a few words to my son 高考英语阅读理解解

来源: 新疆兵团农二师华山中学学年高一英语上学期期中试题.doc
&When I met him,
I had a lot of anger inside of me. I’ve lived my whole life in Spanish Harlem, but in my neighborhood, there are shoot-ups
all the time. I know kids who have been shot or beaten up. I have friends who
ended up in prison. I could have ended up that way, too, but Mr. Clark wouldn’t let that happen.
&&& Mr. Clark worked long hours,making sure I did my work. My grades
rose. In fact,the scores of our whole class rose. One
day,he took our class to see The Phantom of the Opera,and it was the first time some kids had ever been out of Harlem.
Before the show, he treated us to dinner at a
restaurant and taught us not to talk with our mouths full. We did not want to
let him down.
&&& Mr. Clark was selected as Disney‘s 2000 Teacher of the
Year. He said he would draw three names out of a hat; those students would go with him to
Los Angles to get the award. But when the time came to draw names,Mr. Clark said,“You’re all going.”
&&& On graduation day, there were a lot of tears. We didn’t want his class to end. In 2001, he moved to Atlanta, but he always kept in
touch. He started giving lectures about education, and
wrote a bestselling book based on his classroom rules,
The Essential 55. In 2003, Mr. Clark took some of us on
a trip to South Africa to deliver school supplies and visit orphanages (孤儿院)。 It was the most amazing experience of my life. It’s now my dream to
one day start a group of women’s clubs,helping people
from all backgrounds.
&&& 21. Without Mr. Clark, the writer _________.
&&& A. might have put into
B. might not have won the prize
&&& C. might have joined a women‘s
club&&&&&& D. might not have moved to Atlanta
&& 22. The Essential 55 is ___________.
&&& A. a show&&&&& B. a
speech&&&& C. a classroom
rule&&&&&&& D. a book
&&& 23. How many students‘ names were finally drawn out of a
hat by Mr. Clark?
&&& A. None&&&&&&&&
B. Three&&&&&& C.
Fifty-five&&&&&&&& D. All
&&& 24. In the passage, the writer intends to tell us that ___________.
&&& A. Mr. Clark went to South Africa because he liked
&&& B. Mr. Clark helped to set up a group of women‘s clubs
&&& C. a good teacher can raise his or her students‘ score
&&& D. a good teacher has a good influence on his or her
&&& 25. What is the writer’s attitude (态度)towards Mr. Clark?
&&& A. He speaks highly of Mr.
Clark.&&&&&&& B. He looks down upon Mr.
&&& C. He doesn’t show his attitude towards Mr. Clark.
D. He takes a neutral (中立的) attitude towards Mr. Clark.
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was once an 11-year-old boy who went fishing every time he went to an island in
the middle of a New Hampshire lake.
day before bass(巴斯鱼) season opened, he and his father were fishing early in the
evening, catching other fish with worms. Then he tied on a small silver lure(鱼饵) and put it into the lake. Suddenly the boy felt something very big
pulling on the lure. His father watched with admiration as the boy skillfully
brought the fish beside the bank. Finally he lifted the tired fish from the
water. It was the largest one he had ever seen, but it was a bass.
and his father looked at the big fish. The father lit a match and looked at his
watch. It was 10 pm — two hours before the season opened.He looked at the fish,
then at the boy.&&& “You’ll have to put it back, son,” he said.
cried the boy. “There will be other fish,” said his father. “Not as big as this
one,” cried the boy. He looked around the lake. No other fishermen or boats
could be seen in the moonlight. He looked again at his father.
though no one had seen them, nor could anyone ever know what time he had caught
the fish, the boy could tell from his father’s voice that the decision couldn’t
be changed.He
threw the huge bass into the black water.
fish disappeared.The boy thought that he would never again see such a big fish.
was 34 years ago. Today the boy is a successful architect in New York City. He
often takes his own son and daughters to fish at the same place.
was right. He has never again caught such a large fish as the one he got that
night long ago. But he does see that same fish ... again and again ... every
time he has an ethical (道德的) decision to make. For, as his father had taught him, ethics are
simple matters of right and wrong. It is only the practice of ethics that is
26.How did the father feel when he saw his son
skillfully pulling a big fish out of the water?
&&& A.Delighted. && B.Nervous.&& &&& C.Embarrassed. && D.Shocked.
27.What happened when it became clear that the
big fish was a bass?
&&& A.The boy and his father
discussed what to do with the big fish.
&&& B.The boy threw the bass
back into the water willingly.
&&& C.The father made a decision
that the fish must be set free.
&&& D.They worried other
fishermen might know what they had done.
28.From the text we know that &&&&&&.
&&& A.the father didn’t love his
son&&& B.the father always disagreed
with his son
&&& C.the father disliked the
huge fish&&& D.the father was firm and
29.The successful architect went fishing with
his children at the same place because &&&&&&.
&&& A.they might catch a big
fish there
&&& B.he remembered the moral
lesson from his father
&&& C.he wanted to remember his
&&& D.their children enjoyed fishing
30.What does the author want to show in the
&&& A.It is easy to say
something, but difficult to do.
&&& B.An ethical decision is not
difficult to make.
&&& C.It is hard to tell right
from wrong sometimes.
&&& D.Fishing helps you to make
right ethical decisions.
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2015年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 English around the world 新人教版必修1.doc
When was the last time you did something really fun with
one of your parents—just the two of you?
Parents who take their young children to music,swimming and art
classes often stop arranging such activities once their kids are older and in
school all day.But it doesn’t have to be that way.Doing something enjoyable
with your kids just might make you look at each other in a whole new way,especially if you do it through a class or an event.When parent and
child become students together,it puts them on the same
level,at least for a while.
“I really like parents to come to class with their
kids—they start sharing things and talking about what they’re doing and what
they like,” said art teacher Pyper Dixon.
However,finding something new in common is a big& choice for them,especially when kids get involved in sports and other after&school
activities.But it’s possible to learn a new skill or hobby together.
That’s certainly true of Lauren,11,from Silver Spring,who is in Dixon’s class
with her father,Dennis.“I was just going to drop her
off,” Dennis said,“but Dixon
persuaded me to stay.”
Now Lauren gets to nag her father about doing his
art homework.“He always leaves it to the last minute,”
she said.“But then he’ll turn around to do amazing drawings,”& she added.“We have different styles of drawing,so it’s interesting& to talk it over with him.”
Without the Saturday morning art class,Dennis said,he& would be reading the
paper,and Lauren would be on her own in her room or on
the computer.But they talk more now.“I can’t think of an experience where you
communicate with your kid so closely,” he
1.The author raises the question
at the beginning to________.
