
Paul Douglas
《当代奸雄》(All the King's Men) - Robert
《晴空血戰史》(Twelve O'Clock High) - Darryl F. Zanuck
《三妻艷史》(A Letter to Three Wives) - Sol C. Siegel
《千金小姐》(The Heiress) - William Wyler
《烽火碧雲天》(Battleground) - Dore Schary
祖西曼基維治(Joseph L. Mankiewicz)《三妻艷史》(A Letter
to Three Wives)威廉韋勒(William Wyler)《千金小姐》(The
卡路烈特(Carol Reed)《塌陷的偶像》(The Fallen Idol)
威廉韋文(William A. Wellman)《烽火碧雲天》(Battleground)
羅拔路遜(Robert Rossen)《当代奸雄》(All the King's Men)
波特歷哥羅福(Broderick Crawford)《当代奸雄》(All the
King's Men)卻德格拉斯(Kirk Douglas)《光榮錦標》(Champion)
李察多特(Richard Todd)《浮生夢痕》(The Hasty Heart)
尊榮(John Wayne)《硫磺島浴血戰》(Sands of Iwo Jima)
格力哥利柏(Gregory Peck)《晴空血戰史》(Twelve O'Clock High)
夏蕙蘭(Olivia De Havilland)《千金小姐》(The
羅麗達楊(Loretta Young)《烈火風塵》(Come to the Stable)
狄寶拉嘉(Deborah Kerr)《黃梁夢》(Edward, My Son)
蘇珊希活(Susan Hayward)《一廂情願》(My Foolish Heart)
珍妮姬莉(Jeanne Crain)《蕩姬血淚》(Pinky)
甸積加(Dean Jagger)《晴空血戰史》(Twelve O'Clock
High)韋李察遜(Ralph Richardson)《千金小姐》(The Heiress)
艾芬甘乃迪(Arthur Kennedy)《光榮錦標》(Champion)
占士韋摩亞(James Whitmore)《烽火碧雲天》(Battleground)
尊艾蘭(John Ireland)《当代奸雄》(All the King's Men)
瑪茜迪麥金布烈治(Mercedes McCambridge)《当代奸雄》(All the
King's Men)伊桃和特絲(Ethel Waters)《蕩姬血淚》(Pinky)
伊桃巴里摩亞(Ethel Barrymore)《蕩姬血淚》(Pinky)
艾莎蘭切絲特(Elsa Lanchester)《烈火風塵》(Come to the Stable)
賽莉絲特荷姆(Celeste Holm)《烈火風塵》(Come to the Stable)
Alfred Hayes/Federico Fellini/Sergio Amidei/Marcello
Pagliero/Roberto Rossellini《戰火無情》(Paisan)
Helen Levitt/Janice Loeb/Sidney Meyers《定心丸》(The Quiet One)
T.E.B. Clarke《買路錢》(Passport to Pimlico)
Sidney Buchman《浮華時光續集》(Jolson Sings Again)
Joseph L. Mankiewicz《三妻艷史》(A Letter to Three
Wives)Graham Greene《塌陷的偶像》(The Fallen Idol)
Cesare Zavattini《單車竊賊》(The Bicycle Thief)
Robert Rossen《当代奸雄》(All the King's Men)
Carl Foreman《光榮錦標》(Champion)
Douglas Morrow《淑女癡戀》(The Stratton
Clare Boothe Luce《烈火風塵》(Come to the Stable)
Shirley W. Smith/Valentine Davies《春風吹又生》(It Happens Every
Harry Brown《硫磺島浴血戰》(Sands of Iwo Jima)
Virginia Kellogg《殲匪喋血戰》(White Heat)
Winton C. Hoch《黃巾騎兵團》(She Wore a Yellow
Ribbon)Harry Stradling《金粉帝后》(The Barkleys of
William E. Snyder《浮華時光續集》(Jolson Sings Again)
Robert H. Planck/Charles Edgar Schoenbaum《小婦人》(Little Women)
Charles G. Clarke《撒沙子》(Sand)
Joseph LaShelle《烈火風塵》(Come to the Stable)
Leo Tover《千金小姐》(The Heiress)
Leon Shamroy《福克斯王子》(Prince of Foxes)
Gerstad《光榮錦標》(Champion)Robert Parrish/Al
Clark《当代奸雄》(All the King's Men)
John D. Dunning《烽火碧雲天》(Battleground)
Richard L. Van Enger《硫磺島浴血戰》(Sands of Iwo Jima)
Frederic Knudtson《窗外》(The Window)
Cedric Gibbons/Paul Groesse/Edwin B.
