
不再联络她的父亲。拜托了,道林推走艾米丽和亨利,包括他的灵魂,而且让他的那些老朋友感到尤为震惊的是,根本就不在乎如此做最终会给自己造成什么样的后果,他愿意付出一切。而亨利把那副在火中留下的画像,道林依然美丽的画像锁在了阁楼里,爱与生存的意义全部都被剥夺了,让道林深深地为她所着迷,道林以最快的速度融入其中,艾米丽却是亨利的女儿,捕捉到了这位年轻的美男子全部的气质和能量,因为在他的生命中当拥有着令人侧目的惊人美貌且天真率性的年轻人道林·格雷来到了维多利亚时代的伦敦时,只要能永远保留住自己在画像中的模样,简单点!或者如果有关于《道林 格雷的画像》 英文简介也可以;时,不要用翻译器。每当他对邪恶屈服并成为帮凶。但是,还有那个隐藏在阁楼里的画像中的畸形怪物的辱骂和奚落,然后、迷人的美丽女子,但是当他以一种永葆青春和美貌的姿态不断地示人的时候,同样也是一位社交艺术家的巴兹尔·霍尔沃德为道林画了一幅异常传神的画像。请把这个翻译成英文,在亨利发现了道林的画像后,就为了让女儿远离这个半人半鬼的家伙,自己拔剑刺向了画像,这也使得涉世不深的道林做下了一个轻率的决定--他发誓;道林与魔鬼订下了契约&quot,安好如初的画像。当伦敦的好事者都在秘密地讨论&quot,道林却杀死了他,他却把那幅画像锁进了不见天日的阁楼里。道林“死后”艾米丽无法原谅亨利。最后道林找到了真爱,画像都会变得愈加地丑陋和恐怖--看起来。   亨利的朋友。   25年后,艾米丽使道林觉醒。而且当巴兹尔坚持让他去看一眼自己的画像的时候,道林继续着属于他自己的狂野的冒险之旅,亨利也决定让他女儿的那个不正常的恋人彻底地曝光  最后,他遇到了艾米丽一个聪明,他想尽办法,道林重新回到了这片他一直在竭力逃避的土地。道林不断地受到自己的过去的困扰,他看起来还像以前那般光鲜亮丽,一点都没变老--其实他现在已经变成了一个正在遭受痛苦折磨的男人,然后逃离了这座城市,道林正在无所节制地纵容自己的每一个应当被禁止的欲望和需求。   在亨利的引导和鼓动下,直接卷入了一场名流社交所引起的旋风当中,他迅速在拥有着超凡魅力的亨利·沃托的引领下
大概内容就可以,或者如果有关于《道林 格雷的画像》 英文简介也可以。拜托了!
They become engaged, Dorian shows the portrait to Bs blueprint for life. Sibyl&#39, he again wishes that he could stay young while the image in the painting aged, therefore, so he vows to be good so that both he and the portrait can remain young: Sibyl commits suicide at the theatre that night, while Dorian examines the portrait://www.http. Because her mother is indebted to the theatre manager, much to the surprise of Lord Henry and Basil. Dorian and Lord Henry spend the evening at the opera. He. Instead, who begs Dorian to repent of his sin and ask that the wish be revoked, the artist Basil Hallward.Dorian falls in love with a /study_guide/literature/The-Picture-of-Dorian-Gray-Book-Ss body. However. T he wants to talk only of happy subjects. Lord Henry also inquires about the secret of Dorian&#39. To his surprise, and the picture shows the gradual disfigurement of his soul as he sinks into a life of d they do not know that he is, asks about the young man&#39. Although Lord Henry, who is visiting with Basil, ugly man lying dead on the ground in front of a portrait of a young and innocent Dorian. Sibyl tells Dorian she can no longer act, because her performances were what drew him to her, and talk turns serious — Dorian talks of Basil, beautiful, but that is of no consequence /study_guide/literature/The-Picture-of-Dorian-Gray-Book-Ss name out of the scandal, but he vows to kill Dorian if he wrongs h the book becomes Dorian'genius&quot, and Dorian lives a hedonistic life according to the guidelines established by Lord Henry and the yellow book. He then heads for an opium den and.The novel concludes six months later, Sibyl V and Basil prefers the company of the portrait to the real Dorian, because they will soon fade. Dorian is disgusted by her poor acting, lines that do not show on Dorian's younger brother, that a man accidentally killed in a hunting accident is James, for fifty pounds.http, the portrait shows marks of cruelty around the mouth://s identity. Dorian makes a case for mistaken identity when he claims to have the face of a twenty-year-old and cannot be the man James is looking for, Basil lets slip that the subject of the portrait is Dorian Gray, she is against the marriage unless Dorian is wealthy, wholesome Sibyl discusses her engagement with her family://www, Ds servants and a police officer find an old, to which Dorian has the only key, however. The portrait thus begins to take on a life-like existence, and so he feels safe, he decides to destroy it with the knife used to murder Basil, he is too late, but the performance is terrible. Finally. An hour later. Vane admits is true.Dorian attends a performance of Sibyl&#39. A woman in the street reveals that Dorian &s angry brother.H from Dorian.id-144.Lord Henry immediately begins to influence Dorian, suggesting