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maternal grandmother是什么意思
中文翻译外婆:&&&&adj. 1.母亲的;像母亲的,母性的。 2.母方的,母 ...:&&&&n. 1.祖母,外祖母。 2.老奶奶。 3.女祖先。 短 ...
例句与用法1.My maternal grandmother is 80 years old this week我的奶奶这星期80高寿了。 2.Mother ' s mother maternal grandmother外祖母外婆姥姥3.Quiet to train and its maternal grandmother interdependent for companion lihua yang li李静训是位九岁的女孩,她生活在皇宫里,与其外祖母杨丽华相依为伴。 4.On christmas eve , my family and i go to my maternal grandmother ' s house and eat a big meal with ham , dressing with gravy , cranberry sauce , vegetables , casseroles , sweet potatoes , and other delicious food在圣诞前夜,我和我的家人会到我外婆家,吃顿好的,有火腿,肉汁,酸果曼沙司,素菜,砂锅菜,甘薯和其它美味的食物。 5.According to the site , oscar - winner berry s maternal grandmother was less than a year old in 1912 when she sailed on the " merion " from the port of liverpool , northwest england . in 1850 , cruise s great - great - grandfather dylan henry mapother emigrated from the town of flint , north wales , to louisville , kentucky“家谱”网站称, 1912年,奥斯卡影后贝瑞的外祖母在还未满周岁时从英国西北部的利物浦港登上前往美国的“米里恩”号客船。 6.According to the site , oscar - winner berry ' s maternal grandmother was less than a year old in 1912 when she sailed on the " merion " from the port of liverpool , northwest england . in 1850 , cruise ' s great - great - grandfather dylan henry mapother emigrated from the town of flint , north wales , to louisville , kentucky“家谱”网站称, 1912年,奥斯卡影后贝瑞的外祖母在还未满周岁时从英国西北部的利物浦港登上前往美国的“米里恩”号客船。 7.Parson said genetic material from scrapings from the skull was analyzed and compared to dna samples gathered in 2004 from the thigh bones of mozart ' s maternal grandmother and a niece . the bones were recovered when a mozart family grave was opened in 2004 at salzburg ' s sebastian cemetery帕森说,他们首先分析了从头骨上刮下的碎屑中的遗传物质,之后将分析结果与已有的dna样本进行对比,已有的dna样本是2004年从莫扎特的外祖母和侄女的大腿骨上提取的。
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Is this your mother and that your father?
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中文翻译英英解释n.希腊语的第十二字母〔M, μ〕; 百万分之一;千分之一毫米。
例句与用法1.Average grain output per mu has reached 1,300 jin .平均亩产量达到了1300斤。2.We had acquired the additional seven mu .我们又买了七亩地。3.They levelled 5,000 mu of land .他们平整土地五千亩。4.A hectare is equal to 15 mu .一公顷合十五市亩。5.Not a single mu of land is left uncultivated in our village .我们村没有一亩荒废的土地。6.In this area the per mu yield of wheat for an average year is 500 jin .这儿小麦常年亩产500斤。7.We had to fill up each mu of terraced fields with thousands of basketfuls of good soil .每亩梯田我们得填上成千上万筐好土。8.On the three characteristics of mu shiying ' s works穆时英现代都市小说的意象世界9.The paddy area was extended to900000 mu last year去年稻田面积扩大到了90万亩。 10.Contrast on the history chants by du mu and li shangyin杜牧与李商隐的咏史诗比较&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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mother wavelet是什么意思
中文翻译母小波:&&&&n. 醋母(= mother of vinegar); ...:&&&&小浪;【物理学】子波,弱波,小波,基元波,成分波。
例句与用法1.Wavelet discussed in this paper is a basis of l2 or other spaces created by a function ( mother wavelet ) expand and contract and shift本文讨论的小波是指由一个函数(母小波)经过伸缩与平移所产生的l ~ 2或其它空间的基底。 2.Four families of mother wavelets , four threshold selection rules and three threshold rescaling methods are tested in a series of experiments to estimate the functioning of those wavelets and thresholding parameters然后对实验数据进行了去噪处理实验。以评价各种小波函数和阈值选取方法的优劣。 3.The two difficulty , one is which mother wavelet and decomposition scale can get best de - nosing effect in practical application , another important problem is threshold selection , which may be occurred in wavelet thresholding , is completely and deeply discussed并针对阈值去噪法中会遇到的小波基及分解层数的选取和阈值的合理选取两个难点,我们进行了系统深入的讨论。 4.The writer analyzed mallat three criteria and introduced the optimized function based on these three criteria , at last found optimized mother wavelet for edge detection . at the end of this chapter single edge searching method based on local maximum is introduced and gained ideal edge image分析mallat提出的评价边缘检测函数优劣的三个判别函数,利用这三个判别函数列出最优化方程,推导出边缘检测最优小波,最后创造性提出局部最大值单像素边缘搜索法,提取出单像素宽度边缘图像,图像效果达到了满意的效果。 