A.expect an answer&  &&&&&&&&&&&&& B.criticize some parents
C.introduce the
topic &&&&&&&&&&&& D.support his argument
2.What does Dixon think is the
benefit of parent and child studying art together?
A.They will become equal.
B.They will communicate more.
C.The child will learn art much
D.The parent will learn
something new.
3.The underlined word “nag” in
the text probably means________.
A.urge &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.help
C.ignore  &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.teach
4.We can learn from the text
A.Lauren used to talk a lot with
her father
B.Dennis enjoys studying art
with Lauren
C.Lauren dislikes her father’s
D.Dennis likes playing computer
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-325378');">&
首发 2015年高考英语真题 天津卷 包含试题答案 word版本 .doc
&&&&&&&& Once
when I was facing a decision that involved high risk, I went to a friend. He
looked at me for a moment, and then wrote a sentence containing the best advice
I’ve ever had: Be bold and brave — and mighty (强大的) forces will come to your aid.
Those words made me see clearly that when I
had fallen short in the past, it was seldom because I had tried and failed. It
was usually because I had let fear of failure stop me from trying at all. On
the other hand, whenever I had plunged into deep water, forced by courage or
circumstance, I had always been able to swim until I got my feet on the ground
Boldness means a decision to bite off more
than you can eat. And there is nothing mysterious about the mighty forces. They
are potential powers we possess: energy, skill, sound judgment, creative ideas
— even physical strength greater than most of us realize.
&&&&&&&& Admittedly,
those mighty forces are spiritual ones. But they are more important than
physical ones. A college classmate of mine, Tim, was an excellent football
player, even though he weighed much less than the average player. “In one game I suddenly found myself
confronting a huge player, who had nothing but me between him and our goal
line,” said Tim. “I was so
frightened that I closed my eyes and desperately threw myself at that guy like
a bullet — and stopped him cold.”
&&&&&&&& Boldness
— a willingness to extend yourself to the extreme—is not one that can be
acquired overnight. But it can be taught to children and developed in adults.
Confidence builds up. Surely, there will be setbacks (挫折) and dis boldness
in itself is no guarantee of success. But the person who tries to do something
and fails is a lot better off than the person who tries to do nothing and
&&&&&&&& So,
always try to live a little bit beyond your abilities—and you’ll find your
abilities are greater than you ever dreamed.
51.& Why was the author sometimes unable
to reach his goal in the past?
A. He faced huge risks.
B. He lacked mighty forces.
C. Fear prevented him from trying.
D. Failure blocked his way to success.
52. What is the implied meaning of the
underlined part?
A. Swallow more than you can digest.
B. Act slightly above your abilities.
C. Develop more mysterious powers.
D. Learn to make creative decisions.
53. What was especially important for Tim’s
successful defense in the football game?
A. His physical strength.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.
His basic skill.
C. His real fear.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.
His spiritual force.
54.& What can be learned from Paragraph
& A. Confidence grows more rapidly in
B. Trying without success is meaningless.
C. Repeated failure creates a better life.
D. Boldness can be gained little by little.
55. What is the author’s purpose in writing
this passage?
A. To encourage people to be courageous.
B. To advise people to build up physical
C. To tell people the ways to guarantee success.
D. To recommend people to develop more
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首发 2015年高考英语真题 天津卷 包含试题答案 word版本 .doc
One day when I was 12, my mother gave me an
order: I was to walk to the public library, and borrow at least one book for
the summer. This was one more weapon for her to defeat my strange problem —
inability to read.
&&&&&&&& In
the library, I found my way into the “Children’s Room.” I sat down on the floor
and pulled a few books off the shelf at random. The cover of a book caught my
eye. It presented a picture of a beagle. I had recently had a beagle, the first
and only animal companion I ever had as a child. He was my secret sharer, but
one morning, he was gone, given away to someone who had the space and the money
to care for him. I never forgot my beagle.
&&&&&&&& There
on the book’s cover was a beagle which looked identical to my dog. I ran my
fingers over the picture of the dog on the cover. My eyes ran across the title,
Amos, the Beagle with a Plan. Unknowingly, I had read the title. Without
opening the book, I borrowed it from the library for the summer.
Under the shade of a bush, I started to read
about Amos. I read very, very slowly with difficulty. Though pages were turned
slowly, I got the main idea of the story about a dog who, like mine, had been
separated from his family and who finally found his way back home. That dog was
my dog, and I was the little boy in the book. At the end of the story, my mind
continued the final scene of reunion, on and on, until my own lost dog and I
were, in my mind, running together.
&&&&&&&& My
mother’s call returned me to the real world. I suddenly realized something: I
had read a book, and I had loved reading that book. Everyone knew I could not
read. But I had read it. Books could be incredibly wonderful and I was going to
read them.
&&&&&&&& I
never told my mother about my “miraculous” (奇迹般地)
experience that summer, but she saw a slow but remarkable improvement in my
classroom performance during the next year. And years later, she was proud that
her son had read thousands of books, was awarded a PhD in literature, and
authored his own books, articles, poetry and fiction. The power of the words
46.& The author’s mother told him to
borrow a book in order to_____.
A. encourage him to do more walking
B. let him spend a meaningful summer
C. help cure him of his reading problem
D. make him learn more about weapons
47. The book caught the author’s eye
A. it contained pretty pictures of animals
B. it reminded him of his own dog
C. he found its title easy to understand
D. he liked children’s stories very much
48.& Why could the author manage to read
the book through?
& A. He was forced by his mother to read
B. He identified with the story in the book.
C. The book told the story of his pet dog.
D. The happy ending of the story attracted
49. What can be inferred from the last
A. The author has become a successful writer.
B. The author’s mother read the same book.
C. The author’s mother rewarded him with
D. The author has had happy summers ever
50.& Which one could be the best title
of the passage?
A. The Charm of a Book&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.
Mum’s Strict Order
C. Reunion with My Beagle&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&
D. My Passion for Reading
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来源: 首发 2015年高考英语真题 新课标II卷 包含试题答案 word版本 .doc
color television has given me nothing but a headache. I was able to buy it a
little over a year ago because I had my relatives give me money for my birthday
instead of clothes that wouldn’t fit. I let a salesclerk fool me into buying a
discontinued model. I realized this a day later, when I saw newspaper
advertisements for the set at seventy-five dollars less than I had paid. The
set worked so beautiful when I first got it home that I would keep it on until
stations signed off for the night. Fortunately, I didn’t get any
channels showing all-night movies or I would never have gotten to bed.