that he should treasure and guard his youth and beauty while he has them. Dorian.enotes, Dorian declares that he would give his own soul if he could remain eternally young while the portrait grows old.Several years pass, and Lord Henry reflects on a sermon he heard the previous Sunday while walking in the park.cliffsnotes, because he has shown her a beautiful reality. Soon after, meets Sibyl' and his dreadful influence on the people around him. Dorian first feels responsibility for her death:The novel centers on Dorian Gray, that of a young man, James比较简单的英文简介, artist Basil Hallward puts the finishing touches on his latest portrait, which Dorian dismisses, Lord Henry inspires him with a vision of life in which the pursuit of beauty through sensual pleasure is valued above ethical or moral concerns. People talk about Dorian&#39. Another friend of Dorian, Mr, Dorian kills Basil and hides his body
s transformation from angel to devil. Henry is the cynical. Artist Basil Hallward has become obsessed with Dorian Gray whose beauty is the focus of a new portrait&#47. Henry is responsible for Dorian'installation, ntellectual friend and agent of Basil Hallward who befriends Dorian in spite of his friendship with Basil. When the young Dorian sees thei nstallation for the first time he resents the portrait wishing it would grow old and ugly instead of him简介&The Picture of Dorian Gray& is the classic tale of vanity written by Oscar Wilde updated and adapted by Duncan Roy
it also makes the road do not do a hasty decision -- he swear, Dorian found true love, and the hidden in the attic in a portrait of the monstrosits friends, he looks pretty like before. When London good are secretly discussed&quot, he is willing to give everything. Whenever he to villainy and become an accomplice. However, is also a social artist Basil Holzer Ward Dowling drew a vivid portrait of abnormal, in Henry found that the portrait of Dorian Dorian. Henry looked in the fire left portrait. In Henry guidance and encouragement, and let his old frien after&quot, Dorian continued with his own wild adventures. 25 years later, portrait of Dorian ' the death of Emily could not forgive Henry. Dorian&quot, but when he was a young and beautiful posture constantly show time, Emily Dowling arousal, attract changed a bit old, he put the picture was locked in the attic suffering oppression, Dorian to the fastest speed in, Emily is the daughter of Henry, as long as they can remain forever himself i, pushed Emily and Henry, do not care to do so will eventually give yourself what the consequences. Henry&#39. Finally, but kills him, Dorian is unlimited indulge every should be forbidden desires and needs. Dowling constantly influenced by his troubled past, Dorian returned to this he struggled to
Dowling and the devil made a contract&quot, just to let the daughter away from the half man half ghost, he drew his sword and stabs portrait, haven&#39, portrait will become increasingly ugly and scary - looking, because in his life. But when Basil insisted that he go to see his own portrait of Dorian, then, he met Emily a smart, Henry also decided to let his daughter of the abnormal lovers thoroughly exposure finally, but he has now turned into a man is to suffer, who went out of his way, ans again, still beautiful portrait of locked in the atticWhen a stunning stunning beauty and innocence harebrained young Dorian Gray came to the Vitoria times in London, directly involved in a Celebrity Club exchange caused by cyclone, love and the meaning of existence all deprived, not in contact with her father, Tao Lin deeply for her, he quickly with the charismatic Henry Otto lead, including his soul, captures the young man full of temperament and energy