Willis/Jack D. Moore《小婦人》(Little Women)Edward
Carrere/Lyle B. Reifsnider《劍俠唐璜》(Adventures of Don Juan)
Jim Morahan/William Kellner/Michael Relph《深宮殘夢》(Saraband for Dead
John Meehan/Harry Horner/Emile Kuri《千金小姐》(The
Lyle R. Wheeler/Joseph C. Wright/Thomas Little/Paul S.
Fox《烈火風塵》(Come to the Stable)
Cedric Gibbons/Jack Martin Smith/Edwin B. Willis/Richard
Pefferle《波瓦利夫人》(Madame Bovary)
Leah Rhodes/Marjorie Best《劍俠唐璜》(Adventures of
Don Juan)Kay Nelson《初為人母》(Mother Is a Freshman)
Edith Head/Gile Steele《千金小姐》(The
Heiress)Vittorio Nino Novarese《福克斯王子》(Prince of
Thomas T. Moulton《晴空血戰史》(Twelve O'Clock
High)Daniel J. Bloomberg《癡鳳求凰》(Once More, My
Gordon Sawyer《硫磺島浴血戰》(Sands of Iwo Jima)
Merian C. Cooper/Ernest B.
Schoedsack《巨猩喬揚》(Mighty Joe Young)
Walter Wanger/Stuart Heisler《塔爾薩》(Tulsa)
Aaron Copland《千金小姐》(The
Heiress)Max Steiner《越過森林地》(Beyond the Forest)
Dimitri Tiomkin《光榮錦標》(Champion)
Roger Edens/Lennie Hayton《錦城春色》(On the
Town)Morris Stoloff/George Duning《浮華時光續集》(Jolson Sings
Ray Heindorf《一線生機》(Look for the Silver Lining)
Baby. It's Cold Outside-Frank
Loesser《通天神童》(Neptune's Daughter)Through a Long and
Sleepless Night-Alfred Newman/Mack Gordon《烈火風塵》(Come to the
It's a Great Feeling-Jule Styne/Sammy Cahn《醉生夢死》(It's a Great
My Foolish Heart-Victor Young/Ned Washington《一廂情願》(My Foolish
Lavender Blue-Eliot Daniel/Larry Morey《靈台暑暖》(So Dear to My
Documentary, Features:
Daybreak in Udi (1949) - Crown Film
Kenji Comes Home (1949) - Paul F. Heard
Best Documentary, Short
Subjects: Chance to Live, A (1949) - Richard De
So Much for So Little (1949) - Edward Selzer
) - French Cinema General Cooperative
Rising Tide, The (1949) - St. Francis-Xavier University Nova
Best Short Subject,
For Scent-imental Reasons (1949) - Edward
Hatch Up Your Troubles (1949) - Fred Quimby
Magic Fluke (1949) - Stephen Bosustow
Toy Tinkers (1949) - Walt Disney
Best Short Subject,
Aquatic House Party (1949) - Jack
Roller Derby Girl (1949) - Justin Herman
So You Think You're Not Guilty (1949) - Gordon Hollingshead
Spills and Chills (1949) - Walton C. Ament
Water Trix (1949) - Pete Smith (I)
Best Short Subject,
Van Gogh (1948) - Gaston D Robert
Boy and the Eagle (1949) - William Lasky (I)
Chase of Death (1949) - Irving Allen
Grass Is Always Greener, The (1949) - Gordon Hollingshead
Snow Carnival (1949) - Gordon Hollingshead
Fred Astaire
- For his unique artistry and his contributions to the technique of
musical pictures.
Cecil B. DeMille
- Distinguished motion picture pioneer for 37 years of brilliant
Jean Hersholt
- For distinguished service to the motion picture industry.
Ladri di biciclette (1948)
- Italy. Voted by the Academy Board of Governors as the most
outstanding foreign language film released in the United States
during 1949.
Bobby Driscoll
&& - For the outstanding juvenile
actor of 1949.
Academy Award of
Eastman Kodak Co.
- For the development and introduction of an improved safety base
motion picture film.
