psv final horizonn 9kill怎么打

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  《杀手47:高清合集》和《致命预感:导演剪辑版》这两款都是PS3游戏,而《不义联盟:人间之神》和《神秘斗篷》则都是PS4游戏。PSV上的PS+用户下个月则能得到两款塔防游戏《最终地平线》(Final Horizon)以及《泰坦进攻》(Titan Attacks),这两款快节奏的游戏想必能消磨掉玩家不少时间。
(编辑: 棺生貘 )
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  Act2-5-1 的蜂后Boss,要点是优先把空格建成二级生产塔,然后把BOSS前面的两格建为电塔,电塔不一定都要最高级,但是注意任何建筑被打掉之后都要立刻建回,不然很容易被一炮干掉主基地。小兵可以适当无视主攻Boss,因为只要干掉BOSS即可过关。多用Boost。
  The Destroyer of Worlds
  The Final Horizon
  Shipwrecked and Comatose
  Mostly Harmless
  Make like a shepherd
  Set course for Alderaan
  The only way to be sure
  Sting in the tail
  Fly swatter
  Pest control
  推荐标题选 Score Challenge & Nhandu 3 刷, Enemy Spawn Rate x 2, 可加上 Enemy Speed x 2。
  Full of Venom
  Crushed like a bug in the ground
  一般刷到最后就剩这个杯了,推荐 Act1-2-2(Sesia 2) 刷,直接卫星炮打完开头一小队之后 restart 循环,直到跳杯。
  推荐标题选 Score Challenge & Acari 2 刷, Enemy Spawn Rate x 2, 可加上 Enemy Speed x 2。
  Philip J Fried
  任意一轮必杀(Killstreak) 达成杀敌数20
  The fog is lifted
  Know your enemy
  Weird science
  Pan-galactic gargle blaster
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Must type faster, must finish post. Ahhhh my carpal tunnel!
And we’re back with Part 2 of Stilts nii-chan’s ridiculously detailed Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon Retrospective.
we went over the story’s premise, the world, the characters, and the various factions that are all vying for power on Horizon’s Earth. Then, just to get the party started properly, I went ahead and gave you summaries and impressions for the first six episodes.
This time we’re going to go through episodes 07-13, complete with summaries, impressions, and detailed explanations of anything that I think might trip you up. Finally, we’re going to finish this thing off with my in-depth final impressions of season one. There’s some hard stuff in these episodes, so tune in if you’re not quite sure you got everything last time. As for those of you who still haven’t decided to watch this wonderful series, read my final series impressions! You might catch some spoilers, but if my passionate words don’t make you want to immediately marathon the entire series, then I just don’t know what will. Possibly you’re dead inside. You should probably get that checked out. Let’s begin!
Once again, massive props to
for much of the information contained herein. You’re a total pro, sensei. Keep up the good work!
Episode 07
Episode Summary:
I am constantly impressed by how well everything is justified in this series. This is an old pet peeve of mine, and one I’ve in many ways learned to ignore, but it still irks me when details aren’t explained, or things are done “just because.” That’s the easier path when you’re telling a story – and let me tell you, I’ve used it in my own endeavors a few times – but when an author can thoroughly justify everything his or her characters do, I dearly love it. What am I talking about here? Azuma, and why he abstained from the special meeting. The fact that he abstained wasn’t important in and of itself, it’s that it was justified by him possibly swaying people’s opinions when they should decide for themselves. The fact that the author would take time with such a minor detail means good things for the major details later on. Same thing for Sunrise including it here.
Moving on, the Naomasa vs Shirojiro fight was awesome for two reasons. From a purely animation / action standpoint, it was awesome seeing a lone man go toe-to-toe with a giant mech and come out on top. There’s just something so satisfying about seeing a lone man punch out a giant robot! More than that though, Shirojiro explains why he’s fighting, and as is so often the case with people (and always the case with Shirojiro), it all comes down to money. There are two things you need to know here:
For all intents and purposes, energy = money in Horizon’s Earth. That is, energy as in the ether (mana) variety.
Most of the world is Christian in this time period (Europe certainly was in the real 1648 AD, and they’re replicating that part faithfully), and it’s the kind of Christianity that doesn’t allow money-lending.
