女人图片 急急急急,帮忙解答!!

急急急!法律英语题目,是国际商法的,跪求答案~~~图片是两道阅读题,也是要回答的!满意追加分哟!I. Choose the best letter.1. Consumer lawA. Prohibits unfair business practices.B. Sets minimum product standard_百度作业帮
急急急!法律英语题目,是国际商法的,跪求答案~~~图片是两道阅读题,也是要回答的!满意追加分哟!I. Choose the best letter.1. Consumer lawA. Prohibits unfair business practices.B. Sets minimum product standard
急急急!法律英语题目,是国际商法的,跪求答案~~~图片是两道阅读题,也是要回答的!满意追加分哟!I.&Choose&the&best&letter.1.&Consumer&lawA.&Prohibits&unfair&business&practices.B.&Sets&minimum&product&standards.C.&Provides&procedures&for&correccting&wrongs.D.&All&of&the&above.&2.&Appellate&courts&are&known&asA.&Reviewing&courts.B.&Courts&on&the&bottom&level.C.&District&courts.D.&Supreme&courts.3.&In&life&insurance,&the&owner&of&the&policy&may&be&theA.&InsurerB.&AdjusterC.&BeneficiaryD.&All&of&above&4.&If&the&seller&breaches&a&sales&contract,&the&buyer&mayA.&Sue&for&damagesB.&CoverC.&Cancel&the&contractD.&All&of&above5.&Under&a&fire&insurance&policy,&the&insured&is&indemnified&forA.&What&is&wrong&with&a&fireB.&What&is&more&than&one&can&do&with&a&fireC.&What&is&destroyed&by&a&hostile&fireD.&What&is&actually&destroyed&by&a&fire6.&Generally,&defective&products&refer&to&products&withA.&Design&defectB.&Failure&to&warnC.&Manufacturing&defectD.&All&of&above&7.&A&lien&against&the&property&held&by&a&bank&isA.&A&mortageB.&A&rentC.&A&leaseD.&A&covenant&II.&True&or&false.1.&Writ&of&execution&is&the&process&by&which&an&officer&is&ordered&to&seize&property&of&a&debtor&to&satisfy&the&debt.2.&The&first&of&the&pleadings&is&the&motion.3.&Valued&coverage&means&the&amount&of&proceeds&payable&for&damage&based&on&the&implied&cost&of&the&repairs.4. Endowment insurance offers lifetime protection for the insured as long as the insured pays the premiums.5. An adult has the legal right to ask a guardian to sign a contract made with a minor.&&&&&&感谢各位大神了!急用啊~~~越具体详细越好,一定会追加的!这是第二道对错题,之前没发完,谢谢一并作答!6. To exercise the right of replevin, a buyer must obtain a court order.7. The premium is affected by the amount of the policy and the risk covered.8. Intellectual property is the exclusive right including accession, trademarks and copyrights.9. A counteroffer ends the original offer and replaces it with a new offer.10. A minor must ratify a contract on the day he reaches majority.11. If an agent has the authority to act, the agent is not personally liable for a contract.
