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出门在外也不愁&&&an obstacle to
However, the financial credit is severely lacking in our country and it has become an obstacle to our economic development.
However, the financial credit is seriously deficient in our country, and it twisted the market signal as well as the normal value judgment seriously, increased the transaction cost, and destroyed the social convention, so that the problem has become an obstacle to our economic development.
Psychological environment is an obstacle to the exploitation and utilization of urban underground space.
心理环境问题是影响城市地下空间开发利用的一个障碍 .
Shortage of information is an obstacle to the development of the ethnic minority area. Therefore,the Party school library in the area should play a more active party in the development of the area by offering documentary information service.
Therefore it is quite an obstacle to translation.
An English idiom is a fixed group of words with a special meaning, its meaning cannot be guessed from its individual words, and proved an obstacle to our learning English.
Turbo decoding adopts the idea of iterative decoding in which the decoding delay is an obstacle to the application of a real-time communication system.
The debt problem in rural areas has become an obstacle to the economic development and social stability since the reform of tax and revenue in the rural areas.
Is First Language Acquisition an Obstacle to Second Language Learning?
It was concluded that an obstacle to utilization of G-CSF could be existed in the patients with CIN.
Most industrial enterprises fail to realize the integration as an obstacle to their development.
Price Should Not be an Obstacle to LNG Development in China
Furthenjnore, these application systems were developed based on C/S model, the insufficiency of C/S model makes a burden of economy to enterprises and an obstacle to use the softwares.
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During monotonie deformation the fiber /matrix interface acts as a source of dislocations at low strains and an obstacle to matrix slip at higher strains.
Adoption of foreign currency eliminates the need for net exports as the source of revenue needed to service debt obligation, hence it renders the balance of payments as an obstacle to sustained capital flows and economic growth irrelevant.
We show that the virial arguments do not create an obstacle to the existence of localized static solutions.
We show that we reach near optimal speedups when searching for 16 clusters, a typical problem instance for which the sequential execution duration is an obstacle to the MACLAW method.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& An investigation was made with reference to the united business of agriculture, industry and commerce in Heilongjiang Province. The author, as a member of the work team, found that ideological confusion was an obstacle to the development of united business. Some ideas about the united business formed in the process of the investigation are put forward in the article to elicit discussion which might be helpful to reaching a unanimity of opinions. A united busin... &&&&&&&&&&&&农工商联合企业与农工商综合经营都是农业与工商业的联合,但前者是农业与作为农业的前、后部门的与农业有协作关系的工商业的联合。而后者是农业与任何工商业的联合。农王商联合企业与农业专业化关系密切,因而发展农工商联合企业应当以专业化程度高的地区为重点,但是在专业化程度低的地区,也可以通过组织起来,实行横向联合的途径,把少量的商品农产品集中成大量的,在这基础上,实行农工商的纵向联合。