Then I started developing a problem with
the set that involved static(静电) noise. For some
reason, when certain shows switched into a commercial, a loud noise would sound
for a few seconds. Gradually, this noise began to appear during a show, and to
get rid of it, I had to change to another channel and then change it back. Sometimes
this technique would not work, and I had to pick up the set and shake it to
remove the sound. I actually began to build up my arm muscles(肌肉) shaking my set.
When neither of these methods removed the
static noise, I would sit helplessly and wait for the noise to go away. At last
I ended up hitting the set with my first, and it stopped working altogether. My
trip to the repair shop cost me $62, and the sit is working well now, but I
keep expecting more trouble.
21. Why did the author say he was fooled into buying the TV set?
He got an older model than he had expected.
He couldn’t return it when it was broken.
He could have bought it at a lower price.
D.&&&&&& He
failed to find any movie shows on it.
22. Which of the following an best replace the phrase “signed off” in
paragraph 1?
ended all their programs
provided fewer channels
changed to commercials
D.&&&&&& showed
all-night movies
23. How did the author finally get this TV set working again?
By shaking and hitting it
By turning it on and off
By switching channels
D.&&&&&& By
having it repaired
24. How does the author sound when telling the story?
D.&&&&&& Humorous
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首发 2015年高考英语真题 新课标I卷 包含试题答案 word版本 .doc
The freezing Northeast
hasn’t been a terribly fun place to spend time this winter, so when the chance
came for a weekend to Sarasota, Florida, my bags were packed before you could
say “sunshine”. I left for the land of warmth and vitamin C(维生素C), thinking of beaches
and orange trees. When we touched down to blue skies and warm air, I sent up a
small prayer of gratefulness. Swimming pools, wine tasting, and pink sunsets(at
normal evening hours, not 4 in the afternoon) filled the weekend, but the best
part- particularly to my taste, dulled by months of cold- weather root
vegetables- was a 7 a.m. adventure to the Sarasota farmers’ market that proved
to be more than worth the early wake-up call.
&The market, which
was founded in 1979, sets up its tents every Saturday from 7:00 am to 1 p.m,
rain or shine, along North Lemon and State streets. Baskets of perfect red
strawberries, the red-painted sides of the Java D and most of
all, the tomatoes: amazing, large, soft and round red tomatoes.
Disappointed by many a
broken, vine-ripened(蔓上成熟的) promise,
I’ve refused to buy winter tomatoes for years. No matter how attractive they
look in the store, once I get them home they’re unfailingly dry, hard, and
tasteless. But I homed in, with uncertainty, on one particular table at the
Brown’s Grove Farm’s stand, full of fresh and soft tomatoes the size of my
fist. These were the real deal- and at that moment, I realized that the best
part of Sarasota in winter was going to be eating things that back home in New
York I wouldn’t be experiencing again for months.
&Delighted as I was
by the tomatoes in sight, my happiness deepened when I learned that Brown’s
Grove Farm is one of the suppliers for Jack Dusty, a newly opened restaurant at
the Sarasota Ritz Carlton, where- luckily for me- I was planning to have dinner
that very night. Without even seeing the menu, I knew I’d be ordering every
tomato on it.
24. What did the author think of her winter life
in New York?
A. Exciting.&& B. Boring.&&
C. Relaxing.&&& D. Annoying.
25. What made the author’s getting up late early
A. Having a swim.
B. Breathing in fresh air.
C. Walking in the morning sun.
D. Visiting a local farmer’s market.
26. What can we learn about tomatoes sold in New
York in winter?
A. They are soft.
B. They look nice.
C. They taste great.
D. They are juicy.
27. What was the author going to that evening?
A. Go to a farm.
B. Check into a hotel.
C. Eat in a restaurant.
D. Buy fresh
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首发 2015年高考英语真题 浙江卷 包含试题答案 word版本 .doc
&&&& In 2004 ,when my daughter
Becky was ten , she and my husband ,Joe, were united in their desire for a dog
. As for me , I shared none of their canine lust.
But why , they pleaded. “Because I don’t have time to take care of a dog.” But
we’ll do it.” Really? You’re going to walk the dog? Feed the dog? Bathe the
dog?” Yes, yes , and yes .”I don’t believe you .” We will . We promise.
&&&& They didn’t . From day two
( everyone wanted to walk the cute puppy that first day ) , neither thought to
walk the dog . While I was slow to accept that I would be the one to keep
thrack of her shots , to schedule her vet appointments , to feec and clean her
, Misty knew this on day one . As she looked up at the ehree new humans in her
life ( small , mediurn , and large ) , she calculated ,”The medium one is
the sucker in the pack .”
&&&& Quickly , she and I developed something very similar to a Vulcan
mind meld ( 心灵融合 )
. She’d look at me with those sad brown wyes of hers , beam her need , and then
wait , trusting I would understand — which , strangely , I almost always did . In no time , she became
my feet as I read , and splaying across my stomach as I watched television .
&&&& Even so , part of me
continued to resent walking duty . Joe and Becky had promised . Not fair , I’d
balk ( 不心甘情愿地做 )
silently as she and I walked . “Not fair , ” I’ d loudly remind anyone within
earshot upon our retern home .
&&&& Then one day — January 1 , 2007 , to be exact
— my huband ‘ s
doctor uttered an unthinkable word : leukemia ( 白血病 ) .With that , I spent eight to ten hours a day
with Joe ine the hopital , doing anything and everything I could to ease his
discomfort . During those six months of hospitalizations ,Becky , 12 at the
time , adjusted to other adults being in the house when she returned from
school. My work colleagues adjusted to my taking off at a moment's notice for
medical emergencies. Every par no part of my old routine
&&&& Save one: Misty still
needed walking. At the beginning, when friends offered to take her
through her paces, I declined because I knew they had
their own households to deal with.
&&&&& As the months went
by,I began to
realize that I actually wanted to walk Misty. The walk in the morning before I
headed to the hospital was a quiet, peaceful time to gather my thoughts or to
just be before the day's medical drama unfolded. The evening walk was a time to
shake off the day's upsets and let the worry tracks in my head go to white
&&&& When serious illness
visits your household, it's , not just your daily routine and your assumptions
about the future that are no longer familiar. Pretty much everyone you acts
&&& Not Misty. Take her for a walk,
and she had no interest in Joe's blood counts or bone marrow test results. On
the street or in the park, she had only one thing on her mind: squirrels! She
Was so joyous that even on the worst days, she could make me smile. On a daily
basis she reminded me that life goes on.
&&& After Joe died in 2009,Misty slept on his pillow.