Episode 08
Episode Summary:
From the beginning, was there any doubt that Seijun wanted to help Toori’s cause? As with Naomasa and Neito before her, her heart wasn’t really in the fight. Sure, she answered to the best of her skill, but she didn’t attack or press him to defend his (now the Testament Union’s) side in the debate – she just dutifully answered the questions he asked her, letting him control the flow of the debate while she did his job of convincing her for him. Maybe I don’t really understand the rules of a debate – and in fact, I know I don’t – but I doubt this escaped Seijun as she was speaking. In my eyes, she knew she wasn’t arguing to her fullest, but she did it anyway because now she was arguing the side she actually believed in. After all, why else did she prepare that cheat sheet (which was about how to save Horizon), ne?
As for Masazumi’s logic for why Horizon shouldn’t be held responsible for Mikawa’s destruction, when you take half a step back from all the political intrigue, it’s the obvious answer. She had nothing to do with Mikawa’s destruction, so why should she die for it! But that wasn’t the impressive part. Masazumi’s master stroke was in how she spoke the truth in front of the entire world, and called the Testament Union out on their sham reasons, no matter what the cost. When I first watched this, I thought this is why Shirojiro said they needed Masazumi in order to trade and make port while they’re warring with the Testament Union, because Masazumi could make all the rulers afraid of giving the Testament Union their way, lest they end up suffering a fate similar to that of Horizon and Musashi. That’s not wholly correct, but more on that in a few paragraphs.
Episode 09
Episode Summary:
Ohhh man, Kimi’s dance was pure awesome. I must admit, it was hearing about how awesome Kimi-nee was in this episode that made me finally start my original marathon of Kyoukaisen (props to
for that one). And perhaps I’m lucky for that – I was able to take in all the buildup episodes all at once, and by the time I stopped watching I was already in the thick of the awesome. I don’t think doing it week-to-week would have hampered my enjoyment much, but…well anyway, more on that later.
So yeah, Kimi-nee is awesome. As with Shirojiro’s fight, I have a soft spot for the (seeming) little guy taking out what should have been an insurmountable foe (though really, who doesn’t love that?), and Kimi no-combat-abilities-whatsoever Aoi certainly falls into that category. Or so it appeared! To me though, seeing Futayo stymied by Kimi-nee’s insurmountable Summit Dance wasn’t the best part of their fight, even with purposeful undressing and a little spear licking to knock things up to 14 on the awesome-’o-meter. No, it was how Kimi-nee beat Futayo that was really awesome. Without any offensive abilities, it seems like Kimi-nee should have had no way to actually beat Futayo, but that’s simple thinking. Rather than attacking her physically, which is what Futayo is good at defending against, Kimi-nee attacked where Futayo was weak and she was strong – the mind. Kneel! Amazing!
Plus, there was a bonus here. Just like with Neito and the knights, beating Futayo along wasn’t the best course of action. If that was the Good End, the Best End was beating her and bringing her completely over to Toori’s side. For her little brother, and despite having no combat abilities whatsoever, Kimi won the critical battle and brought a powerful ally to their side. Gods, Kimi-nee is awesome.
Episode 10
Episode Summary:
Some people will say that this show is weak because, despite the large cast, not all the characters get a chance to stand in the spotlight. I disagree. Others might instead say that the large cast prevents us exploring in-depth the backgrounds and personalities of all these characters, and to that I would say shut up that’s not the point!! *tsun tsun* But let’s take that first objection. It really started three episodes ago, but I love how all these different characters get a chance to stand up, show their stuff, and help out their friends and their cause. In this episode we got to see that from a few different characters, so I’ll take each in turn:
Neshinbara is getting to strut his stuff as strategist / coordinator, and he clearly loves it. His true time to shine is later, but I enjoyed him talking about everyone in trope-like terms, and even calling out Toori as the protagonist. I do that sometimes too, though I’m never quite clear who the protagonist is. As for his speech, it’s another scene that gives me chills. Friends who would rescue you from danger, a name to call out when all is lost, a place to return to…may we all have as much.
Adele being demoted to a constantly suffering human shield was both hilarious and cute. Her earnest attitude might just make her one of my favorite characters in this show, though with such a vibrant cast, there’s a lot of competition.
Ohandbytheway, the quiet and frequently overshadowed Persona-kun even got to come in handy again. That’s one of the lovely things about a big cast – there are so many characters that can do so many different things that there will always be a chance for them to shine.