农工商联合企业与农村人民公社这两种经济组织有可能在一定范围内,在一定程度上相互结合,应当充分利用这一可能性。但是这种结合必须以不妨碍各自的特点为前提,因而是有限度的。与农业相协作的工商业是可以促进农业生产商品化的工商业,所以发展农工商联合企业就为促进农业生产商品化创造了新的有利条件,这对我国农村改变半自然经济的面貌,走向富裕有重大作用。&&&&&&&& Palaeomeryx was erected by Hermann von Meyer in 1834, who based his new genus chiefly on the presence of a "W?rst" on the posterior wall of the protoconid of DP_4 and the lower molars (later called the "Pnlaevmeryx-fold"), The fact that no associated antlers were found led von. Meyer to believe that Palaeomeryx might possibly be hornless. Subsequent discoveries of various kinds of "antlers" in association with teeth bearing the Palaeomeryx-fold made the genus Palaebmeryx conceptually... &&&&&&&&&&&&Palaeomeryx 在含义、性质和分类位置上,一直是一个争论较多的属.最近在山旺发现的 Palaeomeryx 完整骨架,为解决上述问题提供了有价值的资料和证据. Palaeomeryx 雄性具有一对眶上"皮骨角"和单一的"枕顶角".根据共近裔性状的分析,本文作者认为 Palaeomeryx 应该归入长颈鹿,作为这一支中最早分出的一个旁支.长颈鹿和鹿科有较近的亲缘关系,而和牛科的关系较远. Palaeomeryx 大概位于 Blastomeryx 和 Leptomeryx 之间,从反刍类主干中分出.山旺的材料,代表本属中一个较原始的新种: Palaeomeryx tricornis. 它的时代,可能相当于欧洲的 MN4 或 MN5.&&&&&&&& This paper analyzes the solute redistribution of a ternary alloy during the stable planar interface solidification theoreticlly.The analysis shows that the interaction between solute elements affects solute redistribution. However,if the interaction is so small that it may be neglected,the solute redistribution of a ternary alloy is similar to that of a binary alloy.The extent of the interaction of solute elements may be judged by the value of C_(oi)/k_i.If C_(om)/k_m>C_(on)/k_n,the elemen... &&&&&&&&&&&&本文对稳态平面前沿凝固的溶质再分配进行了理论分析。分析表明,合金元素间的相互作用将影响溶质再分配,但这种作用小到可以忽略时,三元台金的溶质再分配类似于二元合金。合金元素间的这种相互作用程度可由(Coi/ki)来评定。当(Com/km)>(Con/kn)时,m 组元强烈影响n组元的再分配,使其分布曲线变得平坦,即阻碍其扩散。而 n 组元对 m 组元几乎没什么影响。当(Com/km)≈(Con/kn)时,二者互相影响。作者认为(Coi/ki)判据可用于多元合金凝固过程。&nbsp&&&&&&&&相关查询:
2008 CNKI-中国知网
北京市公安局海淀分局 备案号:110 1081725
&2008中国知网(cnki) 中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社实例分析赛车游戏的赛道设计原则
作者:Luke McMillan
(本文以《头文字D》、《Maximum Tune》和《GT赛车》为例,详述赛车游戏的跑道设计原则)。
Tune 3》中的阪神快线。
图1:SAE坐标系(from gamaustra)
图02:弯心和赛车线路(from gamasutra)
图03(from gamasutra)
图04(from gamasutra)
图05(from gamasutra)
图06(from gamasutra)
图07(from gamasutra)
图08(from gamasutra)
图09(from gamasutra)
图10(from gamasutra)
图11(from gamaustra)
图12(from gamasutra)
Figure13-Part1(from gamasutra)
Figure13-Part2(from gamasutra)
《Maximum Tune
Scandinavian Flick
图14是Scandinavian Flick的模式图。玩家通过最佳切入点后转向最佳弯心。
要兼顾纵向力、横向力和左右摇摆。Scandinavian Flick有别于其他纯粹“抓地”式的驾驶的特点在于,过度使用纵向力。
图14(from gamasutra)
《Maximum Tune
图15(from gamasutra)
图16(from gamasutra)
图17(from gamasutra)
图18(from gamasutra)
《头文字D》vs. 《Maximum Tune》
《Maximum Tune》的赛道设计及赛车动力系统的特征:
《Maximum Tune 3》之阪神快线
阪神快线是《Maximum Tune 3》中一条受欢迎的赛道,在设计上与《Daytona
因为《Maximum Tune》的场景引用自日本系列漫画《Wangan
《Maximum Tune》之针线理论
图19(from gamasutra)
图20(from gamasutra)
图21(from gamasutra)
图22(from gamasutra)
图23(from gamasutra)
图24(from gamasutra)
图25(from gamasutra)
图26(from gamasutra)
图27(from gamasutra)
《ID4》 vs. 《MT3》 vs. 《GT5》之直道的运用
三款游戏的统计曲线图(from gamasutra)
A Rational Approach To Racing Game Track Design
by Luke McMillan
[In this extensive article, Gamasutra takes an in-depth look at
racing game track design, comparing two arcade titles -- Initial D
and Maximum Tune -- and contrasting them, at important points,
against the approach used in the Gran Turismo series.]