I'm grateful一to a point. The truth is, after
years of balking, I've come to enjoy my walks with Misty. As I watch her chase
after a squirrel, throwing her whole being into the here-and-now of an exercise
that has never once ended in victory, she reminds me, too, that no matter how
harsh the nt or unpredictable the future , there's almost always some measure
of joy to be extracted from the moment.
55. why didn't the
writer agree to raise a dog at the beginning of the story?
She was afraid the dog would get the family, into trouble.
would be her business to take care of the.dog
Her husband and daughter were united as one.
She didn't want to spoil her daughter.
&&& 56. Which of the following is
the closest in meaning to &The medium one is the sucker in the pack.” (Paragraph 3)?
&&&&&& A.&The
middle-aged person loves me most.”
&&&&&& B.”The
medium-sized woman is the hostess.”
&&&&&& C.&The
man in the middle is the one who has the final say.”
&&&&&& D. &The
woman is the kind and trustworthy one in the family.”
57. It can be inferred
from Paragraph 3 that_______.
&& A.Misty was
quite clever
&& B. Misty
could solve math problems
writer was a slow learner
&& D. no one
walked Misty the first day
58.The story came to its
turning point when________.
&& A. Joe died
&& B. Joe fell
ill in 2007
&& C.The walk
provided her with spiritual comfort.
didn't want Misty to be others companion.
60. What is the message the writer wants to convey in the passage?
&&&&&& A. One should
learn to enjoy hard times.
&&&&&& B .A disaster
can change everything in life.
&&&&&& C. Moments of
joy suggest that there is still hope ahead.
&&&&&& D. People will
change their attitude toward you when you are in difficulty.
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首发 2015年高考英语真题 浙江卷 包含试题答案 word版本 .doc
From the very beginning
of school we make books and reading a constant source of possible failure and
public humiliation. When children are little we make them read aloud, before
the teacher and other children, so that we can be sure they &know&
all the words they are reading. This means that when they don't know a word,
they are going to make a mistake, right in front of everyone. After having
taught fifth-grade classes for four years, I decided to try at all costs to rid
them of their fear and dislike of books, and to get them to read oftener and
more adventurously.
One day soon after
school had started, I said to them, &Now I'm going to say something about
reading that you have probably never heard a teacher say before. I would like
you to read a lot of& books this year, but I want you to read them only
for pleasure. I am not going to ask you questions to find out whether you
understand the books or not. If you understand enough of a book to enjoy it and
want to go on reading it, that's enough for me. Also I’m not going to ask you
what words mean. &
The children sat stunned
and silent. Was this a teacher talking? One girl, who had just come to us from
a school where she had had a very hard time, looked at me steadily for a long
time after I had finished. Then, still looking at me, she said slowly and
seriously, Mr Holt, do you really mean that?& I said just as seriously,
&I mean every word of it.
During the spring she
really astonished me. One day, she was reading at her desk, From a glimpse of
the illustrations I thought I knew what the book was. I said to myself, &It
can't be,& and went to take a closer look. Sure enough, she was reading
Moby Dick , in edition with woodcuts. I said, &Don't you find parts of it
rather heavy going?& She answered, Oh, sure, but I just skip over those
parts and go on to the next good part. &
This is exactly what
reading should be and in school so seldom is,an exciting, joyous adventure.
Find something, dive into it, take the good parts, skip the bad parts, get what
you can out of it, go on to something else. How different is our mean-spirited,
picky insistence that every child get every last little scrap of
&understanding& that can be dug out of a book.
41. According to the
passage, children's fear and dislike of books may result from .
A. reading little and
thinking little &&
B. reading often and
C. being made to read
D. being made to read
aloud before others
42. The teacher told his
students to read .
A. for enjoyment&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
&B. for knowledge
C. for a larger
vocabulary &&&&&&&&&&D. for
higher scores in exams
43. Upon hearing the
teacher's talk, the children probably felt that .
A. it sounded stupid
B. it was not surprising
C. it sounded too good
to be true
D. it was no different
from other teachers' talk
44. Which of the
following statements about the girl is TRUE according to the passage?
A. She skipped over
those easy parts while reading.
B. She had a hard time
finishing the required reading tasks.
C. She learned to
appreciate some parts of the difficult books.
D. She turned out to be
a top student after coming to this school.
45. From the teacher's
point of view, .
A. children cannot tell
good parts from bad parts while reading
B. children should be
left to decide what to read and how to read
C. reading is never a
pleasant and inspiring experience in school
D. reading involves
understanding every little piece of information
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首发 2015年高考英语真题 重庆卷 包含试题答案 word版本 .doc
At thirteen, I was diagnosed(诊所) with& kind of attention disorder. It made school
difficult for me. When everyone else in the class was focusing on tasks, I
could not.
In my first literature class, Mrs.Smith asked us to
read a story and then write on it, all within 45 minutes. I raised my hand
right away and said,“Mrs.Smith, you see, the doctor said I have attention
problems. I might not be able to do it.”
&&&&&& She
glanced down at me through her glasses, “you are no different from your
classmates, young man.”
I tried, but I didn’t finish the reading when the bell
rang. I had to take it home.
In the quietness of my bedroom, the story suddenly all
became clear to me. It was about a blind person, Louis Braille. He lived in a
time when the blind couldn’t get much education. But Louis didn’t give up.
Instead, he invented a reading system of raised dots(点), which opened up a whole new world of knowledge to
the blind.
Wasn’t I the “blind” in my class, being made to learn
like the “sighted” students? My thoughts spilled out and my pen started to
dance. I completed the task within 40 minutes. Indeed, I was no di Ijust needed a quieter place. If Louis could find his way out of his
problems, why should I ever give up?
I didn’t expect anything when I handled in my paper to
Mrs.Smith, so it was quite a surprise when it came back to me the next day-
with an“A” on it. At the bottom of the paper were these words:“ See what you
can do when you keep trying?”
The author didn’t finish the reading in class because.
He was new to the class&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.
He was tried of literature
He had an attention disorder&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.
He wanted to take the task home
What do we know about Louis Braille from the passage?
He had good sight&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.
He made a great invention.
He gave up reading&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.
He learned a lot from school
What was Mrs.Smith ‘s attitude to the author at the end of the story?
Angry&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.
Impatient&&&&&&&&& C. Sympathetic&&&&&&&&&& D.
What is the main idea of the passage?
disabled should be treated with respect.
teacher can open up a new world to students.
One can find his way out of difficulties with efforts.
Everyone needs a hand when faced with challenges.