Moving on, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Asama. She is a stone-cold badass. While Musashi-sama deserves props for blocking all those shots, and especially the big one, Asama tore through the Tres Espa?a primary cannon and sent the entire ship plummeting. Do not piss her off, gentlemen. It will not end well for you.
Episode 11
Episode Summary:
Wow, there’s so much going on in this episode, and it contains one of my other favorite scenes in the series thus far! Let’s dive right in. First is Neito. Simply put, seeing her sling those chains around in ridiculous and logic-defying ways was awesome. I have no idea how they work, but shutupit’smagicjustshutup!! But mostly I enjoyed how she came over to Toori and proudly said he could praise her if he wanted to. D’aaawww!
Now, a bit of a qualm that’s not really much of a qualm anymore. They sure do stand around talking a lot for being in the middle of a battle, don’t they? Part of that has to do with this being adapted from a bunch of novels, and that’s fair enough. But that aside, there’s another reason for this. You notice how nobody is really dying? I’m pretty sure the magic here has fail safes (ala Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha once again) where it can’t kill people, or at least doesn’t do so in most cases. So, with death off the table and with the Testament Union’s only goal being to stop Musashi from getting Horizon until she commits suicide, they’re really only stalling – I mean, if Musashi wants to waste what little time they have talking instead of fighting, what do they care? That just means there’s less effort needed for the Testament Union soldiers to do their jobs. And mind you, taking the death out of war (or at least markedly lessening its chances) does decrease some of the horror and danger from the whole endeavor. That’s one of my more unequivocal qualms about this series – I like the stakes to be high, and that’s one way the stakes can quickly be made higher, even if it does threaten us losing some of the great characters we’re given here.
Episode 12
Episode Summary:
First of all, if you’ve ever wanted to read Toori’s big long line at your own pace, check out the summary above. I copied the whole thing there, courtesy of . Seriously, that place is great.
There were really only three things that happened this episode, but they were all huge, so let’s get into it. The first one was Futayo and Muneshige’s fight. This one was short, but no less important for its brevity. Alas, there’s not a whole lot to say about this one – Muneshige wasn’t smart enough to knock her unconscious or break her legs or something, so Futayo got another shot, and this time she won. I don’t know that I agree with her that Muneshige’s Garcia name got sealed by Tadakatsu, though. In fact, I’m not even sure that Futayo believes that. That’s not to say that she’s going to get a big head over this, but I think she mainly just didn’t want to insinuate that Muneshige was someone unskilled enough to be beaten by a person with little experience like her. She was being kind, attributing the victory to her much more experienced and skilled father instead of taking credit for it herself. Was nice of her.
Wow, I guess there was a fair amount to say on that one. Anyway, moving on, I’m going to attack the two Horizon / debate / parallel scenes from two different points of view: the first will be how I understood them the first time I saw this episode (and enjoyed it despite my ignorance), while the second will be about how they actually happened, with plenty of explanations.
Episode 13
Episode Summary:
So each time they’ve happened, I’ve pointed out my favorite moments of this series thus far. Episode 9 had the best one, episode 11 had another, and this one has the third, for the hat trick. Honestly, I’m not sure if Toori’s Mr. Impossible moment or this one gets the second seat, but they’re certainly up there in the gives-me-glorious-chills-every-time meter.
But before that, a few things I enjoyed. Once again, a bunch of different characters are getting to be useful! This one featured a lot of repeats – Naomasa, Neito, Masazumi, Persona-kun – but the new one was NENJI! You would think that the slime with 3 hps would be useless, but in a pinch Nenji came through, swooping down with Neito’s help and whisking away the beleaguered Toori and Horizon. I wouldn’t say Nenji is my favorite character by any means – he’s too minor for that to even be an option – but I like seeing everyone contributing, and all the characters being useful. Well played, slime-guy.
So my favorite scene from this episode is where Toori and Horizon are firing Lype Katarripsi at Innocentius’ ship (the Eikomaru), and Horizon reclaims her emotions. I cannot praise the OST and Toori enough for this scene. Horizon’s emotionless nature never really bothered me, to be honest – after all the anime I’ve seen, it’s not like an emotionless girl is exactly uncommon, or even undesired in some quarters. Still, as the music played and Toori gave his wholehearted support for the floundering Horizon…well, these are the moments where media like TV and movies excel. If you just want to tell a story, a book is one of the best places to do it, because you can do it practically zero cost and you can use your readers’ imaginations to enhance the experience. However, for these singular moments, where the pictures and the words and the music and the writing and the emotions all collide together…it’s hard for a book to replicate that feeling, that moment. Seeing that kind of thing is an experience, and Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon’s ability to continually deliver these powerful scenes is one of the reasons I enjoy it so dearly. It’s okay to cry, Horizon. Let it all out.