Games are about empowerment — being able to achieve and do
things that you can’t ordinarily (or legally) achieve in real life.
Car racing games, especially arcade racing games, are the perfect
example of this. Reaching the level of skill required to drive in
F1 will be out of reach of 99.9999 percent of the population.
Financial overhead also plays a significant role in being able
to drive your car on a race track in real life — not only do you
need a competent car, but you also need to pay all of the fees
associated with “legal” racing. The most prohibitive factor though
is age and licensing laws — every teenage boy wants to drive a
high-powered car, but that just isn’t going to happen in
This is where the humble arcade racer comes in. A well-designed
arcade racer gives non-drivers an empowering, and most importantly,
accessible experience.
But how do game designers make driving “on the limit”
accessible, fun, and most importantly, empowering for non-drivers?
The answer to this lies in analyzing the track design of two
contemporary arcade hits: Initial D: Arcade Stage and Maximum
Anyone who has visited an arcade recently would have noticed
that these two games dominate the arcade market, and are nearly
always played by non-drivers piloting 820-plus horsepower monsters
like pros.
There are two sides to this sudden and god-like ability for
non-drivers to handle these uber-cars: vehicle dynamics and track
design. This article focuses on establishing a set of rational
metrics for track design and then applying these metrics to the
analysis of the Mt. Akina track from Initial D: Arcade Stage 4 and
the Hanshin Express Line from Maximum Tune 3.
Five Essential Metrics
In order to take a rational approach to track design, it is
essential that we have a set of metrics. These metrics underpin all
elements of track design and can be employed in a number of
different scenarios. The five metrics of rational track design
Metric 1: Race Line
Metric 2: Clipping points (and related metrics)
Metric 3: Track Width
Metric 4: Camber
Metric 5: Height Variation
Before analyzing how the case studies provide an empowering
experience for non-drivers, it is essential that that these metrics
are explained both individually and in relation to each other.
Clipping Points & The Race Line
The most essential metrics for rational track design are
clipping point and the race line. However, to understand how these
two metrics work, it is important to talk about the vehicle and its
system of dynamics. Using the existing Society of Automotive
Engineers’ standard model, a vehicle has a pre-defined set of axes
which are used in all racing games. Figure 1 is an example of the
standardized SAE coordinate system.
The longitudinal axis is most directly affected by acceleration
and braking. The yaw and lateral axis is most directly impacted by
steering and subsequent weight transition. In a racing game, we
want the player to apply as much longitudinal force as possible, as
this will always result in a high speed. Application of brakes and
lateral force will not only slow the vehicle down but also make it
less predictable. With this in mind, we can now move onto the
concept of clipping points and race line.
The metrics presented in this article are all based on the
effect on the vehicle, not the end user. The track will always
directly impact the vehicle, but only indirectly impact the driver.
The reason for this is due to the fact that driving different
vehicles on the exact same road will yield different experiences
for the end user.
The vehicle is a translator of sorts, and is the essential
middle man between the player and the track design. As vehicle
dynamics is such a broad topic in itself, it will be discussed a
future article, however the SAE standard axis system is
comprehensive enough to be able to understand and apply the five
metrics of rational track design.
Metric 1 and 2: Clipping Points & The Race
Every corner in a race track will have an ideal entry point, an
ideal clipping point, and then an ideal exit point. The clipping
point is a target on the roads edge that the player must aim for in
order to maximize the chances of taking the shortest possible route
through a corner, whilst at the same time placing the least amount
of lateral force onto the vehicle (Figure 1).
In some cases, a clipping point might represent the shortest
possible ro however, it may require the use of
too much lateral force on the vehicle. These ideal points enable
the player to apply as much longitudinal force onto the vehicle as
possible (acceleration) without compromising this force with the
addition of any unnecessary lateral movement.