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首发 2015年高考英语真题 湖北卷 包含试题答案 word版本 .doc
“I see you’ve got a bit of water on your coat,”
said the man at the petrol station. “Is it raining out there?”“No, it’s pretty
nice,” I replied, checking my sleeve. “Oh, right. A pony(马驹)
bit me earlier.”
As it happened, the bite was virtually painless:
more the kind of small bite you might get from a naughty child. The pony
responsible was queuing up for some ice cream in the car park near Haytor, and
perhaps thought I’d jumped in ahead of him.
The reason why the ponies here are naughty is
that Haytor is a tourist-heavy area and tourists are constantly feeding the
ponies foods, despite sighs asking them not to. By feeding the ponies, tourists
increase the risk of them getting hit by a car, and make them harder to gather
during the area’s annual pony drift(迁移).
The purpose of a pony drift is to gather them up
so their health can be checked, the baby ones can be stooped from feeding on
their mother’s milk, and those who’ve gone beyond their limited area can be
returned to their correct area. Some of them are also later sold, in order to
limit the number of ponies according to the rules set by Natural England.
Three weeks ago, I witnessed a small
near-disaster a few mils west of here. While walking, I noticed a pony roll
over on his back. “Hello!” I said to him, assuming he was just rolling for fun,
but he was very still and, as I got closer, I saw him kicking his legs in the
air and breathing heavily. I began to properly worry about him. Fortunately, I
managed to get in touch with a Dartmoor’s Livestock Protection officer and send
her a photo. The officer immediately sent a local farmer out to check on the
pony. The pony had actually been trapped between two rocks. The farmer freed
him, and he began to run happily around again.
has 1,000 or so ponies, who play a critical role in creating the diversity of
species in this area. Many people are working hard to preserve these ponies,
and trying to come up with plans to find a sustainable(可持续的) future for one of Dartmoor’s most financially-troubled
are tourists asked not to feed the ponies?
A. To protect the tourists from being bitten
B. To keep the ponies off the petrol station
C. To avoid putting the ponies in danger
D. To prevent the ponies from fighting
of the purposes of the annual pony drift is ______________.
A. to feed baby ponies on milk
B. to control the number of ponies
C. to expand the habitat for ponies
D. to sell the ponies at a good price
as the author’s first reaction when he saw a pony roll on its back?
A. He freed it from the trap
B. He called a protection officer
C. He worried about it very much
D. He thought of it as being naughty
does the author imply about the preservation of Dartmoor’s ponies?
A. It lacks people’s involvement.
B. It costs a large amount of money
C. It will affect tourism in Dartmoor.
D. It has caused an imbalance of species
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-324816');">&
首发 2015年高考英语真题 福建卷 包含试题答案 word版本 .doc
Group exercise is one of
the most effective ways to improve physical fitness and sustain a healthy
lifestyle.Group exercise is challenging, yet fun and empowering! Of course
everyone knows that exercise is good for the body.However, studies have shown
that when exercise is performed in groups, it's not only great for improving
physical health but for psychological health. It's an opportunity to be social,
release endorphins& , and improve your strength. Additionally, group
exercise creates a community feel and the shared common goal motivates
participants to work hard. The instrumental support of taking on a fitness
journey with others proves more effective than going to the gym alone.
Another beneficial
aspect of group exercise is the informational support participants receive from
the instructor.Many people fear the gym because they feel lost and don't want
to embarrass themselves. If you feel you can relate, then group training is an
even better option for you. It's a great opportunity to learn more about
fitness through the clear instruction and supervision of a fitness instructor.
If you're tired of wandering around the gym wasting time and becoming bored,
!you can attend an upbeat group fitness class that'll keep your workout on
track. Don't let
fitness frighten you!
If you're serious about
wanting to live a healthy lifestyle, it's extremely important to surround
yourself with people who'll provide you with the proper emotional support. I
wouldn't scold anyone for deciding to party on weekends and in turn I wouldn't
expect anyone to give offence to me for focusing on my health. Surround
yourself with people who uplift, encourage and understand you! Make fitness even
more fun by trying something new or any group fitness class, with a friend.
Plan to go for a jog together. Then try a fun healthy restaurant or fresh juice
bar! Fitness can be both fun and social!
Surrounding yourself
with people who'll provide you with respect support can be very beneficial
while working towards reaching health and fitness goals. First, decide to do it
for yourself and work towards staying positive. Then make sure the people you
surround yourself with are supportive. Don't let negativity ruin your
72. The first paragraph focuses on____ .
A.& the greatest
challenge of group exercise
B.& the most
effective way to improve physical fitness
contribution of group exercise to psychological health
D.& the shared
common goal in performing exercise in groups
73. The underlined word &upbeat& in
the second paragraph probably means &&&&
&& A. cheerful&&&&&&&&&&& B.
average&&&&&&&&&&& C.
serious&&&&&&&&&&&& D.
&When it comes to emotional support, the author thinks it necessary
&& A.& to sustain a colorful
&& B.& to party on weekends with
positive people
&& C.& to try a fun healthy
restaurant regularly
&& D. to surround yourself with
supportive people
75. What would be the best title for the
&& A. Seeking Support&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.
Supporting Health
&& C. Improving Your Strength&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.
Building Up Fitness
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-324793');">&
首发 2015年高考英语真题 福建卷 包含试题答案 word版本 .doc
Life can be so
wonderful, full of adventure and joy. It can also be full of challenges,
setbacks and heartbreaks. Whatever our circumstances, we generally still have
dreams, hopes and desires—that little something more we want for ourselves and
our loved ones. Yet knowing we can have more can also create a problem, because
when we go to change the way we do things, up come the old patterns and
pitfalls& that stopped us from seeking what we wanted in the first place.
This tension between
what we feel we can have and &what were seemingly able to have is the
niggling& suffering, the anxiety we feel. This is where we usually think
it's easier to just give up. But we're never meant to let go of the part of us
that knows we can have more. The intelligence behind that knowing is us—the
real us. It's the part that believes in life and its possibilities. If you drop
that, you begin to feel a little &dead& inside because you're
dropping &you&.
So, if we have this
capability but somehow life seems to keep us stuck, how do we break these
&& Decide on a new course and make one decision at a time. This is good
advice for a new adventure or just getting through today's challenges.
While, deep down, we
know we can do it, our mind—or the minds of those close to us—usually says we
&&& That isn't a reason to stop, it's just the mind, that little
man or woman on your shoulder, trying to talk you out of something again. It
has done it many times before. It's all about starting simple and doing it now.
Decide and act before
overthinking. When you do this you may feel a little, or large, release from
the jail of your mind and you'll be on your way.
68.It can be inferred from the first two
paragraphs that we should_____________ .