When a stunning stunning beauty and innocence harebrained young Dorian Gray came to the Vitoria times in London, he quickly with the charismatic Henry Otto lead, directly involved in a Celebrity Club exchange caused by cyclone, Dorian to the fastest speed in. Henry's friends, is also a social artist Basil Holzer Ward Dowling drew a vivid portrait of abnormal, captures the young man full of temperament and energy, it also makes the road do not do a hasty decision -- he swear, as long as they can remain forever himself in the portrait looks, he is willing to give everything, including his soul. In Henry guidance and encouragement, Dorian continued with his own wild adventures, but when he was a young and beautiful posture constantly show time, he put the picture was locked in the attic suffering oppression. Whenever he to villainy and become an accomplice, portrait will become increasingly ugly and scary - looking, Dorian is unlimited indulge every should be forbidden desires and needs, do not care to do so will eventually give yourself what the consequences. But when Basil insisted that he go to see his own portrait of Dorian, but kills him, and then fled the city. 25 years later, Dorian returned to this he struggled to escape from the land, and let his old friends feel very shocked, he looks pretty like before, haven't changed a bit old, but he has now turned into a man is to suffer, because in his life, love and the meaning of existence all deprived. Dowling constantly influenced by his troubled past, and the hidden in the attic in a portrait of the monstrosity insults and taunts, then, he met Emily a smart, attractive beautiful woman, Tao Lin deeply for her. However, Emily is the daughter of Henry, who went out of his way, just to let the daughter away from the half man half ghost. When London good are secretly discussed& Dowling and the devil made a contract&, Henry also decided to let his daughter of the abnormal lovers thoroughly exposure finally, Emily Dowling arousal, in Henry found that the portrait of Dorian Dorian, pushed Emily and Henry, he drew his sword and stabs portrait. Finally, Dorian found true love. Dorian& after& the death of Emily could not forgive Henry, not in contact with her father. Henry looked in the fire left portrait, portrait of Dorian 's again, still beautiful portrait of locked in the attic.当拥有着令人侧目的惊人美貌且天真率性的年轻人道林·格雷来到了维多利亚时代的伦敦时,他迅速在拥有着超凡魅力的亨利·沃托的引领下,直接卷入了一场名流社交所引起的旋风当中,道林以最快的速度融入其中。   亨利的朋友,同样也是一位社交艺术家的巴兹尔·霍尔沃德为道林画了一幅异常传神的画像,捕捉到了这位年轻的美男子全部的气质和能量,这也使得涉世不深的道林做下了一个轻率的决定--他发誓,只要能永远保留住自己在画像中的模样,他愿意付出一切,包括他的灵魂。   在亨利的引导和鼓动下,道林继续着属于他自己的狂野的冒险之旅,但是当他以一种永葆青春和美貌的姿态不断地示人的时候,他却把那幅画像锁进了不见天日的阁楼里。每当他对邪恶屈服并成为帮凶,画像都会变得愈加地丑陋和恐怖--看起来,道林正在无所节制地纵容自己的每一个应当被禁止的欲望和需求,根本就不在乎如此做最终会给自己造成什么样的后果。而且当巴兹尔坚持让他去看一眼自己的画像的时候,道林却杀死了他,然后逃离了这座城市。   25年后,道林重新回到了这片他一直在竭力逃避的土地,而且让他的那些老朋友感到尤为震惊的是,他看起来还像以前那般光鲜亮丽,一点都没变老--其实他现在已经变成了一个正在遭受痛苦折磨的男人,因为在他的生命中,爱与生存的意义全部都被剥夺了。道林不断地受到自己的过去的困扰,还有那个隐藏在阁楼里的画像中的畸形怪物的辱骂和奚落,然后,他遇到了艾米丽一个聪明、迷人的美丽女子,让道林深深地为她所着迷。但是,艾米丽却是亨利的女儿,他想尽办法,就为了让女儿远离这个半人半鬼的家伙。当伦敦的好事者都在秘密地讨论&道林与魔鬼订下了契约&时,亨利也决定让他女儿的那个不正常的恋人彻底地曝光  最后,艾米丽使道林觉醒,在亨利发现了道林的画像后,道林推走艾米丽和亨利,自己拔剑刺向了画像。最后道林找到了真爱。道林“死后”艾米丽无法原谅亨利,不再联络她的父亲。而亨利把那副在火中留下的画像,安好如初的画像,道林依然美丽的画像锁在了阁楼里。
出门在外也不愁求翻译一句话 英语所以将相当一部分的心力投入于. 尤其是这个相当一部分的那个程度怎么翻译比较合适啊 不是说绝大部分 而就是说比较多的_百度作业帮
求翻译一句话 英语所以将相当一部分的心力投入于. 尤其是这个相当一部分的那个程度怎么翻译比较合适啊 不是说绝大部分 而就是说比较多的
求翻译一句话 英语所以将相当一部分的心力投入于. 尤其是这个相当一部分的那个程度怎么翻译比较合适啊 不是说绝大部分 而就是说比较多的
I devote a large degree of my effort to
So I devoted quite a number of efforts to ...quite a number of 相当多的
so (he) devote most of his energy to .``````相当一部分就是很多啦
我看有道词典的是a lot of many
It will be a considerable part of the effort invested in....求一段话的专业翻译【汉译英】非英语专业勿翻,翻译很好的追加100分!弄清了这一阶段的介词演变状况,可以为我们上溯上古汉语介词、下推近代汉语介词,提供重要线索.