Entry, exit, and clipping points are derived partly from
creating the shortest possible route through a corner and also from
using the most surface area of the road. The reason surface area is
important is, if a road is wider, it means that less lateral force
needs to be applied to the vehicle (remembering that lateral forces
compromise acceleration and also make the car less
Jumping ahead slightly, Figure 3 has a dotted green line used to
denote the race line — or most optimal route through the corner.
The wider the road is, the straighter the race line becomes and
less speed-compromising lateral force needs to be applied. In all
cases, opportunities to increase longitudinal force are most sought
after by players in any arcade racer.
It is difficult to talk about these two metrics in isolation, as
they are a product of each other. For a driver, they will create a
race line in their mind based on an understanding of their vehicle
and the clipping points. From a designer’s perspective, the race
line may supersede the track layout depending on the approach
No matter what approach of these approaches is used in the
design of tracks, the ideal race line should result in the least
amount of lateral force being applied on the vehicle. To
demonstrate these two approaches, we can refer to figures Figure 4
and Figure 5 respectively.
Figure 4 is the end result of drawing a simple spline to
represent your track. Based on this approach, the designer would
need to plan their clipping points then create the track around
this. Figure 5, on the other hand, is just as valid, and uses the
opposite approach. The designer would need to draw on the clipping
points, then create the ideal race line. No matter what approach is
used, the end result is represented in Figure 6 as a very basic,
kart-style layout.
Although this is indicative of an end result, by no means does
it represent the body of knowledge that is required to make an
empowering track. The next issue that needs to be addressed is
corner difficulty, which is a combination of race line and clipping
Difficulty of a corner increases if the angle between these
three points is more acute and / or if the distance between these
points is reduced — as seen in a comparison between Figure 7 and
A corner can have multiple clipping
however, there will always be definite entry and exit points. The
player needs these definite entry and exit points as a type of
“punctuation” to help memorize the circuit.
Further to this, by taking this approach, a track designer can
come up with a circuit that is a combination of straights and
Depending on the type of vehicle dynamics system that is being
used, a combination of straights and corners can help assist in
game balance by allowing equal catch-up opportunities for vehicles
with different attributes.
Corners that have multiple clipping points are referred to as
“compound corners” (Figure 9). The approach to ascertaining
difficulty remains unchanged for compound corners. Distance between
clipping points and the amount of correction required by the
vehicle (as defined by extrapolating the angle between three
points) are valid means for ascertaining difficulty.
It is important to note that different racing games will have
different types of vehicle dynamics, which will ultimately dictate
the way clipping points are used. This will be described in more
detail during the case studies of Initial D and Maximum Tune.
Understanding clipping points and the how they subsequently
impact on creating the race line is the most integral piece of the
puzzle when taking a rational approach to track design. It is
important to consider that a racing game is very much a
twitch-puzzle game.
What this means is that the player needs to find elegant
solutions to spatial problems by using the least amount of
steering, braking and acceleration input. Although vehicle dynamics
have been discussed, the type of dynamics system used by the game
will have a significant impact of how designers should go about
creating clipping points and race lines.
Metric 3: Track Width
Track width is one of the common-sense type metrics that is
relatively easy to understand and implement. As a general rule of
thumb, making the road wider will make corners easier as it creates
a more obtuse angle for the clipping points and also provides some
forgiveness in the track design (as seen earlier in Figure 3).
A commonly acknowledged rule for third person games is that the
environment should be scaled up by a factor of around 33 percent,
and the same applies for racing games and the scale of tracks. The
reason this approach is used is to allow space for the camera to
move through the environment, and also to create passing
When designing the scale of a track, each lane should be 1.6 car
widths wide, allowing three cars to be side by side in two lanes
with a very minimal distance separating them (Figure 10). In
addition to this, the road shoulder should be around 50 percent to
75 percent the width of a car (Figure 11).
This makes the player take a risk by taking this strategically
powerful position — especially around corners where the lateral
force will be trying to pull the vehicle’s mass against the
player’s will. Having a wider section of track used for a corner
will allow for more margin for error. Wider corners also give
experienced players more ability to apply longitudinal force as the
race line can become far more smooth.
