你是我的天使 儿歌用英文什么说?

情人节快乐用英语怎么说? 情人节快乐用英语怎么说?   用英语翻译,顺便有情人节短信么?   英语: Happy Valentine's Day!   情人节短信:   我愿化作一枝玫瑰花,被你紧紧握在手里,为你吐露芬芳;我想变成一块巧克力,被你轻轻含在口中,让你感觉香甜。亲爱的朋友,情人节快乐!   在时间的驿站,我要许一个心愿叫永远;在爱情的港湾,我将寄一份希望叫真挚。在这个情人节,我会用真情和你渡过。我们相守的情谊将伴着真挚到永远。   看满街的玫瑰我想起你;含微苦的巧克力我想起你;翻开署名不是你的情人卡我又想起你;多想轻轻地问你,这个情人节,过得好吗?   给爱一张不老的容颜,让相爱过都终身不变;给爱一个不悔的誓言,让相爱过都彼此思念;给爱一片辽阔的蓝天,让那真爱充满人间。情人节幸福快乐!   你曾说我爱上你,就像刺猬爱上玫瑰,为了不彼此伤害,我选择了离开。情人节了,刺猬在远方为玫瑰祝福:早日找到小王子,幸福快乐每一天。   从前我脸皮很薄,爱使我变得无耻,你是我走不过去的迷魂阵;面对着你我不堪一击,卸去伪装举起双手,从俘虏走向奴隶。情人节快乐!   遇到你之前,世界是荒原,遇到你之后,世界是乐园,过去的岁月,对我象一缕轻烟,未来的生涯,因你而幸福无边。情人节因你而有意义!   世上有一种姻缘,唯爱是尊,唯情是本,无数长风刮过时,握一缕在手心,却让人最最心动,最最心悸!情人节里,心想事成。   让我亲手给你沏杯茶,加进一块冰糖,再注入一腔热情,把我的爱恋,一点点地溶进茶中。在这温馨的节日里,送去我款款的深情,情人节愉快。   情人节让我对你无限思念。将心泊在彩云升起的港湾,偷偷把幸福刻在你的心间,用一缕爱的丝线,将你我紧紧绑在岁月变迁的终点。   曾经为爱满身伤痕,但我们都携手走过。当恐惧和艰难张牙舞爪时,爱是我们最后的防线。在这个特别的日子里,想对你说:我会陪你一生一世。   思春雪花伤,残冬梅更香。昨怜破袄凉,今嫌貂绒长。繁华总易散,真情永不变。何处是停歇,魂断朦胧月。浪漫情人节,佳人可有约!【更多相关内容】                          Happy Valentine's Day!   短信:   在这个与众不同的情人节里,我把誓言一生一世戴在你的手指上,纵然一生平平淡淡,同尝甘苦,我愿永远为你挡风遮雨共度朝朝暮暮。情人节快乐!   在这深情的季节里,我好想送你一束盛开的玫瑰和数不尽的祝福!但愿这玫瑰的清香能淡淡地散发出对你的柔柔关怀和思念的气息,情人节快乐!   曾经爱你,是真的;依然爱你,也是真的。情人节里,让我把这份爱汇成涓涓的祝福,真诚的祝福你幸福、快乐永远!   这一刻,有我最深的思念,让云捎去满心的祝福,点缀你甜蜜的梦,愿你拥有一个幸福快乐的情人节。   真诚之中,与你相识相知,灵犀之间,与你朝夕相伴。情人节快乐!   真希望小路没有尽头,就这样手拉手一直走下去,让我们共同走完以后生命的每一个情人节,祝节日快乐!   真正的爱情必定孕育着苦难,只有在苦难中才能挖掘出莫大的喜悦。你是我的唯一。情人节快乐!   Happy Valentine's Day!   短信:   * Hi sweetie pie,I love you so much that I can't even express it properly.I love you   * You are my special friend   I love u from the core of my heart,I'll always keep you near.   *I love u from the bottom of my heart.   Be mine forever.   *I am so happy we met!   Will you be my Valentine Love   * My darling, you bring joy to my life. Love,   * You mean the world to me!   Please be my Valentine (always)!Love always   * You are my angel sent from Heaven above.Happy valentines day   * You have opened the doors of my heart. Now it's for you to walk through it.   * You remain my world, happiness and joy.   Always be my valentine.   * Thanks for your patience, your loving words, your kindness, your friendship.   Love you loads and will always do. Be my valentine.   * You have always been the pillar of my life. Love you.   * You are the only one person I want to be with for the rest of my life and grow old with. I love you.   * Even though we are not together this Valentines Day but I '&ll be with you wherever you go. Love you always.   * You are the love of my life and I'll be yours forever.   * If I were to buy you a bunch of roses, I would place a plastic one in the middle, then say "My love will be the last one to die".   * You brighten my day with the sound of your voice, you bring so much laughter and love,   you are everything to me and I was so blessed when god sent you here for me.   Happy Valentine's Day!   Happy Valentine's Day!   