Technical Achievement
International Projector Corp.
- For a simplified and self-adjusting takee-up device for
projection machines.
Herbert Britt
- For the development and application of fformulas and equipment
producing artificial snow and ice for dressing motion-picture
Andr?C Jacques Mathot
- For the design of the Eclair Camerette.&
Charles R. D Stephen C Paramount
Studio Engineering, Editorial and Music Departments
- For a new precision method of computing variable tempo click
- For the first successful large-area seammless translucent
Loren L. R Bruce H. D Robert Carr
(II); Paramount SSD
- For the development and application of tthe supersonic playback
and public address system.
Alexander Velcoff (II)
- For the application to production of thee infrared photographic
Robert Montgomery
《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet) -
Laurence Olivier《碧血金沙》(The Treasure of the
Sierra Madre) - Henry Blanke
《毒龍潭》(The Snake Pit) - Anatole Litvak/Robert Bassler
《紅菱艷》(The Red Shoes) - Michael Powell/Emeric Pressburger
《心聲淚影》(Johnny Belinda) - Jerry Wald
尊侯斯頓(John Huston)《碧血金沙》(The Treasure of the
Sierra Madre)
艾納杜利華克(Anatole Litvak)《毒龍潭》(The Snake Pit)
弗烈仙利文(Fred Zinnemann)《亂世孤雛》(The Search)
真尼古利斯高(Jean Negulesco)《心聲淚影》(Johnny Belinda)
羅倫士奧利華(Laurence Olivier)《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)
柳埃勒斯(Lew Ayres)《心聲淚影》(Johnny Belinda)
蒙哥馬利奇利夫(Montgomery Clift)《亂世孤雛》(The Search)
基夫頓韋比(Clifton Webb)《妙人奇遇》(Sitting Pretty)
丹戴利(Dan Dailey)《情人的微笑》(When My Baby Smiles at Me)
珍懷文(Jane Wyman)《心聲淚影》(Johnny
Belinda)艾玲鄧恩(Irene Dunne)《春暖滿人間》(I Remember
英格烈褒曼(Ingrid Bergman)《聖女貞德》(Joan of Arc)
夏蕙蘭(Olivia De Havilland)《毒龍潭》(The Snake Pit)
芭芭拉史丹維(Barbara Stanwyck)《電話驚魂》(Sorry, Wrong Number)
和達侯斯頓(Walter Huston)《碧血金沙》(The Treasure of
the Sierra Madre)斯西基拉威(Cecil Kellaway)《天降好運》(The Luck
of the Irish)
查理斯碧福(Charles Bickford)《心聲淚影》(Johnny Belinda)
荷西法拉(Jos& Ferrer)《聖女貞德》(Joan of Arc)
奧斯卡賀莫卡(Oskar Homolka)《春暖滿人間》(I Remember Mama)
姬萊翠華(Claire Trevor)《蓋世梟雄》(Key
Largo)艾格妮絲摩赫(Agnes Moorehead)《心聲淚影》(Johnny
埃倫高拜(Ellen Corby)《春暖滿人間》(I Remember Mama)
芭芭拉貝姬迪絲(Barbara Bel Geddes)《春暖滿人間》(I Remember Mama)
珍斯蒙絲(Jean Simmons)《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)
Richard Schweizer/David Wechsler《亂世孤雛》(The
Search)Frances H. Flaherty/Robert J.
Flaherty《舊時鄉情》(Louisiana Story)
Emeric Pressburger《紅菱艷》(The Red Shoes)
Borden Chase《紅河谷》(Red River)
Malvin Wald《不夜城》(The Naked City)
John Huston《碧血金沙》(The Treasure of the Sierra
Madre)Charles Brackett/Billy Wilder/Richard L.