Practice makes perfect, Horizon-tan. Uh, usually.
Final Impressions
Ho-boy, final impressions. I could say “go read the ones I just wrote for every episode!”, but I’m not silly enough to think that most of you read all of those. I could also try to give you an objective analysis of this show, but I’ve never been much good at that. I mean, I just blogged the entire series (in a ridiculous amount of detail, with extras) inside of two weeks! Clearly I am not objective. So instead, I’m going to tell you what I like about Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon. Perhaps you’ll disagree, and feel that the negatives I’ll briefly gloss over are too glaring and heinous for you to ignore. Yet maybe a few of you who read this will decide to give this show another shot, or come to enjoy it for more reasons than you originally did. If you’re looking for any hard information or explanations, scroll up or check out
– it’ll all be thoughts, feelings, and other frivolous wordy bullshit from here on out. Let’s start.
The world of Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon is incredibly complex and detailed. To some people this is a negative, but I say it with nothing but respect. You see, I was the kind of young’un who loved stories like Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. In fact, I’ve heard it said that the reason there are so many “stereotypical fantasy” (what a ridiculous phrase that is, stereotypical fantasy) works is that a bunch of kids who would one day become authors got to the end Tolkien’s books, set the last one down…but were not quite ready to leave his world just yet. To them, Middle Earth was so rich and alive that they wanted to spend more time among the leaves of Lothlorien and on the planes of Rohan. Count me among that group. There’s nothing like an impossibly rich and complex world to suck you in like nothing else can. The attention to detail, the care, and the thought that goes into every facet of the world…I can only stand in awe in front of such achievements, and wish to step in and wile my days away amongst their roads and battlefields.
I never want to leave, these long and winding roads.
Another thing is scale. In fiction, enemies that threaten to destroy the earth (or whatever planet they’re on at the time) are a dime a dozen, and every two-bit hero seems to end up saving the damn thing at least once by the time the credits roll. I don’t buy it. You can only see the world saved so many times before it loses its punch. But it’s not even that. It’s a problem of scale, and what the human mind can wrap itself around. Saving the world is too big of a concept to really grasp. Why are we supposed to care about the world when we only ever see one little part of it? And that’s where Kyoukaisen gets it fantastically right. First of all, their scale is huge – the entire world. That’s not an exaggeration when the leaders and soldiers of every major country on the planet are constantly hacking at each other’s kneecaps in the search of one little slight advantage over one another. But Kyoukaisen also did the complete opposite, and took it small. It’s still hard to truly grasp worldwide consequences, even when you’re playing on a world stage, so the author shrunk them down and embodied them in a single character, Horizon. The stakes are both big (huge, globe-spanning, world-shattering) and small (personal, intimate, a single life), which helps to really drive home the scope of what we’re dealing with here, and to make us care about it.
Then there’s the gray. While I’ve come to accept it as part of fiction, I naturally deplore worlds of black and white. If there is problem I have with Lord of the Rings – and there are a few, actually, though this is the greatest one – it would be that it was too cut and dry. There were the good guys and the bad guys, and no one ever doubted who was who. That’s not how the world works! In my eyes, conflicts are always fought between two sides who both think they’re the good guys but generally act like bad guys. This might seem terribly cynical, and perhaps it is, but if so I apologize – I am a cynic at heart, and have only arrived at my present irrational optimism by dint of great effort. Anyway, I naturally abhor worlds of black and white – the earth of Kyoukaisen is not one of those. Gray abounds, with all the characters working at cross purposes towards what they each honestly think is the best thing for them and their people. Sure, Innocentius and Galileo are sort of dicks, but they’re not exactly evil, not really. Would not the people of Musashi sacrifice lives for their goals? Deaths aren’t really a thing in Horizon’s world, at least so far, but tell me that they didn’t at least risk a few deaths when Horizon and Toori shot down the Eikomaru during episode 13. And that’s even before we get to antagonists like Muneshige and Gin, who are legitimately good people who just happen to be opposed to the ones we’re rooting for. Grays, grays, grays! I know who I want to win, but it needn’t be because they’re right, or righteous. I’m fine if it’s only because they’re mine.