A.slow down and live a simple life
B.be careful when we choose to change
C.stick to our dreams under any circumstances
D.be content with what we already have
69.What is the key to breaking the old patterns?
A. To focus on every
B. To decide and take immediate action.
C. To listen to those close to
us.&&&&&&&&&& D. To think
twice before we act.
70.Which of the following best explains the
underlined part in the last paragraph?
A. Escape from your
punishment&&&&&&&&& B. Realization
of your dreams.
C. Freedom from your tension. &&&&&&&&&&&D.
Reduction of your expectations.
71.What does the author intend to tell us?
A.It's easier than we think to get what we want.
B. It's important to learn to accept sufferings
C. It's impractical to change our way of
D. It's harder than we expect to follow a new
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-324792');">&
首发 2015年高考英语真题 福建卷 包含试题答案 word版本 .doc
Papa, as a son of a
dirt-poor farmer, left school early and went to work in a factory, for
education was for the rich then. So, the world became his school. With great
interest, he read everything he could lay his hands on, listened to the town
elders and learned about the world beyond his tiny hometown. &There's so
much to learn,& he'd say. &Though we're born stupid, only the stupid
remain that way. & He was determined that none of his children would be
denied an education.
Thus, Papa insisted that
we learn at least one new thing each day. Though, as children, we thought this
was crazy, it would never have occurred to us to deny Papa a request. And
dinner time seemed perfect for sharing what we had learned. We would talk about
no matter how insignificant, it was never taken lightly.
Papa would listen carefully and was ready with some comment, always to the
Then came the moment—the time to share the day's new learning.
Papa, at the head of the table, would push back
his chair and pour a glass of red wine, ready to listen.
&Felice,& he'd say, &tell me what you learned today. &
&I learned that the population of Nepal is .... &
Papa was thinking about
what was said, as if the salvation of the world would depend upon it. &The
population of Nepal. Hmm. Well . . . . & he'd say. &G
let's see where Nepal is. & And the whole family
went on a search for Nepal.
This same experience was
repeated until each family member had a turn. Dinner ended only after we had a
clear understanding of at least half a dozen such facts.
As children, we thought
very little about these educational wonders. Our family, however, was growing
together, sharing experiences and participating in one another's education. And
by looking at us, listening to us, respecting our input, affirming our value,
giving us a sense of dignity, Papa was unquestionably our most influential
Later during my training
as a future teacher /1 studied with some of the most famous educators. They
were imparting what Papa had known all along—the value of continual learning.
His technique has served me well all my life. Not a single day has been wasted,
though I can never tell when knowing the population of Nepal might prove
60.What do we know from the first paragraph?
A.& The author's
father was born in a worker's family.
B.& Those born
stupid could not change their life.
C.& The town elders
wanted to learn about the world.
D. The poor could hardly
afford school education.
61.The underlined word &it& in the
second paragraph refers to &__
A. one new thing&&&&&&&& B.
a request&&&&&&&&& C. the news&&&&&&&& D.
some comment
62.It can be learned from the passage that the
author__ .
A.& enjoyed talking
about news
B.& knew very well
about Nepal
C.& felt regret
about those wasted days
D . appreciated his
father's educational technique
63What is the greatest value of &dinner
time& to the author?
A. Continual learning.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.
Showing talents.
C. Family get-together.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.
Winning Papa's approval.
64.The author's father can be best described as__ .
A.& an educator
expert at training future teachers
B.& a parent
insistent on his children's education
C.& a participant
willing to share his knowledge
D.& a teacher
strict about everything his students did
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-324790');">&
首发 2015年高考英语真题 北京卷 包含试题答案 word版本 .doc
The Boy Made It!
One Sunday, Nicholas, a teenager, went
skiing at Sugarloaf Mountain in Maine. In the early afternoon, when he was
planning to go home, a fierce snowstorm swept into the area. Unable to see far,
he accidentally turned off the path. Before he knew it, Nicholas was lost, all
alone! He didn’t have food, water, a phone, or other supplies. He was getting
colder by the minute.
&&& Nicholas had no idea
where he was. He tried not to panic. He thought about all the survival shows he
had watched on TV. It was time to put the tips he had learned to use.
He decided to stop skiing. There was a
better chance of someone finding him if he stayed put. The first thing he did
was to find shelter form the freezing wind and snow. If he didn’t, his body
temperature would get very low, which could quickly kill him.
Using his skis, Nicholas built a snow cave.
He gathered a huge mass of snow and dug out a hole in the middle. Then he piled
branches on top of himself, like a blanket, to stay as warm as he could.
By that evening, Nicholas was really
hungry. He ate snow and drank water from a nearby stream so that his body
wouldn’t lose too much water. Not knowing how much longer he could last,
Nicholas did the only thing he could- he huddled(蜷缩) in
his cave and slept.
The next day, Nicholas went out to look for
help, but he couldn’t find anyone. He followed his tracks and returned to the
snow cave, because without shelter, he could die that night. On Tuesday,
Nicholas went out to find help. He had walked for about a mile when a volunteer
searcher found him. After two days stuck in the snow, Nicholas was saved.
Nicholas might not have survived this snowstorm
had it not been for TV. He had often watched Grylls’ survival show. Man vs.
Wild. That’s where he learned the tips that saved his life, In each episode(一期节目)of Man vs. Wild, Grylls is abandoned in a wild area
and has to find his way out.
When Grylls heard about Nicholas’ amazing
deeds, he was super impressed that Nicholas had made it since he knew better
than anyone how hard Nicholas had to work to stay alive.
56. What happened to Nicholas one Sunday
&&&&B. He broke his skis.
C. He hurt his
D. He caught a cold
57. How did Nicholas keep himself warm?
A. He found a
B. He lighted some branches.
C. He kept on
D. He built a snow cave.
58. On Tuesday, Nicholas _____.
A. returned to his shelter safely
B. was saved by a searcher
C. got stuck in the snow
D. staved where he was
59. Nicholas left Grylls a very deep
impression because he _____.
A. did the right things in the dangerous situation
B. watched Grylls’ TV program regularly
C. created some tips for survival
D. was very hard-working
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-324767');">&
首发 2015年高考英语真题 四川卷 包含试题答案 word版本 .doc
&& No one is
sure how the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids near Cairo. But a new study
suggests they used a little rock‘n’roll.
Long-ago builders could have attached wooden pole s to the stones and rolled
then across the sand, the scientists say.
&&& “Technically,
I think what they’re proposing is possible,” physicist Daniel Bonn said.