Breen《柏林艷史》(A Foreign Affair)
Irma von Cube/Allen Vincent《心聲淚影》(Johnny Belinda)
Frank Partos/Millen Brand《毒龍潭》(The Snake Pit)
Joseph A. Valentine/William V. Skall/Winton
C. Hoch《聖女貞德》(Joan of Arc)Charles G.
Clarke《綠坡翠谷》(Green Grass of Wyoming)
William E. Snyder《卡門戀曲》(The Loves of Carmen)
Robert H. Planck《豪情三劍客》(The Three Musketeers)
William H. Daniels《不夜城》(The Naked
City)Charles Lang《柏林艷史》(A Foreign Affair)
Nicholas Musuraca《春暖滿人間》(I Remember Mama)
Ted D. McCord《心聲淚影》(Johnny Belinda)
Joseph H. August《寒月芙蓉》(Portrait of Jennie)
Paul Weatherwax《不夜城》(The Naked
City)Frank Sullivan《聖女貞德》(Joan of Arc)
David Weisbart《心聲淚影》(Johnny Belinda)
Christian Nyby《紅河谷》(Red River)
Reginald Mills《紅菱艷》(The Red Shoes)
Hein Heckroth/Arthur Lawson《紅菱艷》(The Red
Shoes)Richard Day/Casey Roberts/Joseph Kish《聖女貞德》(Joan
Roger K. Furse/Carmen
Dillon《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)Robert M. Haas/William
Wallace《心聲淚影》(Johnny Belinda)
Dorothy Jeakins/Barbara Karinska《聖女貞德》(Joan
of Arc)Edith Head/Gile Steele《華爾茲王國》(The Emperor
Roger K. Furse《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)
Charles Le Maire《春花嬌美可人兒》(B.F.'s Daughter)
Thomas T. Moulton《毒龍潭》(The Snake
Pit)Gordon Sawyer《心聲淚影》(Johnny Belinda)
John Aalberg《月光光》(Moonrise)
Paul Eagler/J. McMillan Johnson/Russell
Shearman/Clarence Slifer/Charles L. Freeman/James G.
Stewart《寒月芙蓉》(Portrait of Jennie)Ralph Hammeras/Fred
Sersen/Edward Snyder/Roger Heman《深海藍水》(Deep Waters)
Brian Easdale《紅菱艷》(The Red
Shoes)William Walton《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)
Hugo Friedhofer《聖女貞德》(Joan of Arc)
Max Steiner《心聲淚影》(Johnny Belinda)
Alfred Newman《毒龍潭》(The Snake Pit)
Johnny Green/Roger Edens《花開蝶滿枝》(Easter
Parade)Victor Young《華爾茲王國》(The Emperor Waltz)
Lennie Hayton《歌舞海盜俏淑女》(The Pirate)
Ray Heindorf《龍鳳闖情關》(Romance on the High Seas)
Alfred Newman《情人的微笑》(When My Baby Smiles at Me)
Buttons and Bows-Jay Livingston/Ray
Evans《胭脂雙粉俠》(The Paleface)For Every Man There's a
Woman-Harold Arlen/Leo Robin《城堡風沙》(Casbah)
It's Magic-Jule Styne/Sammy Cahn《龍鳳闖情關》(Romance on the High
This Is the Moment-Frederick Hollander/Leo Robin《富貴淑女》(That Lady in
The Woody Woodpecker Song-Ramey Idriss/George Tibbles《濕氈風波》(Wet
Blanket Policy)
Documentary, Features:
Secret Land, The (1948) - Orville O.
Quiet One, The (1948) - Janice Loeb
Best Documentary, Short
Toward Independence (1948) - U.S.
Heart to Heart (1948) - Herbert Morgan
Operation Vittles (1948) - U.S. Army Air Force
Best Short Subject,
Little Orphan, The (1948) - Fred
Mickey and the Seal (1948) - Walt Disney
Mouse Wreckers (1948) - Edward Selzer
Robin Hoodlum (1948) - United Productions of America
Tea for Two Hundred (1948) - Walt Disney
Best Short Subject,
M&nniskor i stad (1947) - Edmund
Annie Was a Wonder (1948) - Herbert Moulton
Cinderella Horse (1948) - Gordon Hollingshead
So You Want to Be on the Radio (1948) - Gordon Hollingshead
You Can't Win (1948) - Pete Smith (I)
Best Short Subject,
Seal Island (1948) - Walt Disney
Calgary Stampede (1948) - Gordon Hollingshead
Going to Blazes! (1948) - Herbert Morgan
Samba-Mania (1948) - Harry Grey
Snow Capers (1948) - Thomas Mead
Sid Grauman
- Master showman, who raised the standard of exhibition of motion
Adolph Zukor
- A man who has been called the father of the feature film in
America, for his services to the industry over a period of forty
Joan of Arc (1948) - Walter
- For distinguished service to the industrry in adding to its moral
stature in the world community by his production of the picture
Joan of Arc.