Metric 4: Road Camber
Road camber is the metric associated with how the road’s pitch
and roll angle will affect the car’s ability to turn-in to a corner
(over-steer) or alternatively the car’s inability to turn into a
corner (under-steer) (Figure 12). The terms under-steer and
over-steer are related to describing vehicle dynamics, however
on-camber and off-camber are terms associated with track design
(Figure 13).
Daytona USA famously used a large amount of on-camber turns to
allow for impossible corner entry and exit speeds, designed to
empower non-drivers and reward them for little input. On the other
hand, more realistic driving games such as Gran Turismo will use
combinations of on-camber and off-camber corners to test the limits
of the player and their chosen vehicle. This type of model
ultimately requires more from the player in terms of practice and
hence is not suited to an arcade environment.
Ideally, all corners in an arcade style racing game will be
on-camber, as this allows for some bold and empowering cornering.
Given the type of demographic attracted to these types of driving
games, this is an ideal approach.
Metric 5: Height Variation
Height variation in track design fulfills two distinct purposes.
The first is to create asymmetric balance which may favor or
disadvantage certain types of vehicles and the second is to create
tension, relief and the occasional “vista moment”. The latter of
these two purposes is a topic in itself, and one that I have
previously discussed in some detail in another article. However, to
concisely summarize the two uses, we can consider that the first
plays a game design role, which will either advantage or
disadvantage certain vehicles based on their mass and power.
To paraphrase the later use, we can consider it to be a purely
emotional component of both track design and level design in
general. Limited line of sight will result in the player being
anxious, as they are less able to plan ahead. When the player has
increased line of sight, they feel empowered, as they are able to
easily plan their moves several steps in advance. The previous
article expands this concept in some depth.
From an emotional perspective, height variation makes tracks
interesting, so long as it is used in moderation. Height variation
can also be used to create “vista moments” for the player that add
that extra wow-factor to the environment and the play
These vista moments are usually achieved by restricting the
player’s line of sight for an extended period by forcing them to
travel up hill.
Once they reach the plateau and begin their subsequent downhill
run, their line of sight is increased significant in comparison to
the uphill run, allowing them take in a full view of the circuit
and the level art. Once again, as this is such a significant topic,
it is best to use the previous article as a starting point to
investigate the concept further.
Putting the Metrics Together
Now that we have an understanding of the metrics of track
design, it is time to apply these in the contexts of the two case
studies. However as vehicle dynamics plays such a key role in
understanding the design of racing games, it is necessary to
differentiate Initial D and Maximum Tune by examining the types of
vehicle dynamics that they use. Maximum Tune favors a type of
driving called the “Scandinavian Flick”, whilst Initial D is
characterized by a system which can be defined as “Race Line
The Scandinavian Flick
Figure 14 is an example of how the Scandinavian Flick works. The
player hits the ideal entry point and then turns the vehicle
towards the ideal clipping point.
Once the vehicle’s mass is heading towards this point, the
player then counter-steers and aims the vehicle towards the ideal
corner exit, eventually countering the vehicle’s inertia and
transitioning the mass of the vehicle towards a different point in
space using a combination of longitudinal force, lateral force and
yaw. It is the excessive amount of longitudinal force used in the
Scandinavian flick which differentiates itself from pure ‘grip’
forms of driving.
Earlier in this article, it was mentioned that lateral force is
however, the vehicle dynamics in Maximum Tune have
been designed in such a way that small portions of lateral force
are actually required for the ideal race line.
In the case of Maximum Tune, the vehicle will lose speed on the
turn in, but will gain speed on the counter-steer. What this means
is, in Maximum Tune, it is often more desirable to spend more time
in counter-steer — and this subsequently means that in Maximum Tune
most of the ideal clipping points are less than 50 percent of the
way through a corner.
