
How to Make a KiteInstructions STEP 1:Cut two lengths of doweling rod,one 16 inches long and another 24 inches long.STEP 2:Measure each cut piece with a ruler.Mark the shorter,16-inch piece at half its length and mark the longer,24-inch piece at a third of its length.STEP 3:Position the two rods at right angles,one on top of the other so that the marks touch.The two rods should form a cross shape.STEP 4:With strong,thin string,bind the two rods together where they meet.Tie a secure knot and cut off excess string.STEP 5:Use a utility knife to cut a small notch into the ends of both rods.These notches will hold the string that gives the kite its shape.STEP 6:Place some string in the notch at the top of the kite frame and wind it around the top of the rod.STEP 7:When the string is well-secured at the top of the rod,draw it tightly around the edge of the frame.Make sure it fits securely into each notch in the rods.STEP 8:When you return to the top of the frame,secure the string by tying its ends together in a tight knot.STEP 9:Place the finished frame on top of a large piece of paper.STEP 10:Using the kite frame as a template,cut the paper with scissors or a utility knife.Leave an excess of about 1/2 inch when cutting around the sections of string.STEP 11:Smear glue along the outside edges of the paper and fold it over so that it encloses the string and secures itself to the paper inside the frame as well.Make sure you use enough glue and spread it evenly enough to attach the paper both to the string and itself.STEP 12:Tie a length of string to each end of the shorter rod.The string should be a bit longer than the rod.STEP 13:Tie another length of string to each end of the longer rod.Again,the string should be a bit longer than the rod.STEP 14:Pick up the two strings with one hand,finding the point at the front of the kite where they overlap.Using a bit of extra string,tie them together.This is the point at which you will attach the kite string when it comes time to fly.STEP 15:To make a tail for your kite,secure
Generally light of bamboo trees adhesive rod or stick or things like firewood, first of all, you have to design a form, then well in,attention must be symmetrical weight behind the tail going to maintain an appropriate balance, and then use the timeworn, can be dry.buy a kite line with the shaft, it can put
"没必要这么敌对,"Glen推门走了进来,把手里的咖啡送到侯龙涛面前,"咱们就是闲聊,这个女人是你的雇主淫香淫色天天影视?" &&&&"没有。"二德子递过去根儿烟,"你可来早了。"&&&&"就是她们吗?"&&&&听见陈静柔淫荡的叫喊声,杨天傲的脸上流露出淫荡的笑容,抬头看着她那淫荡的容颜,喘气淫笑道:"好姐姐,老公会让你感到非常舒服的。"&&&&叶明美笑着拍他的手。"当然了,你可以去见我给安排的那些相亲对象。不过,若寒寒真的是插幼逼y6unrt5rlpg==舒服感我孙子,那你就不用急着结婚了,我会慢慢的给你物色人选tap119rcmq的……这你放n心好了,裴家母子小说的媳妇可不能随随便便就找个人。要不然,我也对不起你在天上的爸爸。"&&&&龙腾雪被他骂的有点懵,摸着鼻子,尴尬笑道:"没母子小说说会离了,我就这么一说。"&&&&"好电影儿?《无间道》?"侯龙涛撇了撇嘴,"你说《无间hlr0syy3hpifpkhoirdbmru72b5jojtsaihotlurtixumck1segxtlbji4ngq道》拍得好?哪部啊?" &&&&东方紫云一脸高兴问道。&&&&天伦王朝已在眼前了……&&&&"砰"的一声,办公室的门被人推开阿拉伯色情片大全了,只见黄心玲一脸焦急之色的走了进来。当看见王娜好好的坐在那里没事时,那颗紧张的心才松了下来,脸上焦急的表情缓和了下来,露出浅笑,看着王娜道:"老公,你没事吧!"&&&&
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