (This leaves aside the question of whether it's a good thing for one company to hold such a position of power.) && & & Facebook的身份系统很有可能会提供一种单一的互联网“驾照(driver's license)”,而这种互联网“驾照”也正是VeriSign、微软、雅虎、Google一直以来所竞相提供的。(这里搁置了一个问题:对于一家公司来说,拥有这样的权利是否是一件好事。) A unique combination of factors makes Facebook well suited to being the repository for people's identities on the Internet. Unlike many popular websites, it requires users to register and log in. And Facebook's terms of service require that "users provide their real names and information"—indeed, Facebook has terminated accounts that were created with seemingly fake names or for fictional characters. Since Facebook users invest their accounts with a tremendous amount of durable personal content—including photographs, contact information, and connections to their social network—they are likely to keep a long-term relationship with the site. && & & 一个独特的综合因素使得Facebook很适合作为互联网上人们身份验证的库。不像大多数流行网站那样,需要用户注册和登录。Facebook的一系列服务要求“用户提供真实的姓名和资料”——实际上,Facebook已经禁止了那些看似用假名或虚构的任务创建的账号。因为Facebook用户在他们的账号里放入了大量持续更新的内容——包括照片、联系方式以及与他们的社会网络连接的纽带——他们很可能与Facebook保持长期的关联。 This persistence of real identity puts Facebook in a position to solve one of the most pressing problems on the Internet today—the proliferation of user names and passwords. && & & &这种真实身份的持久性将Facebook放在了一个重要的位置,来解决当今互联网上“用户名和密码扩散”这一最为紧迫的问题。 Contrary to today's practice, there is no reason for most websites to force their users to create usernames and passwords. Most websites don't need or even want or need to manage the identities of their users—they simply want a way to reliably identify their users over time. Media websites, for instance, want to be able to attribute comments and limit spam. Personal-finance websites want to give users a way to monitor highly personal information securely—for example, a portfolio of stocks that the user might enter. && & & &相反,当前的实际情况是,大多数网站没有理由去强迫他们的用户去创建用户名和密码。大多数网站不需要或根本不想也不需要去管理其用户的信息——他们只是简单的想随着时间推移去可靠的确定他们他们的用户。例如,媒体网站希望能够归整评论并限制垃圾邮件。个人理财网站希望能为用户提供一种方法来安全的监控高度个性化的信息——如:用户可能会进入的股票投资组合。 What's more, maintaining a user-identity infrastructure has its risks—as was made painfully clear last month when hackers broke into servers operated by Gawker Media and downloaded the user names and passwords for more than a million of Gawker's accounts. Even though the passwords were encrypted, many were easy to guess, so the accounts could be readily cracked, according to an analysis of the attack by security researchers at the University of Cambridge. Following the attack several unrelated websites, including LinkedIn and Woot, sent e-mail to their users warning them to change their passwords if these were the same ones as they used for Gawker. && & & &更重要的是,维护一个用户身份管理基础平台(infrastructure)存在它的风险——就像上个月黑客入侵Gawker Media经营的服务并下载其一百万以上的账号的用户名和密码所带来的那么痛苦的印象。据剑桥大学安全研究员对黑客攻击的分析,尽管账号被加密,但大多数还是很容易猜测的,这样的账号随时会被攻击。这次攻击之后,几家不相关的网站,包括LinkedIn和Woot,均给他们的用户发送邮件提醒他们,如果他们所用密码与在Gawker上的密码一样,需要尽快修改。 Facebook Login lets any website on the planet use its identity infrastructure—and underlying security safeguards. It's easy to implement Facebook Login, simply by adding few lines of code to a web server. Once that change is made, the site's users will see a "Connect with Facebook" button. If they're already logged into Facebook (having recently visited the site), they can just click on it and they're in. If they haven't logged in recently, they are prompted for their Facebook user name and password. && & & Facebook登录平台(Facebook Login)让地球上所有的网站都可以用他们的身份管理基础平台,并有基本的安全保障。而实现这种Facebook登录平台也很容易,只需要添加几行代码给WEB服务器即可。一旦添加成功,相应网站的用户将看到一个"Connect with Facebook"按钮。如果他们已经登录了Facebook(最近才访问过Facebook),他们只需点击该按钮即可登录进相应网站。如果他们最近没有登录过Facebook,则系统会提示他们用自己的Facebook用户名和密码。 