This is one of ways in which Maximum Tune addresses the issue of
lateral force being detrimental. By having the clipping points
earlier, it means that the majority of the corner is spent apply
more longitudinal force than lateral force. Maximum Tune is able to
make clipping points come earlier, by making the corner exits wider
than the entries.
Missed Clipping Points
Both Maximum Tune and Initial D use missed clipping points as a
way to punish players and provide overtaking opportunities. Figure
15 is an example of a player who has missed the ideal clipping
point. In order to maintain the race line (and block the fastest
possible way through a corner) the player will need to make a
further correction, hence slowing the vehicle down
A vehicle does not like to be disturbed by unexpected forces
once in motion. Every time a correction is required, this places
some extra and unexpected force of the vehicle, subsequently
slowing it down or making its behavior erratic. In all racing
games, a high corner exit speed is always the most desirable
outcome for the player. These examples will be further expanded
upon when examining the case studies.
Race Line Punishment
Initial D uses a system of vehicle dynamics which combines slip
and grip vehicles and subsequently creates an asymmetrical
relationship between vehicles — vehicles do not need plastic
symmetry, as the combination of the player and the track will
always create asymmetry.
Some will be more inclined to use Scandinavian Flick, whilst
others will be pure grip, race-line vehicles, taking the most
effective line through a corner. This asymmetric relationship means
that the primary mechanic in Initial D is race-line punishment.
Figure 16 is a time-lapse example of two vehicles entering the
same corner. The silver vehicle takes a less risky race line,
however it opens itself up to being overtaken on the inside using
the more risky, but subsequently more effective, race line. As the
red vehicle is able to hit the ideal clipping point, it will yield
a higher corner exit speed. The CX values of the vehicles (a
measure of how much energy they absorb in the case of a collision)
means that the red vehicle has the advantage in Initial D, as its
mass will push the silver car off the ideal race line.
In both Initial D and Maximum Tune, the player needs to weigh up
how they will approach the corners. Figure 17 is an example of
player who takes less risk by allowing greater room for correction
on either side of the vehicle. Although they are less likely to hit
the sides of the road (and subsequently lose la significant amount
of speed) they are also taking a less effective race line and
subsequently allowing room to be overtaken on the ideal race
By taking the most risky line through the corner as seen in
Figure 18, the player has the most to gain if they hit the ideal
clipping point, but also the most to lose if they fail, due to the
lack of correction space.
Generally speaking, when vehicles in a racing game collide with
each other, they impose less inertial forces than hitting a track
barricade. What this means in relation to driving games is it is
more beneficial to hit another vehicle as opposed to any other
obstacle, as the player will ultimately be able to maintain a
higher level of vehicle stability. When the vehicle is more stable,
it is more likely to accelerate quicker and corner more predictably
as there are no other forces acting on the vehicle’s dynamics.
Initial D vs. Maximum Tune
So far we know that Maximum Tune and Initial D both have
different approaches to vehicle dynamics and track design. However,
they can both be described as highly empowering experiences for
non-drivers. Both games provide a different experience and mood, so
by analyzing some specific examples of track design within these
games, we can come up with a track design language that will be
useful when taking a rational approach to track design.
Characteristics of Maximum Tune track design and vehicle
Tracks are much wider as they are designed for four players,
instead of two or three in Initial D
Much higher track speeds, so corners are more forgiving
Designed to have other NPC vehicles on the road during
Lead players can choose to take a different route through the
Much fewer tight turns than Initial D
Characteristics of Initial D track design and vehicle
Two player network play against either the AI or other players,
which emphasizes close, focused rivalries
Slower speed vehicles which operate on narrower tracks
Race line punishment
No traffic obstacles
Hanshin Express Line: Maximum Tune 3
The Hanshin Express Line is a popular track in Maximum Tune 3,
and has a lot of similarity to the track design in Daytona USA —
particularly the beginner circuit. The track is wide and has lots
of sweeping, on-camber corners. Just like the Mt. Akina Circuit
used in Initial D, the Hanshin Express Line is an embellished
version of a real-world roadway — this one in Osaka, Japan.