短信:   初次的相见,你便是我无法抹去的思念;命运捉弄,你我擦肩而过。纵使有缘无份,我依然是你忠实的朋友,衷心祝福你情人节快乐!   如果有一天,我不幸患上了失忆症,很可能连自己的名字和一切美丽回忆都忘掉了。但是,我相信我仍然会记得:我爱你!情人节快乐!   寄情,微风吹过油然记起美丽而甜蜜的回忆,怀念你且祝福你:送你一片真挚的祝福,保存它,永远不要忘了我!情人节快乐!   给爱一张不老的容颜,让相爱过都终身不变;给爱一个不悔的誓言,让相爱过都彼此思念;给爱一片辽阔的蓝天,让那真爱充满人间。情人节幸福快乐!   怀念你、想念你,季节匆匆地走过,岁月带来了变化,却为什么总抚不去对你的思念。一颗久久悬着的心,总在怀念你,祝你情人节过得愉快!   如果我有一百万我就娶你,我有一百万吗?没有,所以我不能娶你;如果我有十元我就爱你,我有十元吗?有,所以我爱你!   Happy Valentine's Day!   短信:   * Hi sweetie pie,I love you so much that I can't even express it properly.I love you   * You are my special friend   I love u from the core of my heart,I '&ll always keep you near.   *I love u from the bottom of my heart.   Be mine forever.   *I am so happy we met!   Will you be my Valentine Love   * My darling, you bring joy to my life. Love,   * You mean the world to me!   Please be my Valentine (always)!Love always   * You are my angel sent from Heaven above.Happy valentines day   * You have opened the doors of my heart. Now it '&s for you to walk through it.   * You remain my world, happiness and joy.   Always be my valentine.   * Thanks for your patience, your loving words, your kindness, your friendship.   Love you loads and will always do. Be my valentine.   * You have always been the pillar of my life. Love you.   * You are the only one person I want to be with for the rest of my life and grow old with. I love you.   * Even though we are not together this Valentines Day but I '&ll be with you wherever you go. Love you always.   * You are the love of my life and I'll be yours forever.   * If I were to buy you a bunch of roses, I would place a plastic one in the middle, then say "My love will be the last one to die".   * You brighten my day with the sound of your voice, you bring so much laughter and love,   you are everything to me and I was so blessed when god sent you here for me.   Happy Valentine's Day!   Happy Valentine's Day!   短信:   我总是在想是怎样的缘份,指引我们相识?在生命的际遇里,牵连着你我的是丝丝真情搓成的红线。感谢一切因为有你。   我用手记忆了你的样子,用耳记忆了你的声音,用唇记忆了你的味道,用眼睛记住了你的点点滴滴,用心记忆了你的一切,我爱你!   我真的很希望能再和你一起,我不知道能一起走多远,但我知道最后的结局是我一直爱你直到我的生命结束,无论我们是否还在一起。   有一种爱可以地久天长,有一种情可以地老天荒,有一个人会永远陪在你身旁,陪你看朝霞夕阳。老婆,这个人就是我,我爱你。   我对你的爱如滔滔江水川流不息,又如黄河泛滥一发不可收拾,再如日落西山灿烂辉煌。我想你爱你,我不能没有你,我一定要得到你。   喜欢看你睡着的样子,因为那时的你不会有烦恼。喜欢你对我笑的样子,因为那时你最开心,我只希望你开心。喜欢你,就是这样简单。   白云从不向天空承诺它的驻留,风景也不向眼睛说出它的永恒。我没太多承诺,没有甜言蜜语,只因真爱无需太多言语表达!   你是我的天使,我愿做你今生的传奇;你是我的音符,我愿做你此生的乐谱;请伸出你美丽的手,让我为你套上一生的幸福。   今天我发快递把最贵的巧克力和玫瑰送给你和你的恋人,作为情人节的礼物;哦忘了,这礼物是由你来结帐的;还有我找到了,在礼品店。   Happy Valentine's Day!   短信:   * Hi sweetie pie,I love you so much that I can't even express it properly.I love you   * You are my special friend   I love u from the core of my heart,I'll always keep you near.   *I love u from the bottom of my heart.   Be mine forever.   *I am so happy we met!   Will you be my Valentine Love   * My darling, you bring joy to my life. Love,   * You mean the world to me!   