&&& People
have long puzzled over how the Egyptians moved such huge rocks. And htere’s no
obvious answer. On average, each of the two mollion big stones weighed about as
much as a large pickup truck. The Egyptians smehow moved the stone blocks to
the pyramid site from about one kilometer away.
most popular view is that Egyptian workes slid the blocks along smooth paths.
Many scientists suspect wokers first would haveput the blocks on sleds(滑板).
Then they would have dragged them along paths. To make the work easier, workers
may have lubricated the paths either with wet clay or with the fat from
cattle. Bonn has now tested this idea by building small sleds and dragging
heavy objects over sand.
&&& Evidence
from the sand supports this idea. Resrarchers found small amounts of fat, as
well as a large amount of stone and the remains of paths.
However , physicist Joseph West think there might have been a
simpler way , led the new study . West said , “I was inspired while watching a
television program showing how sleds might have helped with pyramid
construction . I thought , ‘Why don’t they just try rolling the things ? ‘ ” A
square could be turned into a rough sort of wheel by attaching wooden poles to
its sides , he realized . That , he notes , should make a block of stone “a lot easier to roll than a square”.
So he tried it.
and his students tied some poles to each of four sides of a 30-kilogram stone
block.That action turned the block into somewhat a wheel.Then they placed the
block on the ground.
wrapped one end of a rope around the block and pulled.The researchers found
they could easily roll the block along different kinds of paths.They calculated
that rolling the block required about as much force as moving it along a
tested his idea on larger blocks,but he thinks rolling has clear advantages
over sliding.At least,workers woldn’t have needed to
carry cattle fat or water to smooth the paths.
46.It’s widely believed that the stone
blocks were moved to the pyramid site by ______.
&&& A.rolling
them on roads
&&& B.pushing
them over the sand
&&& C.sliding
them on smooth paths
&&& D.dragging
them on some poles
underlined part “lubricated the paths” in Paragraph 4
&&& A.made
the path wet
&&& B.made
the path hard
&&& C.made
the path wide
&&& D.made
the path slippery
does the underlined word “it”in Paragraph 7 refer to?
&&& A.Rolling
the blocks with poles attached.
&&& B.Rolling
the blocks on wooden wheels.
C.Rolling poles to move the blocks.
D.rolling the blocks with fat.
49. Why is
rolling better than sliding according to West ?
A. Because more force is needed for sliding.
B. Because rolling work can be done by fewer cattle.
C. Because sliding on smooth road is more dangerous.
D. Because less preparation on path is needed for rolling.
is the text mainly about ?
A. An experiment on ways of moving blocks to the pyramid site.
B. An application of the method of moving blocks to the pyramid site.
C. An argument about different methods of moving blocks to the pyramid site.
D. An introduction to a possible new way of moving blocks to the pyramid site.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-324723');">&
2015届高考一轮复习 Unit 5 Theme parks课下限时训练作业.doc
&“Oh,you must have been a
spoiled (宠坏的) kid.You must be really bossy.I wonder
what you’re going to be like to deal with?” That’s
often the response Angela Hult gets when people find out she’s an only child,she told ABC News.Despite such negative (消极的) remarks,Hult has decided to have only one
child herself.And she’s not alone.
According to the US’ Office for National Statistics,women approaching the end of their childbearing years had an average
of 1.9 children in 2004,compared with 3.1 for their
counterparts in 1976.The percentage of one&child families in Britain had risen from 18 percent in 1972 to 26 percent in 2007.
But even though only children are becoming increasingly
common,the traditional view that they’re selfish,spoiled and lack social skills holds strong.Even parents of only
children,like Hult,are made to
feel guilty about having only one child.Worried that they’re being selfish and
endangering their child’s future,they flock to online
discussion forums seeking advice.Soon,however,they ask themselves:is this social prejudice
really reasonable?
“There have been hundreds and hundreds of research
studies that show that only children are no different from their peers (同龄人),” Susan Newman,a
social psychologist at Rutgers University in the US,told
This raises another question:why
are only children still viewed with such suspicion?
“There is a belief that’s been around probably since
humans first existed that to have just one child is somehow dangerous,both for you and for the continuation of your race,” Toni Falbo,a professor of educational
psychology,told the Guardian.“In the past a lot
of children died.You’d have had to be crazy to only have one.”
Times,of course,have changed and infant mortality (婴儿死亡率)
has largely reduced.So what do only children themselves say?
Kayley Kravitz,a blogger for The
Huffington Post,grew up as an only child
and highly recommends the experience.“Being an only child taught me the most
valuable skill of all:the ability to be alone,” she said.
1.Which of the following could
be the best title for the text?
A.Are only children lonely?
B.Are only children common?
C.Are only children dangerous?
D.Are only children different?
2.What does Susan Newman mean?
A. Only children are as good as
their peers.
B.Only children are more selfish
and spoiled.
C.Parents feel guilty about
having only one child.
D.Parents will endanger their
only child’s future.
3.What is the common belief
since human existed?
A.The infant death rate always
stays high.
B.People are crazy to have only
one child.
C.It’s easy for only children to
earn their living.
D.It’s hard to continue the
family line with only one child.
4.An only child like
A.must be difficult to
B.can possibly learn to be alone
C.should value special skills
D.need ignore bad experience
5.What’s the author’s attitude
towards having only one child?
A.Neutral. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.Negative.
C.Positive. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.Doubtful.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-324089');">&
2015届高考一轮复习 Unit 5 The power of nature课下限时训练作业.doc
When I was growing up in the suburbs of New York,our first local Earth Day was organized around a drive to a town
field where families were urged to dump items from their basements for
recycling rather than tossing them in the trash.It was an eye&opening concept
for a kid in 1970.
But as an environmental reporter,I have come to dread (非常害怕) the large amount
of deals and promotions that arrive via e&mail or in my office or home mailbox
on Earth Day.Like Valentine’s Day,Earth Day has become
a huge marketing opportunity—a paradoxical (矛盾的) way to
promote consumption and sell stuff.
In fact,Earth Day is such a good
sales hook that some shops,like Target,have expanded Earth Day into Earth Month.
There isn’t time to give you a full rundown of the Earth
Day shopping opportunities I was alerted to this past week.They included deals
on buying bottled water and earth&friendly diaper wipes.
My award for the silliest promotion:a plan to gift 25 of the most environmentally& conscious&
stars& unique,useful& and fabulous “green”
products and services,including skin care products,cat litter,cheesecake and artwork.My guess
is most of the stuff will end up in celebrities’ garbage.