As Maximum Tune is based around the illegal freeway racing scene
epitomized by the manga series Wangan Midnight, there is an
emphasis on creating tense yet flowing high speed maneuvering
through regular traffic.
As mentioned earlier, Maximum Tune is able to implement its
ideal clipping points early in the corner, hence allowing for
greater corner exit speeds. The way that it achieves this is by
making the corner exits wider than the entries. From an emotion
point of view, this may sound boring. However, the designers of
Maximum Tune have built in a clever feature to embellish the
player’s actions and make them look better than what they actually
are. This concept is known as needle threading.
Needle Threading: Maximum Tune
The Hanshin Express Line is epitomized by these needle threading
corners. Put simply, a needle threading corner is one which
provides a very wide corner entry point, an ideal clipping point
(just one) and then the perception of a very narrow corner exit
(Figure 19).
Needle threading corners have significant emotional value, and
often give the perception of mastery for the players who are able
to achieve them. Just like anything in game design, it is all about
making the player look better than they actually are — especially
in the highly voyeuristic environment of the arcade.
Figure 20 shows how this sense of mastery and achievement is
achievement. As the player corrects towards the ideal corner exit
point, the vehicle is still sideways whilst passing through this
“needle thread” point, making the track walls closer to the
vehicle. The positioning of the camera is purposeful and captures
this impossibly accurate near-miss which would more often than not
lead to disaster in real life — especially at the speeds cars are
traveling at within the game.
When implemented a needle thread corner, the initial design
needs to be done without the narrow exit point. If you look at
Figure 20 and remove the barricade, we can see the design
methodology at play. In Figure 21, you can see how the corner exit
becomes noticeably wider than the entry, meaning that the ideal
clipping point can be much earlier in the corner designs. The
addition of the barricade is the illusion that the player needs to
embellish their actions and make them feel empowered.
Asymmetric Balance: Initial D
The combination of multiple types of vehicle dynamics used
within Initial D means that track design is of the utmost
importance when trying to provide a balanced and empowering
experience for the player. No track epitomizes this mantra more
than Mt. Akina, an embellished version of the real world Mt. Akina
road in Gunma Prefecture, Japan. Figure 22 is a planar map of the
circuit. Although the track can played in either direction, the
normal start line in sector one is the highest point of elevation
and moves downhill progressively towards sector ten.
The type of vehicle that the player chooses at the start of the
game will have a large impact on what types of track it will be
best suited to.
A heavy car like the Nissan GTR will be balanced in such a way
that it is usually more capable on an up-hill circuit where having
more power is advantageous. A smaller car like the Toyota AE86 will
have more of an advantage in down-hill circuits due to its lower
mass and ability to over-steer on corner exits.
The Mt. Akina circuit uses a clever combination of corners to
balance the gameplay and yield close rivalries, even without
significant rubber-banding. Mt. Akina uses a unique leveling
section in sector eight. If you are familiar with the Initial D
franchise, then you will know the three consecutive corners as
shown in Figure 23.
As the road markings play such an important role in the
sensation of speed, they have been left in the diagram to
demonstrate the sense of urgency that is conveyed to the
There are a number of metrics that need to be considered before
the importance of this particular corner can be explained. In
Initial D (and most other racing games) a compound corner which
becomes progressively tighter will be advantageous for a lighter
vehicle, whilst a compound corner which becomes progressively more
obtuse will benefit a heavier, more powerful vehicle (Figure 24
& Figure 25).
There is also an additional component of compound corners which
needs to be considered, and that is the correction distance between
clipping points. To a large extent, this metric of difficulty can
be explained by the angle extrapolation method covered in the
clipping point metric. However, Figure 26 demonstrates the
difficulty metrics associated with the distance between clipping
The reason the distance between these correction points is so
critical is due to vehicle dynamics and Newton’s first law — an
object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state
of motion unless an external force is applied. Figure 27 combines
vehicle dynamics, distance between clipping points, and Newton’s
first law. The point of critical weight transfer is used in Initial
D to either advantage or disadvantage certain vehicles.