Please be my Valentine (always)!Love always   * You are my angel sent from Heaven above.Happy valentines day   * You have opened the doors of my heart. Now it '&s for you to walk through it.   * You remain my world, happiness and joy.   Always be my valentine.   * Thanks for your patience, your loving words, your kindness, your friendship.   Love you loads and will always do. Be my valentine.   * You have always been the pillar of my life. Love you.   * You are the only one person I want to be with for the rest of my life and grow old with. I love you.   * Even though we are not together this Valentines Day but I '&ll be with you wherever you go. Love you always.   * You are the love of my life and I'll be yours forever.   * If I were to buy you a bunch of roses, I would place a plastic one in the middle, then say "My love will be the last one to die".   * You brighten my day with the sound of your voice, you bring so much laughter and love,   you are everything to me and I was so blessed when god sent you here for me.   Happy Valentine's Day!   Happy Valentine's Day!   短信:   一切还没来得及开始就全都结束,我们在岁月流逝中感受生命的无常。思念的夜里,常常抚摸着你的名字流泪。又是情人节了,你在他乡还好吗?   太阳是金色的,月亮是银色的,没有你的日子永远是黑色的;我爱你是真的,你爱我也不是假的,我们俩注定是要在一起的。   我从未低估过你的力量,是你带笑的回眸,把我拖入爱的磁场;你说,那是我们的天堂,我却把它当成绝唱;当我放弃抵抗,你在我耳边细诉衷肠。   Happy Valentine's Day!   Happy Valentine's Day!  短信:  * Hi sweetie pie,I love you so much that I can't even express it properly.I love you  * You are my special friend  I love u from the core of my heart,I'll always keep you near.  *I love u from the bottom of my heart.  Be mine forever.  *I am so happy we met!  Will you be my Valentine Love  * My darling, you bring joy to my life. Love,  * You mean the world to me!  Please be my Valentine (always)!Love always  * You are my angel sent from Heaven above.Happy valentines day  * You have opened the doors of my heart. Now it's for you to walk through it.  * You remain my world, happiness and joy.  Always be my valentine.  * Thanks for your patience, your loving words, your kindness, your friendship.  Love you loads and will always do. Be my valentine.  * You have always been the pillar of my life. Love you.  * You are the only one person I want to be with for the rest of my life and grow old with. I love you.  * Even though we are not together this Valentines Day but I\\\\ll be with you wherever you go. Love you always.  * You are the love of my life and I'll be yours forever.  * If I were to buy you a bunch of roses, I would place a plastic one in the middle, then say "My love will be the last one to die".  * You brighten my day with the sound of your voice, you bring so much laughter and love,  you are everything to me and I was so blessed when god sent you here for me. HappyValentine'sDay!