Monsieur Vincent (1947)
- France. Voted by the Academy Board of Goovernors as the most
outstanding foreign language film released in the United States
during 1948.
Search, The (1948) - Ivan Jandl
- For the outstanding juvenile performance of 1948 in The
Irving G. Thalberg Memorial
Jerry Wald (I)
Scientific and
Engineering Award:
Victor C Maurice A Paramount
Studio Set Construction Dept.
- For the development and application of
&"Paralite", a new lightweight plaster process for
set construction.
Nick K Louis J. W 20th Century-Fox
Studio Mechanical Effects Dept.
- For a process of preserving and flame-prroofing foliage.
Technical Achievement
Marty Martin (II); Jack L Russell
S RKO Radio Studio Special Effects Dept.
- For the development of a new method of ssimulating falling snow
on motion picture sets.
A.J. M Warner Bros. Studio Electrical
- For a method of remote control for shuttters on motion picture
arc lighting equipment.
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奥斯卡金像奖进入倒计时阶段,提名名单已经公布。让我们一起通过这段精彩的混剪短片共同回味去年影坛的精彩瞬间。透过影像看看有哪些电影入围,其中又有谁是你心中的小金人理想得主。这段混剪为六贰四制作,近六分钟的时限中囊括了所有提名影片,别出心裁的将各类影片中人物情绪作为节点,剪辑手法自然熟练,充满跃动感。此外,这段混剪中,“小李”的镜头格外戳人心,让人印象深刻,去年无论是挥金如土的“盖茨比”,还是丧心病狂的“华尔街之狼”,这位与小金人屡次插身而过的美帝好演员,究竟这次会不会捧得小金人回家,亦是本届奥斯卡的一大噱头。最后丰富的信息量,酣畅淋漓的画面感为本段混剪增色不少。相信无论是不是奥斯卡影迷,在看了这段混剪后,都会对本次奥斯卡各项大奖花落谁家充满期待。部分奥斯卡提名影片名单:【最佳影片】Best Picture《美国骗局》《菲利普船长》《达拉斯买家俱乐部》《地心引力》《她》《内布拉斯加》《菲洛梅娜》《为奴十二载》《华尔街之狼》【最佳导演】Directing阿方索·卡隆-《地心引力》史蒂夫·麦奎因-《为奴十二载》亚历山大·佩恩-《内布拉斯加》大卫·欧·拉塞尔-《美国骗局》马丁·斯科塞斯-《华尔街之狼》【最佳男主角】Actor in a Leading Role克里斯蒂安·贝尔-《美国骗局》布鲁斯·邓恩-《内布拉斯加》莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥-《华尔街之狼》切瓦特·埃加福特-《为奴十二载》马修·麦康纳-《达拉斯买家俱乐部》&【最佳女主角】Actress in a Leading Role艾米·亚当斯-《美国骗局》凯特·布兰切特-《蓝色茉莉》桑德拉·布洛克-《地心引力》朱迪·丹奇-《菲洛梅娜》梅丽尔·斯特里普-《八月:奥色治郡》【最佳男配角】Actor in a Supporting Role巴克德·阿巴蒂-《菲利普船长》布莱德利·库珀-《美国骗局》迈克尔·法斯宾德-《为奴十二载》乔纳·希尔-《华尔街之狼》杰瑞德·莱托-《达拉斯买家俱乐部》【最佳女配角】Actress in a Supporting Role莎莉·霍金斯-《蓝色茉莉》詹妮弗·劳伦斯-《美国骗局》露皮塔·尼永奥-《为奴十二载》朱莉娅·罗伯茨-《八月:奥色治郡》琼·斯奎布-《内布拉斯加》【最佳动画长片】Animated Feature Film《疯狂原始人》《神偷奶爸2》《冰雪奇缘》《起风了》《艾特熊和赛娜鼠》【最佳纪录长片】Documentary(Feature)《杀戮演绎》 The Act of Killing《小可爱与拳击手》 Cutie and the Boxer《肮脏的战争》 Dirty Wars《广场》 The Square《离巨星二十英尺》 20 Feet from Stardom【最佳摄影】Cinematography《囚徒》《醉乡民谣》《一代宗师》《地心引力》《内布拉斯加》视频地址:
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