Maybe they’re good guys too? You never know…
Speaking of, the characters. Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon has so many characters that there are bound to be some that strike a chord with everyone, and a few that are truly memorable. For me, there are many of both. Toori is a seemingly useless pervert, but he’s actually an incredibly perceptive and kind leader who binds his friends together, and only wants them to smile and laugh. Horizon didn’t start out as much – she was an emotionless girl, after all – but her interactions with Toori really bring her character to (sarcastic) life. Kimi-nee is amazing from the very first episode, when Saitou Chiwa starts chewing the scenery () like a pro, and she doesn’t stop being awesome until well after she’s lost most of her clothing…or really, ever. I like it when Shirojiro and Heidi get super miserly, when Neshinbara starts talking about people like they’re characters (too meta, Neshinbara!), when Masazumi gestures like the politician version of Phoenix Wright, and when Futayo cuddles with a sake bottle after declaring her lack of friends. I like it when Neito gets embarrassed or proudly dere, when Adele gets batted around and used to hit people, or when Tenzo, Kiyonari, and the others discuss ero-games. I like it when Suzu acts like the heart of the group, Noriki the stoic spine, and Makiko-sensei the supportive hand on their back that pushes them forward. I like Margot and Malga, Miriam and Azuma, Asama, Naomasa, and all the others…and that’s just class 3-Plum! Are you starting to see where I’m going with this? The thing I like most about the characters of Kyoukaisen is all of them.
You see, one of the ways that Kyoukaisen most resonates with me – and this is above nearly everything else I’ve said so far, or will say after this point – is in the camaraderie shared between the students of class 3-Plum. When the world is worried about armageddon, all they’re worried about is whether Toori will get the girl. When they’re fighting, it’s not for their country or to save the planet , it’s for the sake of one of their own. From when they walk down the stairs together at the end of Episode 9 to when they finally have that party they were so looking forward to in Episode 13 – and everything that happened before, after, and in between – that feeling of strong friendships that won’t break no matter what happens always touches me. Consequently, this is something that is amplified by the large cast. While close friendships between a couple or even a few characters are seen frequently, the more people you add, the harder it becomes to make it work. Think of your own life. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s hard for us to get all of our friends to set aside a single night for everyone to hang out, and the more people there are to coordinate, the harder it is. Yet, here we see these friends who decide to go to war against the entire world for the sake of one of their own. Marvelous.
The cast is assembled.
And then there are the romantic relationships. I love two things about those. First of all, there are realistic relationships between secondary and minor characters. Shirojiro and Heidi, Margot and Malga, Muneshige and Gin, and perhaps a little something brewing between Miriam and Azuma (hey, I can hope!) – these liven up the setting because, let’s face it, getting into relationships is what people do. There’s another, more important thing though – this is not a harem show! Some people wouldn’t say that’s a good thing, and I certainly watch enough harem shows to have no problem with them myself, but that doesn’t mean they’re appropriate everywhere. Sure, this show is full of women that would put most harems to shame. I mean, just imagine a harem that featured Asama, Suzu, Masazumi, Futayo, Naomasa, and Kimi-nee. Unholy sh–, we’d make a million!
But, that’s not the point of the romance in this show. Everyone loves Toori…but they also love Horizon, and they love Toori and Horizon when they’re together most of all, just as Suzu said. A lot of stories take the whole “getting together” as the most important part of a romance. I think this is a mistake. Getting together is crucial, of course, and it’s a big milestone, but the most important part is what comes next. Toori and Horizon being the ones that are supposed to be together was never in question, at least since the moment each of us realized who P-01s really was. The question is in how they would get together, and once there, how they would earn their happy ending. As for everyone else, their full-throated support of Toori x Horizon is another thing that is somewhat unrealistic, but in the best possible way. Sometimes realism in fiction is overrated. I want to believe there are friends like that out there, and even if there aren’t, I’d like to hear a story where there are.
This is only the beginning, Horizon.
