1 second everyday use怎么用

1 Second Everyday:让人们记住片刻的应用
huajie 发表于
11:43:14 | 标签:
有一种人,总是忙着上推特、脸书、发照片视频,以至于忘记活在当下。这些事物正试图把人们在日常生活中体会到的听觉视觉冲击切断。有个叫&每天一秒钟&(1 Second Everyday)的手机程序,能制作一秒钟长度的视频,并按时间顺序拼接保存。你既可以用这个程序录视频,也可以使用手机里已经录好的视频。每个瞬间都被以日历的形式存起来。要回头观看的话,可以点某天的日期,也可以将他们一起播放形成一部生活记录影片。这款程序的创造者Cesar Kuriyama 是一名广告艺术家。夜以继日的工作并没让他找到心有所属的项目。他去听了Stefan Sagmeister的TED演讲&休假的力量&,Sagmeister说到他的计划是工作七年,存钱,然后休假一整年去追求个人兴趣。Kuriyama决心从30岁开始摆脱按部就班的工作,解放自己。然而,他不希望自己这一年的经历十年后被淡忘,他想时刻能回忆起这些瞬间,于是1 Second Everyday开始诞生了。每天的苦和乐都被记录了下来,无论是参观埃菲尔铁塔还是吃了个煎饼。他发现简单的记录下这些瞬间让他更了解自己做过些什么,并引领自己追求更有趣的目标。这一年的休假结束之后,Kuriyama被TED邀请去展示他的视频和项目,可见他做的事得到了认可。他去年12月通过kickstarter 启动筹款将项目发展成一个成熟的应用程序。筹集到的资金超过了20000美元的目标,高达56000美元。1 Second Everyday是大量涌现的记载和强化个人化叙述体验的应用程序之一。Timehop可以通过图片和笔记,让用户知道一年前的同一天发生了什么。Noah Kalina六年来每天自拍一张脸的照片,组成了一部令人赞叹的视频。顺着这个创意,Everyday这个应用让大家模仿Kalina做的事。Everyday.me做了一本&智能日记&,记载并整理每个网络事件。Hugh Crawford坚持十八年每天拍一张宝丽来照片。最新的这批应用更关注平凡的瞬间而不是惊人的瞬间。人的脸每天看着都一样,可是当六年的面部照被连在一起看,就能发现单张照片不具备的变化。1 Second Everyday想做出点比记录时间流逝更持久的东西来。Kuriyama一年的照片串成的蒙太奇是个很美的纪念。他说,重要的是记录下这一秒这个举动,以及多年后回头来看。这让人们去习惯发现重要的瞬间并好好品味。当你在沙滩上按下快门的这一刻,你立刻意识到,嗨,我在沙滩,好好享受!此外,Kuriyama觉得现代文化正在侵蚀这些独特的时刻。比如年轻一代,参加音乐会时全程录像。经常会看到有人把自己体验的全过程用手机或数码相机上传。可是这样不会因为分神而影响艺术观赏本身么?相比之下,仅仅一秒钟的间断帮你记录了这个瞬间,却让你随后放下数码设备,好好继续欣赏当下。(via )
台湾AppWorks 之初创投创始人
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1 Second Everyday
By Cesar Kuriyama
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The Film of your Journey.Imagine a movie that includes every day of the rest of your life… FEATURED by Apple, Fast Company, TED, CNN, BBC, & countless more!For over 3 years now, I've been recording 1 second every day, so I'll never forget another day ever again.
This project has had such a profoundly positive impact on my life, that I've passionately developed an App that will make it extraordinarily easy for anyone to do this too.Reliving every single day of my life at age 30 in 6 minutes has provided me with a treasured perspective on life.
It holds me accountable for making each day count.
When I turn 40, I'll have a 1 hour compilation that encapsulates my 30s.
If I live to see 80 years of age, I'll have a 5-hour video that summarizes 50 years of my life.A minimalist diary.Features:+ The App accesses any videos currently in your camera roll & sorts them by date.
You can also record your moment directly from the App.+ Setup friendly reminders so you never forget a day!+ Keep multiple timelines!
You could have one for yourself… for each of your kids… your dinner… what you wear every day… etc!
Looking forward to endless creative interpretations!+ 1SE Crowds! Submit a second from your life to videos made up from hundreds of us... Let's view everyday life from countless of perspectives!+ Super Seconds! It gives you an extra 50% more time when you need it!+ Chosen seconds back up with the app in iCloud (if you back up your phone with iCloud)+ Compile any given amount of time desired—the last month, year, or just select a start and end date.+ Once you've selected a day's second, you can remove the original video from your camera roll.
The App copies the second and keeps it within the App itself.+ Your seconds are privately held on your phone.
You never have to share this with anyone if you don't want to.
The primary purpose of this App is to help you remember your own life.
Sharing is optional.
What's New in Version 1.88
*Update* we've fixed the bug causing some videos to show up twice or not at all. Lots of updates coming! Here's some big ones in time for New Years:- Redesigned Timelines U/I- Fun new "Memento" Mash (replacing Month)- Swipe Right panel for faster Nav- 1080p (Beta) in the settingsBug fixes for:- Memory leaks that caused some users constant crashing- Photos coming up black (must be reselected)- Mashed videos uploading gray on youTube in some instances- bugs pertaining to older iPhone devices.- and lots of other bug fixes and performance improvements.We have never included a "please rate this app" prompt like most other apps because we don't want to bother you, but if things are going well with the App we sure would appreciate a review.
If you experience a bug, there's usually an answer in the forums in the settings of the App, or submit it to make us aware of it. Happy New Year!
iPhone Screenshot
Customer Reviews
Outstanding app, highly recommended
I've been using this everyday for over 6 months now. Love going back and seeing what I selected as my &1 second& months ago (and in the future, years ago). Mashed videos will be treasured archives of my life from a 1st person POV. App is very easy to use and bugs are fixed promptly. Highly recommend anyone to take the 1SE challenge. It might just change your day to day outlook!
Great fixes
Seems all the old issues have been fixed! Glad to see that! The app is great and so easy to mix my memories together! One thing I'd love is to be able to create a backup file that could be imported back into the app. This way I can save some space on my phone but still be able to stitch it all seamlessly. For now I guess I'll just use iMovie for it. Otherwise great!
I've been using this app for just over two years now and I absolutely love it - my whole year has been enhanced by my one second a day videos, all of my friends and family love them. The app runs wonderfully with great customer service, as well. I would (and have) recommended to friends.
Customers Also Bought
$0.99Category: Version: 1.88Size: 21.4 MBLanguage: EnglishSeller: Cesar KuriyamaCompatibility: Requires iOS 7.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.
Customer Ratings
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