*Youbrightenmydaywiththesoundofyourvoice,youbringsomuchlaughterandlove,youareeverythingtomeandIwassoblessedwhengodsentyouhereforme. HappyValentine'sday








真正的爱情必定孕育着苦难,只有在苦难中才能挖掘出莫大的喜悦。你是我的唯一。情人节快乐! HappyValentine'sDay按分类浏览 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &翻译中国 & 登录当前位置: & 说爱你的英文 英文翻译exr remixmcq mastingsay love you:&&&&try to persuade:&&&&love:&&&&you 例句与用法1.I need courage to say i love you , because you are my angel我需要勇气说爱你,因为你是我的天使。 2." how does it feel to have a guy profess his undying love to you ?“有人对你说爱你致死不渝时,你是什么感觉呢? ” 3.I can t relate to your mistakes , awkwardly speaking with nothing to say说爱你想见你说爱你我愿陪你到下一个世纪4.Baby i think of you , i wanna be with you , i don t understand , is this love for real冷冷的空气热热的底细给我一句唇语对我说爱你5.In love , you feel the most alive when things are straight - forward , and you ' re told that you ' re loved简单直接的爱最能让你自在快乐,你希望别人直接说爱你。 6.Where strangers take you by the hand , and welcome you to wonderland - from beneath their panamas . .爱你yo想我马上播通电话给我让我轻轻对你说爱你yo (爱你yo ) 7.Called the precinct and seen barber nieces beasting niggas shot shalar features and shocked her was a elisis ,说爱你算不算是一种承诺说分手算不算是一种解脱8.It is easy to say i love you ten thousand years because human can only live one hundred years . is it the same for one can go through ten thousand years因为只能活一百岁,所以“说爱你一万年”是容易的;如果能活一万年,还有那么容易吗? 9.Somehow we always say the least to those we love the best and hope our thoughts are understood , although they are unexpressed . . . that is why it means so very much , when days like this appear , to say how very much you are loved each day throughout the year不知何故,我们总是对我们最爱的人表露的心迹最少,尽管我们的想法没有表露出来,我们也希望我们的心得到理解. . .因此可以理解,如果有人说爱你日深,这句话会有更深的意义 相邻词汇热门词汇英文翻译_百度知道 帮忙翻译一下,有急用!!! My Love for VitasThe first time that I’ve known Vitas was He introduced this special Russian singer to us. He spoke highly of him, which brought out my curiosity. The jumping tone started, a thin boy appeared. He began to sing, in Russian, which I don’t understand. Charming voice, I thought.While the music became intense suddenly, I was breathless--- an astonishing high pitch that was “made” by the thin boy entered my ears. It was so high that any words were can’t be used to describe it. I stared, is it real? Am I dreaming? Is the pitch really sung by him?My questions were soon answered--- as the time he moved the micr the sound disappeared. Gosh! How it could be that there is such a