5.E there is one - to - one map between the mathematical formulation and circuit realization , and that the method is systematic and suited for designing the network function with zeros and high - order filter . at last , the limitation and applied fields of the methods for realizing one - dimension cwt based on state - space log - domain filter are pointed out , it is also proved by the theoretical analysis and calculation results that the methods are suited for synthesizing the wavelet functions with very small scale or the frequence - transloction version of the mother wavelet ( with much translocation in frequence - domain )论文还给出了用状态空间对数域滤波器实现一维连续小波函数的限制条件,并指出了这种实现方法的应用范围,理论分析与计算结果表明该方法适合用于实现尺度很小的小波函数或由原基小波经频谱搬移(搬移程度较大)后的小波函数。 6.The simulation analysis using the ideal spectrum signal prototype which is constructed based on the infrared ray spectrum of octane level measure indicates that this method gives better signal to noise ratios and performance index ( g ) than conventional wavelet thresholding method via different kinds of mother wavelets仿真实验结果显示,对于不同的小波母函数,采用该方法去噪后的结果优于未经能量元转换的原方法,而且对于含有较高频信息的信号,该方法的结果比原方法明显更优越。 7.By integrating conventional fourie transformation with the smooth average method of spectrum , the high frequency noise was not only removed , but also the signal was smoothed and the main frequency of the signal was found easily and then was extracted as the coarse features of the signal . on the basis , in order to analyze the detail features of the signal , the signal can be decomposed using the db6 mother wavelet function在谱分析方法的傅立叶变换中引入平滑平均法对蜂窝结构材料和纤维增强材料声-超声检测信号进行处理,不仅可以有效地去除信号的高频噪声,而且可以平滑信号,突出检测信号的主频,实现了对检测信号“粗信息”特征的提取;在此基础上,合理选用db6小波基函数,对信号进行小波分解,对信号的特征进行进一步的细微分析。 8.My principal work is these : transforming image in wavelet at first , then encoding wavelet coefficients in sofm arithmetic methodology , lbg arithmetic methodology , dpcm encoding step by step , wavelet zero tree compression separately , reconstructing the image at last , so researching how to improve compression ratio , hi addition , the article puts forward a new arithmetic methodology , sl arithmetic methodology , on the base of comparing sofm arithmetic methodology with lbg arithmetic methodology what it needs emphasis is the variety of reconstructed image because of the diversity of mother wavelet本人所做的工作主要围绕着这样的步骤:将图像数据先进行小波变换,然后分别应用sofm算法、 lbg算法、 dpcm分步编码、小波零树压缩等对图像小波系数进行编码,最后重构图像。 akqnk44 wa从而研究如何能够提高图像压缩比,并比较了各算法在图像压缩中的特点。另外,根据sofm算法、 lbg算法在图像压缩中的各自特点,提出了一种新的算祛一七l算法。 9.It also studies the influencing factors including sampling frequency , pd waveform , decline time , time intervals between pd pulses , mother wavelet , center frequency of interference , entropy threshold value and snr . in addition , it applies wavelet packet method ( wpm ) for non - stationary signal de - noising in on - line pd monitoring and analyzes the processing results under different pd waveform , sampling frequency and noise level . firstly , the curve of pd基于小波包变换的非平稳信号消噪算法( wpm )已较为成熟,本文将其应用于局部放电在线监测,通过研究其对不同局放波形、采样率、噪声水平下的处理效果,首次提出了理想白噪声条件下提取局部放电信号的曲线,分析了各种因素对该算法下信号失真的影响。 10.In this paper , i studied the theory of wavelet in the field of sensor faults diagnose . then i discuss the effects that using various kinds of mother wavelet detect sensors faults in the concrete simulated example . at last , we studied the application of combining the wavelet and bp neural networks to sensors failure detection and simulated sensor faults diagnose by the computer本文主要研究了小波分析在传感器故障诊断中的应用,详细地探讨了各种小波基函数在传感器故障诊断中的应用,并通过具体的仿真实例对各种小波基函数在传感器故障检测中的效果进行验证,最后研究了结合小波分析和bp神经网络进行传感器故障诊断的技术,同时做了计算机仿真诊断。 &&更多例句:&&1&&


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