6-7 DA判断:1-5 TTTFF6-10 TTFTF11 T以上是答案。图片看不清……
百分比 就相当于把一个数分成了 100份在这里 1000就是这个数
它俯互碘就鄢脚碉协冬茅的一份就是15% 就是占了100份里的15份
1000×15% = 10×15 = 1501000×10%= 100剩下的是不是就会算了
出门在外也不愁急急急急急急急!!!!!!!!1英语 阅读理解 在线等以下是几位同学在网上聊天的记录。根据聊天内容,选择最佳答案。
Malia and Sasha are two American girls. Their father, Barack Obama_百度作业帮
急急急急急急急!!!!!!!!1英语 阅读理解 在线等以下是几位同学在网上聊天的记录。根据聊天内容,选择最佳答案。
Malia and Sasha are two American girls. Their father, Barack Obama
急急急急急急急!!!!!!!!1英语 阅读理解 在线等以下是几位同学在网上聊天的记录。根据聊天内容,选择最佳答案。
Malia and Sasha are two American girls. Their father, Barack Obama(奥巴马), is the new American president. Malia is 10 years old. Sasha is 7. What are their lives like in the White House, do you know?AliceTo Alice
Their new home—the White House—has 135 rooms. The family has a swimming pool, a 50-seat movie theater and a tennis court. Malia does her history papers at a desk in a special room—Lincoln’s hall(林肯厅). Lots of people serve the president’s family in the White House. But the girls have their own things to do. They make their beds and clean their rooms. They set their own alarm clocks and go to bed at 8 p.m.Kathy
Have you heard of H1N1? It’s a kind of disease called swine flu(猪流感). It’s an infectious(传染性的) disease began in Mexico and has spread over the country in the past month. It has killed 159 people and caused 4,000 to become sick.LilyTo Lily
It’s terrible while I know from TV news. The World Health Organization said the flu is a “public health problem”. It says the disease could become a global outbreak(发病). Health experts(专家) advise people to wash their hands frequently(不断地), to cover coughs and sneezes and to stay home if they feel ill.Lucy(
)76. How many important events did they talk about?
was chatting on QQ about the flu?
A. Kathy and Lily
B. Kathy and Lucy
C. Lily and Lucy(
)78. What are their lives like in the White House?
A. Their new home has 130 rooms in the White House.
B. They do their history homework at school or in their own study.
C. Although they are very young, the children have their own housework to do.(
)79. Which of the following is true?
A. Malia and Sasha are twin sisters..
B. Barack Obama is the new leader of US.
C. Malia and Sasha are happy because they have nothing to do at home. .(
) 80. What can we know from the QQ information?A.
Swine flu is a new kind of flu.B.
If we wash our hands carefully, we’ll be safe from swine flu.C. If we listen to the experts and cover your mouth we won’t catch swine flu.
A,C,C,B,A 希望对你有帮助!
Hi!I am happy to help you!76.B
(the White House and H1N1 )77.C (To Lucy
and To Lily)78.C (But the girls have their own things to do. They make their beds and clean their rooms. They s...哪位大神能够帮我解出这三道题的答案,在线等!!!!急急急急急急急急急急!!!!这些都是关于物流的问题,可以发中文答案What is the difference between a distribution centre and a warehouse in addi_百度作业帮
哪位大神能够帮我解出这三道题的答案,在线等!!!!急急急急急急急急急急!!!!这些都是关于物流的问题,可以发中文答案What is the difference between a distribution centre and a warehouse in addi
哪位大神能够帮我解出这三道题的答案,在线等!!!!急急急急急急急急急急!!!!这些都是关于物流的问题,可以发中文答案What is the difference between a distribution centre and a warehouse in adding value to the supply chain? Which one is more important?Distribution centre serves a transportation function, where larger shipments are more economical to ship than small shipments, either for outbound or inb a warehouse, on the other hand, stresses storage efficiency and space utilization rather than emphasizing the material handling and accessibility of products found in a distribution centre. While a warehouse is focused on the most efficient cost effective methods of storing products within its walls, a distribution center's sole mission is to provide outstanding service to its customers. Besides that, distribution centre is more important than warehouse because of the high-velocity activity level, customer focus, and sophistication of today's distribution center.Distribution center can be manufacturers, retailers or wholesalers while warehouse is one part of distribution center. Distribution center can be decide to sell or buy product while wharehouse can only inventory products and transport them. Distribution center are more important because it can be reduce the transportation cost and reduce the distribution line of many companies. For example a company must deal with 9 retailer if it does not have distributors. With distributors, company only need to transport products to only distributors.
distribution center更重要。warehouse主要是储存货物,通过提高空间利用率来节约成本。distribution center则能同时作为制造商、零售商、批发商,通过节约运输成和减少distribution line【不知道中文具体对应的名词反正能意会就行】来增值,比如公司本来要和9家零售商打交道现在只要把货给一个经销商就可以了。...}


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