Visuals. The animation isn’t KyoAni movie-level, but it’s good, with Sunrise not cutting any corners or phoning it in. The character designs are also luscious and attractive. This is not a battle anime, but when fighting happens, it looks good. From Kazuno stalling Gods of War with levitated asphalt blades to Futayo going one-on-one against Muneshige, the fights were exciting to watch, and a real treat to behold. What’s more, fights weren’t won by characters pulling heretofore unseen abilities out of their asses. They have certain abilities, and everything is built off of those. When Shirojiro hired out for a bunch of guards’ strength or Kimi-nee started to dance, there was always a sense of ohhhh, that makes sense. He’s a miser who always talks about money, and she’s definitely erotic. Alright! And once introduced, everything was built off of that. Once we saw Neito’s chains, they came up again when she and Nenji pulled Toori and Horizon into the ship. Good conservation of detail (), good planning, and good avoidance of the dreaded ass pull (). I approve.
Sound. Moomba , but the long and short of it is this: the soundtrack is phenomenal. This is not something that I usually notice, but when a scene is building and the tensions high and your eyes are glued to the screen, and then the soundtracks cuts in, the notes flowing and booming and filling the scene with life and energy and emotions in a way that reading words on a page could never compare with–well, then I sit up and take notice. Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon’s soundtrack was that and more. Oh, and the OP and ED songs were pretty good too, especially with how they switched between the two EDs depending on the tone of the last scene of that episode. More series should do that.
Thoughts. Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon is hard to understand at times, there’s no question about it. If you only watch things that are light and fluffy, pick another show – there is little for you here. But who ever said thinking was a bad thing? I never was much fond of the idea that TV had to be stupid. Kyoukaisen doesn’t treat us like children, which I appreciate. Instead, it challenges us, challenges us to keep up and understand and take in what it’s throwing at us. True, sometimes it goes too far – I spent an entire day trying to get my explanation of the debate between Toori and Horizon in episode 11 right, and I’m still not sure I managed it – but I would rather it go too far than dumb itself down so everyone could understand. After all, while compromise makes for great public policy, it makes for terrible art.
Emotions. Feeling! This one is trouble because it’s even more subjective than my other points. Did a chill run down your spine when the whole cast assembled and headed off to war? Did you slump in sadness with Toori when he was too late and too weak to stop Horizon from being taken away? Did you exalt when Masazumi came over to Toori’s side, when Futayo got back up and beat Muneshige, or when the barrier dissolved and Toori and Horizon embraced? I did, and have each and every time I’ve seen them. If you didn’t, use my posts to understand the world better, and then let yourself dive in. Life is too short not to get swept away by marvelous stories.
And, and, and…
And the best couple in the show. (I wish)
Of course, not everything is sunshine and blowjobs. The world is complex. You will have to think. There are a lot of characters and a lot going on, so each one doesn’t get a lot of time in the spotlight. Many of the women’s chests and hairstyles are implausibly large (if that bothers you). Needing to read supplementary information to understand everything isn’t an ideal situation – though there is a reason that people said this would be impossible to adapt. Nobody really dies, nor does anyone come under inordinate threat of as much, so the danger in combat isn’t very high. And yes, even some of the very central premises behind the plot are absurd, though to my eyes it’s with very human absurdity. Retrace the steps of history? Ridiculous! But it’s the kind of ridiculous I could see coming from a bunch of quasi-religious zealots who stand to gain a great deal of power and influence from such a plan, or at least retain that which they already had.
Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon can be confusing, convoluted, chaotic, and just plain unintuitive – but isn’t that how life is? This is not a perfect story, and though I have and will continue to focus on its good aspects, I will not claim that the negatives do not exist. Still, through it all I find Kyokaisen to be a very human story. People work and strive together to shape the world into what they want it to be, and they run into others trying to do the same, with them all working at cross purposes and undoing what each of them have done. So they argue, and they clash, and some people get hurt while others may even die. Yet others laugh until they cry, party well into the night, run across the city on adventures, get punched back across it for perverted antics they shouldn’t have done, or kiss their beloved as the sun sets behind them. This world of Horizon’s is giant, complex, and not easy to understand, but it is inhabited by fantastic characters, each with lives of their own. I can almost imagine that the author created all these characters, knowing where they were going for maybe the first book or two…and after that it just took off, with the characters themselves dictating the course of the world. A wonderful thought, ne?
Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon II starts on Saturday, July 7th, 2012 AD. Get ready for it!
Onward, to season two! Ikouze, minna!
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