human voice in the world?For days his sound lingered around my ears. I downloaded a few songs of his, yet the final exam was coming and I had to leave them for a while. But then, in summer vacation I went to Russia luckily.I missed Russia so much after I came back, and one day I thought of Vitas suddenly--- this is just the beginning. I downloaded his songs and his concerts crazily. I wore my earphone all day long, listening to his songs and recalling days in Russia at the same time.While after the sadness of missing, I’ve already couldn’t live without songs of his. I find that none of other pop singer can match him for all aspects. He’s not only good at singing high pitch, but can sing all kinds of tones and pitches brilliantly. He has tender, attractive voice, which has been “kissed by God”, and great talent in music.He also has a kind heart, plentiful sensibility and deep thinking, which prevent the theme of his songs from being restricted in narrow ranges like love. For instance, he sings about a beggar who used to be a famous actress but led an arduous life at present. He sings for children who were raised by only one parent. He sings for the forgiveness of the God for the crime that Russia has ever made. He sings out his love for his homeland…The most touching song of his is Mama. He repents for his dear mom he throws all his love into this song. Nearly every time listening to Mama I burst to tears.It is said that he’ while in my eyes he’s rather easygoing and sunny. There’re some rumors about him, while I ignore them, because as long as I love, I have no doubt.Many people like him just because he’s handsome, while I never judge a person by his looks---though I have to admit that the appearance of Vitas is flawless. What attract me most are his voice, his sensibility and his thinking.As the moment you began to sing, I’m sure that you are my angel. My love for you is forever, my angel--- Vitas. 提问者采纳 我爱维塔斯 我是从我哥哥那里第一次听说维塔斯,他介绍了这个独特的俄国歌手给我们。他毫不吝惜的赞美了他,这令我很好奇。随着跳跃性的歌声,一个瘦削的男孩出现了。他用俄语开始唱了,可我不懂俄语。但这真是迷人的声音,我想。 然而音乐突然变得激烈,突然,我几乎要窒息了---惊人的高音,这样瘦削的男生唱出来的惊人的高音传入我的耳朵。它是如此之高,以致任何言语都不足以形容。我盯着(屏幕上的)维塔斯,这是真的吗?我是在做梦吗?这真的是他唱的吗? 我很快得到就回答了---因为当时他把话筒移开时,歌声消失了。 老天!世界上怎么会有人唱出这样美丽的声音呢?一连几天他的声音萦绕在我的耳朵边。我下载了他的几首歌曲,但期末考试即将来临,我不得先把它们放在一边。然而,在暑假期间,很幸运我可以去俄罗斯了。 由于在俄罗斯待了那么长时间,我回来之后开始非常想念那里,有一天我突然想维塔斯---这仅仅是个开始。我疯狂下载他的歌和他的演唱会录音。 我整天戴着我的耳机听他的歌,并回想在俄罗斯的日子。随着日益增长的想念,我已经无法离开他的歌声生存了。我觉得没有任何一个流行歌手在任何方面能与他比拟。他不仅善于唱华丽的高音,任何种类的唱腔他都能很好驾驭。