The Use of Straightaways: ID4 vs. MT3 vs. GT5
One thing that has not been covered is the use of straightaway
sections in tracks. Straightaways are necessary in all forms of
racing games, however if a straightaway is too long, then this will
adversely affect the sense of empowerment for non-drivers.
Straightaways may seem fun on first glance: a section of road
where the player can apply as much throttle as they want. However
there is a significant problem if they are used incorrectly,
especially in an arcade driving title. To understand the difference
between more realistic straightaway use and use with arcade titles
it is necessary to take a basic statistical overview of three
titles: Initial D, Maximum Tune, and Gran Turismo.
Figure 28 compares speed telemetry data from experienced players
in powerful cars within Maximum Tune 3&s Hanshin Line, Initial D
Arcade Stage 4&s Mt. Akina and Gran Turismo 5&s Trial Mountain.
Both Maximum Tune 3 and Initial D have the lowest standard
deviation, whilst Gran Turismo has the highest deviation from the
car’s slowest speed to its fastest speed.
The graph plots the vehicles’ speed telemetry at five second
intervals and compares the current speed sample to the last
previous sample. A value of 1 indicates that the vehicle has not
changed speed since the last sample. Positive values denote an
increase in speed and negative values denote a decrease in
The graph demonstrates that in more realistic driving titles
such as Gran Turismo, straightaways allow the vehicle to
significantly overshoot the ideal corner entry speed, requiring the
player to brake for extended periods prior to corner entry. This
necessitates the player needing to learn the course, and takes away
an aspect of forgiveness in the track design.
Console and computer games have the privilege of being far less
forgiving. On a console, amateur players are not paying per play,
hence allowing more time for practice and memorization. And most
importantly, the home is a safe environment, away from the eyes of
other gamers — it is safe to make mistakes, and the player can pick
and choose the time when they take their skills public via online
play or tournaments.
Arcade titles though need to pander to the ego. Players pay
per-play and they do so under the watchful scrutiny of others.
Although straightaways are used in all forms of track design, to
empower the non-driver, it is essential that straightaways do not
allow the vehicle to reach an excessively high speed prior to
corner entry. If the straightaway does lead to a tight corner, then
there should be a number of easier corners prior to this, allowing
the player to shed sufficient speed before attempting corner
Concluding Thoughts
The initial aim of this article was to examine ways in which
non-drivers could feel empowered within racing games. Initial D and
Maximum Tune are both excellent examples of creating an empowering
experience and via the analysis applied to each, we can come up
with a set of design heuristics, based on the five metrics of track
The use of straightaways needs to be implemented in such a way
that the player is never able to significantly overshoot the ideal
corner entry speed. Any braking should be kept to a minimum.
Corners need to be progressively tighter to ensure that players are
able to have close to ideal corner entries.
The standard deviation in vehicle speed should be quite narrow,
ideally within a plus or minus 30 percent region.
Road markings are essential to creating a sense of speed.
Needle threading corners should be used to provide a sense of
awe for the player and embellish their skills.
All corners in an arcade racing game should be on-camber.
Height variations should always be used in track design to
create emotionally diversity. Rapid changes in height should be
avoided though.
Use straights to create “punctuation” for the player. Separate
corners using landmarks or iconic features to aid this.
There are other elements of best practice which are beyond the
scope of this article. There needs to be a clear distinction
between actual difficulty and perceived difficulty. The best
example of this is the comparison made between speed changes in
Initial D and Gran Turismo. Initial D is very good at giving the
player the perception of difficulty, when in fact they are doing
very little in comparison to what they would need to do given the
same track in Gran Turismo.
As such, the next big area to address is vehicle dynamics. It is
important to note that different vehicle dynamics do not downplay
the significance of the five metrics, rather it the vehicle will
provide a significantly different experience for the player,
especially in regards to these different approaches to building
Special Thanks to Cliff Kamarga, Katie Murphy and Natasha Lewin
for the images.()


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