Is buying and selling a good way to celebrate and
protect the environment?I would argue that Earth Day
might be an occasion to consider giving up purchases or habits that are
environmentally questionable or that we could happily do without.How about not
buying bottled water,but refilling a water bottle?How about not buying foods—even “organic” foods—that are packed in
non&recyclable plastic?
Don’t get me wrong.Bridgestone is celebrating Earth Day
by promising to repurpose a spent tire for every tire that it sells.Verizon
will plant a tree for each cellphone you trade in.Some coffee stores will even
refill reusable mugs at no charge.Target is giving out free reusable carrier
bags without requiring a purchase.
But few retailers are taking the next step—charging a
fee at the cash register for disposable plastic bags,a
common practice in Europe—to motivate customers to use those new reusable
Earth Day is transient (短暂的).If you only showed love on Valentine’s Day,would
that really mean anything at all?
1.The author’s first local Earth
Day was celebrated by________.
A.driving to a town field for
B.dumping unused items for
C.looking for good ideas for
D.clearing items from their
2.Why do some shops expand Earth
Day into Earth Month?
A.Because too many activities
are organized for the day.
B.Because they intend to make
more sales strategies.
C.Because they want to have more
selling opportunities.
D.Because they have to deal with
too much waste.
3.What’s the author’s attitude
towards the deals and promotions on Earth Day?
A.Objective. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.Optimistic.
C.Supportive. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.Critical.
4.According to the author,it’s environmentally friendly to________.
A.buy packed organic foods
B.offer stars green products
C.refill water bottles
D.ask for disposable plastic
5.It could be inferred from the
text that Bridgestone and Verizon________.
A.are likely to misunderstand
the author
B.have a good way to celebrate
C.are devoted to making money on
D.make wrong promotion plans on
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-324072');">&
2015届高考一轮复习 Unit 5 First aid课下限时训练作业.doc
A year ago August,Dave Fuss lost
his job driving a truck for a small company in west Michigan.His wife,Gerrie,was still working in the local school
cafeteria,but work for Dave was scarce,and the price of everything was rising.The Fusses were at risk of
joining the millions of Americans who have lost their homes in recent
years.Then Dave and Gerrie received a timely gift—$7,000,a legacy (遗产) from their neighbors Ish and
Arlene Hatch who died in an accident.“It really made a difference when we were
going under financially,” says Dave.
But the Fusses weren’t the only folks in Alto and the
neighboring town of Lowell to receive the unexpected legacy from the
Hatches.Dozens of other families were touched by the Hatches’ generosity.In some
cases,it was a few thousand dollars;in others,it was more than $100,000.
It surprised nearly everyone that the Hatches had so
much money,more than $3 million—they were an elderly
couple who lived in an old house on what was left of the family farm.
Children of the Great Depression,Ish and Arlene were known for their habit of saving.They liked
comparison shopping and would routinely go from store to store,checking prices before making a new purchase.
Through the years,the Hatches
paid for local children to attend summer camp when their parents couldn’t
afford it.“Ish and Arlene never asked if you needed anything,” says their friend Sandy Van Weelden.“They could see things they
could do to make you happier,and they would do them.”
Even more extraordinary was that the Hatches had their
farmland distributed.It was the Hatches’ wish that their legacy—a legacy of
kindness as much as one of dollars and cents—should enrich the whole community
and last for generations to come.
Neighbors helping neighbors—that was Ish and Arlene
Hatch’s story.
1.According to the text,the Fusses________.
A.were employed by a truck
B.were in financial difficulty
C.worked in a school cafeteria
D.lost their home
2.Which of the following is true
of the Hatches?
A.They had their children during
the Great Depression.
B.They left the family farm to
live in an old house.
C.They gave away their
possessions to their neighbors.
D.They helped their neighbors to
find jobs.
3.Why would the Hatches
routinely go from store to store?
A.They decided to open a store.
B.They wanted to save money.
C.They couldn’t afford expensive
D.They wanted to buy gifts for
local kids.
4.According to Sandy Van Weelden,the Hatches were________.
A.understanding  &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.optimistic
C.childlike &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.curious
5.What can we learn from the
A.The community of Alto was
B.The summer camp was attractive
to the parents.
C.Sandy Van Weelden got a legacy
from the Hatches.
D.The Hatches would like the
neighbors to follow their example.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-324021');">&
2015届一轮复习 Unit 4 Making the news课下限时训练作业.doc
Many people think of the brain as a mystery.They don’t know much
about intelligence and how it works.When they do think about what intelligence
is,many people believe that a person is born smart,average,or dumb—and stays that way in the
whole life.But new research shows that the brain is more like a muscle—it
changes and gets stronger when you use it.And scientists have been able to show
just how the brain grows and gets stronger when you learn.
Everyone knows that when you lift weights,your
muscles get bigger and you get stronger.A person who can’t lift 20 pounds when
he/she starts exercising can get strong enough to lift 100 pounds after working
out for a long time.That’s because the muscles become larger and stronger with
exercise.And when you stop exercising,the muscles
shrink and you get weaker.That’s why people say “Use it or lose it!”
But most people don’t know that when they practice and learn new
things,parts of their brain change and get larger a lot
like muscles do when they exercise.Inside the cortex (皮层)& of the brain are billions of tiny nerve cells,called neurons.The nerve cells have branches connecting them to
other cells in a munication between these brain cells is
what allows us to think and solve problems.When you learn new things,these tiny connections in the brain actually multiply and get
stronger.The more you challenge your mind to learn,the
more your brain cells grow.Then,things that you once
found very hard or even impossible to do—like speaking a foreign language or
doing algebra (代数)—seem to become easy after learning
them for a period of time.The result is a stronger,smarter
Scientists started thinking that the human brain could develop and
change when they studied animals’ brains.They found out that animals that lived
in a challenging environment were more “perspicacious”—they were better
at solving problems and learning new things.
6. According to the first paragraph,________.
A.the function of our brain is like that of
the muscle
B.until now it’s impossible to explain the
brain’s mystery
C.many people believe one’s intelligence is
naturally determined
D.one’s brain grows stronger as the age
7.Training muscles is compared to________.
A.using the brain
B.connecting things in your brain
C.lifting weights
D.doing research about the brain
8.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The complex structure of the brain.
B.How changes in the muscles affect the
C.The importance of the brain.
D.How the brain becomes stronger by learning
new things.
9.What does the underlined word
“perspicacious” in the last paragraph probably mean?
A.Strong. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.Smart.
C.Popular. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.Active.
10.The following paragraph will most
probably talk about________.
A.the differences between animals’ brains
and humans’ brains
B.the relation between human brains and
C.scientists’ findings about animals’ brains
D.how to make your brain smarter through
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-323951');">&


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