
下面几幅图描述了小明和爸爸一起去书店买书的一段经历。请你结合图画的内容写一篇英语短文。要求:首先描述图中发生的故事,然后简要发表你的议论注意:1.可适当增加细节以使行文连贯。2.词数100左右。&#x..域名:学优高考网,每年帮助百万名学子考取名校!问题人评价,难度:0%下面几幅图描述了小明和爸爸一起去书店买书的一段经历。请你结合图画的内容写一篇英语短文。要求:首先描述图中发生的故事,然后简要发表你的议论注意:1.可适当增加细节以使行文连贯。 2.词数100左右。  马上分享给朋友:答案Xiao Ming and his father went to a bookstore last Sunday. When he found a book that interested him,Xiao Ming asked his father “Can I take this book home in secret?”. His father answered, “ No, We should be honest.A boy who steals books is a bad boy.” Then they went to the cash desk and paid for the books they had chosen.When leaving the bookstore, his father was in such a hurry that Xiao Ming couldn’t keep up with him. Xiao Ming said, “Walk slowly, Dad. I can’t follow you.” “ Quickly! They forgot to count one book!” replied his father. It is clear that the father actually “stole” a book in the end. The story really gets us thinking. Parents should set a good example to their children. It is wise for them to keep in mind the saying ,“Honesty is the best policy”.点击查看答案解释本题暂无同学作出解析,期待您来作答点击查看解释相关试题书面表达(满分30分)近日你校正在开展“爱校大行动”,校学生会号召即将毕业的高三学生做一件有意义的事以表达对学校的感情。请按下列要求用英语写一篇100-120个词的短文,刊登在毕业专刊上。文章应包括以..域名:学优高考网,每年帮助百万名学子考取名校!问题人评价,难度:0%书面表达(满分30分)近日你校正在开展“爱校大行动”,校学生会号召即将毕业的高三学生做一件有意义的事以表达对学校的感情。请按下列要求用英语写一篇100-120个词的短文,刊登在毕业专刊上。文章应包括以下内容:1.介绍你将为学校做的一件事:时间、地点、内容、意义等;2.借以此事表达对学校的感情。注意:文章的第一句已给出(不计词数)。文中不得提及学校名称。 With the graduation around the corner, an idea has crossed my mind.__________马上分享给朋友:答案点击查看答案解释本题暂无同学作出解析,期待您来作答点击查看解释相关试题英语作文,亲们,假如你是黎明,上周你班里的同学就“毕业前我们该为学校做些什么”进行了讨论.请你根据下述中的提示将同学们的建议用英语写成一封信告诉你的笔友David,并谈谈你的想法及_百度作业帮
英语作文,亲们,假如你是黎明,上周你班里的同学就“毕业前我们该为学校做些什么”进行了讨论.请你根据下述中的提示将同学们的建议用英语写成一封信告诉你的笔友David,并谈谈你的想法及理由.一些同学的建议 全班筹钱,为校图书馆买书或其他东西领一些同学的建议 无需花钱,好好学习,让学校以我们为荣你的想法及理由 .
Dear David, Last week we held a discussion on what we should do for our school before we graduate. The students in our class have different suggestions.Some students think that we can collect money to buy some books for the school library or something else for the school. Other students think that it’s not necessary to spend money. We can study hard and make our school feel proud of us. In my opinion, we don’t have to spend money. We can do something meaningful without money. For example, we can do some voluntary work to beautify the school’s environment or try to get better results in the coming exams so that our school will be proud of us. (In my opinion, we can collect our pocket money to buy some books for our school library. We can buy some detective stories and English novels. They don’t cost much but they are useful. The younger students will like them. I hope every student in our school can do so. ) I’d like to know your idea. Could you give me some advice? Best wishes! Li Ming书面表达(满分25分)为了丰富学生的学校生活,你校的《英语沙龙》将举办一次主题为“Learntobegrateful”英语征文活动。请你根据下面的提示写一篇英语短文。主要内容:1、为什么感恩?2、对谁..域名:学优高考网,每年帮助百万名学子考取名校!问题人评价,难度:0%书面表达(满分25分) 为了丰富学生的学校生活,你校的《英语沙龙》将举办一次主题为“Learn to be grateful”英语征文活动。请你根据下面的提示写一篇英语短文。 主要内容:1、为什么感恩 2、对谁要感恩? 3、感恩实际行动包括:? (1)给父母沏一杯茶:? (2)给父母一个拥抱;? (3)给老师……? (4)给同学和朋友……注意:短文字数不少于100词。参考词汇:English Salon英语沙龙马上分享给朋友:答案点击查看答案解释本题暂无同学作出解析,期待您来作答点击查看解释相关试题您的位置:&>&&>&&>&
kira86 于发布 l 已有人浏览
【2006年高考英语全国卷II作文试题回放】假定你是李华。应英国朋友Bob的要求, 写一封短信介绍你校图书馆的基
【2006年高考英语全国卷II作文试题回放】假定你是李华。应英国朋友Bob的要求, 写一封短信介绍你校图书馆的基本情况。内容须包括下面两幅图中的相关信息。
Thank you for your last letter asking about our library. Our library locates between the teaching building and our garden. The shape of it seems to be a book to welcome our students. it&s open from Monday to Friday ,and we can borrow the books from 9:00a.m. to 7:00p.m.
There are many books available in our library ,dealing with almost every subject. Not only the books, but also the magazines can be read here. You may borrow up to five books at a time, and keep them for at most ten days.
Due to the library , we are offered a place to gain as much knowledge as we can. If you are interested in it, welcome to our school, and I&ll show you around.
Yours sincerely,


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