他柔和,磁性的声音一定“被上帝吻过 ”,他在音乐方面有着惊人的天赋。 另外,他还有仁慈的心,丰富敏锐的情感与深邃的思想,这些使他的歌不仅局限于爱情的狭窄主题。比如,他为一个曾经是一个有名的女演员,但现在过着艰苦生活的乞丐而唱;他为单亲的孩子们而唱;他为上帝对俄罗斯曾经犯过的罪的宽恕而唱;他为故乡而唱… 他最动人的歌是《妈妈》,是他为自己已经过世的母亲而作的,几乎每一次听妈妈我都会哭。据说他很神秘,但在我眼里他既随和又阳光;世上有很多关于他的谣言,但我都不会去理睬那些,因为既然我爱他,我就相信他。 很多人都只因为他的英俊喜欢他,而我从来没有只因为外表而判断一个人---但我不得不承认,维塔斯美丽得毫无瑕疵。维塔斯所吸引我的,是他的嗓音,他的敏锐和他的思想。此刻你开始唱了,我敢肯定你就是我的天使。我的爱永远为你,我的天使---维塔斯。累死了,多给点分吧。。。。 提问者评价 非常感谢!不过我已经没分了,抱歉 其他类似问题 按默认排序 其他2条回答 我的爱为维塔斯第一次我知道维塔斯是我的兄弟告诉我,他介绍了本次特别俄语歌手给我们。他高度评价了他,带出了我的好奇。 跳跃的语气开始,一稀薄的男孩出现。他唱起了,在俄罗斯,这点我不明白。迷人的声音,我以为。 而音乐变得激烈,突然,我是咋舌---惊人的高球场,这是&发了言& ,由薄的男孩进入了我的耳朵。它是如此之高,任何人的话不能用来形容它。 i盯着,是不是真?我是在做梦吗?是真的足球场唱他吗? 我的问题很快就回答了---因为当时他提出话筒远离上帝;声音消失了。 gosh !它如何能有这样一个人的声音在世界上呢? 一连几天他的声音徘徊靠近我的耳朵。我下载几首歌曲的他,但终考试即将来临,我不得不离开他们一段时间。但是,在暑假期间,我到俄罗斯幸运。 我非常想念俄罗斯这么多后,我回来,有一天我想到维塔斯突然---这仅仅是个开始。我下载他的歌和他的演唱会疯狂。 i穿上我的耳机了一天,听他的歌,并回顾几天在俄罗斯在同一时间举行。 而之后,悲伤的失踪,我已经无法生存的歌他的。我觉得没有一个其他流行歌手能与之比拟他对于各方面的问题。他不仅善于歌唱的高球场,但可以唱各种声调和球场精辟。他已招标,有吸引力的声音,它已经&吻神& ,伟大的才华在音乐。 他也有一种心,丰富的情感与深入思考,如何防止主题,他的歌曲被限制在窄幅波动,像爱。举例来说,他唱一个乞丐,他们曾经是一个有名的女演员,但过着艰苦生活,目前。他唱戏,为儿童,他们当时提出的是只由一个母公司。他唱戏,为宽恕的上帝对所犯罪行表示,俄罗斯已报案。他唱了他热爱他的故乡… 最动人的歌,是他的妈妈。他悔悟,为自己亲爱的妈妈,他们已经历了,他抛出他的所有爱到这首歌。几乎每一次听妈妈i爆裂哭了。 这是说,他的神秘,而在我的眼里,他的,而不是随和及阳光普照。正在有一些谣言,对他的,虽然我不理会他们,因为只要我喜欢,我毫不怀疑。 很多人都喜欢他,只因为他的英俊,而我从来没有判断一个人,由他的期待---虽然我不得不承认,外观维塔斯是天衣无缝。是什么吸引我,最是他的声音,他的学问和他的思想。 作为时刻,你唱起了,我敢肯定,你是我的天使。我的爱为你永远是我的天使---维塔斯。 我的爱为维塔斯第一次我有已知的生命是告诉我的我的兄弟; 他介绍我们给这位特别的俄国人歌手认识。 他高度地他,带来了我的好奇心说。 那跳跃明暗开始, 一瘦的男孩出现。 他开始唱,以俄国人, 我做的不了解。 迷人的声音, 我想法。 音乐突然变成强烈,不过我是喘不过气来的--- 一可惊异的高程度哪一是 & 制造 & 被那瘦的男孩进入我的耳朵。 它是如此高度以便任何的字是不能用来描述它。 我注视,它是真正的吗? 我正在做梦吗? 程度真的被他唱吗? 我的疑问很快被回答--- 当做时间他移动喇叭筒远离他; 那声音消失。 唉!! 它如何可能是有如此的一个人类声音在世界上? 为天他的声音在我的耳朵的周围逗留。 我下载了他的一些歌, 仍然最后的考试是来临和我有到休假他们一阵子。 但是然后, 在夏天假期我幸运地去俄国。 我想念俄国这么多在我回来了之后, 和一日子我想法生命突然--- 这只是开始。 我下载了他的歌和发狂地他的音乐会。 我整天穿着了我的耳机,听他的歌而且同时的俄国取消天。 当在之后的时候悲哀不见的, 我已经有无法活的没有他的歌。 我找没有人其他的取出歌手能比赛他为所有的方面。 他是不只有善行在歌唱高度程度, 但是能唱各种的明暗和程度辉煌地。 他有投标, 吸引人的声音, 有是 & 吻在~手边上帝 &, 和音乐的伟大的才能。 他也有一类型心,许多的感性和深处思考, 哪一个避免来自存在的他的歌的主题限制在狭窄部份范围同类爱。 举例来说, 他唱有关一个乞丐二手的是一个出名的女演员但是引导费力的生活目前。 他为孩子唱是升起被唯一的一父母。 他为罪行为上帝的宽恕唱哪一俄国有曾经制造。 他为的他的故乡唱他的爱…那最他的碰触歌是妈妈。 他为他的亲爱的妈妈后悔谁有已经离去; 他将他所有的爱丢进这一首歌。 每一次几乎听妈妈的话我破裂对泪滴。 它是说他是秘密; 在他相当逍遥自在和阳光充足的我的眼睛中的时候。 There're 一些谣言有关他, 当我的时候不理睬他们, 因为当做长的当做我爱, 我有没有怀疑。 多数人喜欢他,仅仅因为他很英俊, 当我的时候从不法官一个人被他的容貌---虽然我有承认生命的外表是毫无瑕疵的。 什么吸引我大部分是他的声音, 他的感性和他的思考。 当做片刻,你开始唱,我确定你是我的天使。 对于你的我的爱是永远地, 我的天使--- 维塔斯。 英文翻译的相关知识 您可能关注的推广 等待您来回答 下载知道APP 随时随地咨询 出门在外也不愁}


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