An interesting side benefit for website operators is that Facebook Login provides the site with users' real names (in most cases) and optionallya variety of other information, such as the users' "friends" and "likes." Currently, Facebook doesn't charge websites to use its identity infrastructure or access this additional information, though Facebook certainly could in the future. && & & 为网站经营者带来的一个有趣的附加利益是,Facebook登录平台(Facebook Login)提供给这些网站用户的真实姓名(大多数情况)和可选的多种其他信息,如:用户的“朋友”和“爱好”。尽管Facebook将来定会有所变化,但当前,Facebook不会向使用这种身份管理基础平台或访问那些额外信息的网站收取费用。 Facebook is already well acquainted with Internet security issues, simply because it holds personal data for more than 500 million people. The increased use of the Facebook platform for things beyond social media—a bank in New Zealand, for instance, announced in November that it would allow customers to access banking information on Facebook—obviously raises new concerns. And if the company extends its reach to offer a universal login on the Web, the challenges it's likely to face will become greater still. && & & &Facebook早已经非常熟悉网络安全问题。仅仅因为它掌握着5亿多人的个人数据信息。Facebook平台在社会化媒体之外的应用的增加,明显提出了新的忧虑。例如,新西兰的一家银行,在11月宣布它允许客户在Facebook上访问银行信息。如果这家公司不断扩展直至在网络上提供通用的登录,那他们可能面临的挑战将变得更大。 Indeed, over the last few years Facebook has taken steps to improve the security of its platform in several ways. && & & &事实上,在过去几年,Facebook在几个方面已经采取了几个步骤来提高他们平台的安全性。 For example, last year Facebook introduced a system that lets users request a one-time password to log in from a public terminal that might have keystroke-logging spy software installed. Users send an SMS text message containing the letters "otp" to 32665 ("FBOOK") from a registered cell phone, and Facebook's servers send back a password that can be used just once to log into the user's account. The theory is that it doesn't matter if a hacker is running a password sniffer, since the password won't work a second time. && & & &例如,去年Facebook推出了一个系统,可以让用户从安装了按键记录(keystroke-logging)间谍软件的公共终端申请一个一次性密码来登录。用户用已注册的手机发送一条含有字母“otp”的短信到32665 ("FBOOK"),然后Facebook的服务器端会发回一个只能供用户账号登录一次的密码。因为这个密码不能第二次使用,故而从理论上来说,即使黑客安装了密码嗅探器也没关系。 Another innovation is the way that Facebook allows users to monitor the various Web browsers and devices from which they log into Facebook. By clicking on the "Account Settings" pull-down menu and selecting the "Account Security" section, Facebook users are able to see all of the devices currently authenticated, any of which can be remotely logged out—useful if you happen to leave yourself logged in on your parents' computer. You can also have Facebook send an SMS notification to your cell phone whenever a new device accesses your Facebook account. Of course, if you see a connection from a machine that you don't recognize, it's time to change your password. && & & &另一个创新的方法是,Facebook允许用户监控那些他们用来登录Facebook的浏览器和设备。通过点击“账号设置”下拉菜单并选择“账号安全”项,Facebook用户可以看见所有当前认证的设备,这些设备都可以被远程退出——如果你将自己的登录状态记录在父母的电脑上,这种方法会有用。你也可以让Facebook发短信通知到您的手机上,每当一个新设备登录你的Facebook账号时。当然,如果你发现一个你不认识的机器登录到你的账号,那这时就可以修改你的密码。 Unfortunately, Facebook still has two important vulnerabilities that makes its website significantly less secure than those of most U.S. banks: its reliance on a single user name and password to gain access to an account, and its use of an unencrypted cookie for tracking which web browsers are logged in. && & & &不幸的是,Facebook仍然有两个重要的漏洞使得这个网站远没有美国大多数银行安全。一是它依靠一个单一的用户名和密码来访问账户;二是它采用一个未加密的cookie来跟踪哪些浏览器被用来登录。 The user name and password combo provide a point of weakness. Facebook accounts can be compromised by an attacker who might steal this information from another site—or guess it by trying many combinations in succession (a so-called brute-force attack). && & & 用户名和密码的组合带来了一个弱点。Facebook的账户可以被黑客破解,通常黑客可能从其他网站盗取或是通过尝试很多种组合(所谓的强力攻击)来猜测这些登录信息。 "We've built systems to protect against these types of brute-force attacks," says Simon Axten, a spokesperson for Facebook. "For example, if we detect a number of suspicious login attempts for a given account, we will require a CAPTCHA, and we may even temporarily suspend access to the account." && & & Facebook的发言人Simon Axten说:“我们已经建立了针对这种类型强力攻击的保护系统。例如,如果我们检测到某个账户可疑到已被试着登录很多次,,那我们将要求CAPTCHA,甚至可能暂停访问该账户。” Facebook monitors a number of "signals," including location and device, Axten says, to determine when an account is being subjected to a sustained attack. "Once we've flagged an attempt—even if the correct login credentials have been entered—we'll require the person logging in to provide additional authentication by, for example, answering a security question, entering a code sent via SMS, or identifying friends tagged in photos to which the account owner has access." && & & Axten说,Facebook监控一系列的包括位置和设备的信号,以便确定账号何时收到持续的攻击。“一旦我们标记了某个可疑点——即使当前登录凭证已经通过——我们会要求登录进来的人提供额外的身份认证,例如通过回答安全问题、通过手机发送一个代码、或者验证该账号主人曾访问的朋友们相册里的标签。” Nonetheless, there are ways to gain access to a person's Facebook account even without knowing the password. That's because Facebook uses something called an authentication cookie to keep track of a Web browser when it's logged in. Unlike Facebook passwords, which are encrypted when they're sent over the Internet, the cookies are sent to Facebook's non-encrypted Web servers every time a computer communicates with the site. This isn't much of a risk if you are using a hard-wired Internet connection or an encrypted wireless connection at work or at home. But if you are using Facebook over an unencrypted wireless access point at a coffee shop or airport, someone running a packet sniffer on a laptop could steal your authentication cookie out of the air and then log into Facebook as you. && & & 尽管如此,还是有很多方法在不知道密码的情况下也可以访问某个人的Facebook账号。这是因为当我们登录以后,Facebook采用了认证cookie在保持WEB浏览器的记录。每次计算机与网站通信时,Facebook的密码通过互联网发送时是加密的,与之不同的是,发送给Facebook的cookies是未加密的WEB服务。不过如果你在工作或家里使用一种hard-wired互联网连接或加密的无线连接时,这种情况也不存在风险。但是如果你在咖啡馆或机场通过未加密的无线网络访问Facebook,那在笔记本电脑上运行数据包嗅探器的人就可以窃取出你的身份验证cookie,然后登录你的Facebook。 Such sniffing became easier than ever to perpetrate last fall, when Eric Butler, a freelance Web application and software developer in Seattle, released a Firefox plug-in called Firesheep that automates the process. With Firesheep running inside Firefox, you get a list of every authentication cookie that's been sniffed: just click on the account name and—voilà—you are accessing the user's account without even having to log in. && & & 去年秋天,这种嗅探器比以往更容易做,因为那时自由WEB应用程序和软件开发者Eric Butler在西雅图发布了一个名为Firesheep且能使进程自动化的Firefox的插件。当Firesheep运行在Firefox时,就会获得一个被嗅到的每个身份验证的cookie列表:只要点击账号名和voilà,你就可以访问该用户的账号而不须登录。 Right now the only way to protect yourself against cookie sniffing is by accessing Facebook using the encrypted connection at /. According to Axten, the server is still undergoing testing and will be more widely promoted as an option "in the coming months." He adds, "As always, we advise people to use caution when sending or receiving information over unsecured Wi-Fi networks." && & & 现在针对这种cookie嗅探器进行自我保护的唯一方法就是访问Facebook加密的链接/。据Axten所说,这种服务仍在进行测试,并将作为一个选项更广泛的推广。Axten还补充,“在未来的几个月,我们仍然建议大家使用时保持警惕,特别在通过不安全的WiFi网络发送或接受信息时。” Axten says, "Facebook faces a security challenge that few, if any, other companies, or even governments, have faced—protecting more than 500 million people on a service that is under constant attack. The fact that less than one percent of Facebook users have ever encountered a security issue on the site is a significant achievement of which we are very proud." && & & Axten说:“Facebook面临的这种安全挑战是以往极少(如果有的话)公司或政府面临过的,而这个挑战正是在一个被不断攻击的服务平台上保护5亿以上的人。而实际上不到百分之一的Facebook用户曾在我们的网站上遭遇安全问题,这一事实是一项重大成就,更让我们非常自傲。”
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