It provides significant clues of Chinese prepositions from Antiquity to the 19th century all through understanding the development of preposition in this period.This essay is divided into four sections.
In the first section, which is also the preface, study of preposition in six documents and from the Chinese language from the 3rd to 9th century, studying method and content, standard of evaluation and classification for certain preposition will be stated.
Section two will focus on the contrast and comparison of certain preposition in the six documents. The prepositions studied in this section will be classified into four types -- the Agent, the Object, the *Cofactor*/“与事“我真不知道怎么翻译,英文语法好像没有这个名词,co有共同、一起的意思,用在这里不知合适不/, and the *Comparison*.
The *Cofactor* will be subdivided into nine types, such as *接受者、指向者、针对者*, etc..
Cofactors of the nine types will be detailed and statistically compiled.
Hence, comparisons of *中佛、南北* will be made, which will mainly cover the term, the frequency, the syllable, the age, the order of phrases, and situations where an object is involved.
The fact is that prepositions from the documents of *佛典和南朝* are more colloquial than those from the documents of *中土和北朝*.
Their subdivisions, however, are otherwise different.
In section three, prepositions of the Agent and of the Object as well as the passive tense from the Chinese language from the 3rd to 9th century will be discussed.
The section mainly discusses the related tenses of the six documents focusing on certain prepositions.
Section four will focus on the study of certain prepositions in the Chinese language from the 3rd to 9th century, including a study comparing *指向者介词*, a study on specific new certain prepositions, a brief analysis on the modern quotation of certain prepositions from the Chinese language from the 3rd to 9th century, and additional certain prepositions which are not found in the Chinese language from the 3rd to 9th century.
In the final section, conclusions about the certain prepositions from the six documents will be made and studies on the certain prepositions from the Chinese language from the 3rd to 9th century will be summarised for further discussion.Keyword: *六部文献
南北比较*注意:1.我不知道中古汉语具体指什么时期的汉语,文中翻译成了chinese language from the 3rd to 9th century,如果有专属名词最好请教系里高人.2.对象介词我都给翻译成了certain prepositions 您最好也给谨慎一点,确保没有专业名词.3.打*号的词太专业,小弟实在不懂,您可以请教系里的老师或教授.
大学主修课目外,初级掌握了photoshop等制图软件,大一参加校内社团XXX社团;通过校内老师培训,谢谢了急用,掌握AUTO CAD使用方法,通过了了国家计算机三级网络技术,XH-3000UL 电脑微波超声波紫外光组合催化合成仪器等多种仪器使用方法最后一段几个专业仪器的名词不会的可以用XXX代替,通过社团培训与自学,熟练使用如orange;通过校内老师培训;在毕业试验中通过学习初步掌握了电化学工作站,wps等办公软件
master the use of AUTO CAD method, through the procession of national computer level 3Through the school teacher training, primary mastered photoshop graphics software,Freshman year to participate in the campus community XXX community, WPS and oThrough the school teacher training, such as familiar with such as orange, by community training and self-studyIn addition to the university major in subjects, electrochemical workstation XH - 3000 ul computer cPreliminary mastered by learning in the graduation test
by school intstructors。Graduation exam&Level 3 in Network TI have joined XXX。Electrochemical workstation (电化学工作站),相信你看一下你的证书或其翻译后;Through training by&nbsp.纯属本人上网调查一些名词后的手工翻译, WPS and other&nbsp, and also mastered Oclub&nbsp,复数加个s就好了;XH-3000UL Computer Microwave-Ultrasound-Ultraviolet&nbsp, I have acquired basic skills in&nbsp。我放单数。这个你可以自己修改.&nbsp,我不清楚是一种还是多种电化学工作站,graphics softwaresIn addition to the courses of my major。我找不到它的标准英语翻译:National Computer Rank Examination (NCRE)&nbsp, I became skilled in AutoCAD;(国家计算机三级网络技术) 是我自己的翻译;Level 3 in Network Technology&nbsp,可以自己修改;office softwares, I have&nbsp。我不清楚是一项还是多项试验;instruments as electrochemical workstation and&Through training&nbsp, in my first year。这个你可以自己修改, I have passed National Computer Rank Examination (NCRE)&learnt basic operating&Combination Synthesizer。同样;training and self-Through both&nbsp。名称的准确性;(毕业试验)。不确定的只有三样;Photoshop and other&of such&In my graduation exam,&nbsp
英文:In addition to University majoring in courses outside,A school community in XXX community, through community training and self-study, the primary master Photoshop drawing software, skilled in the use of such as orange, WPS and oThrough the school teacher training, passed the national computer netwThrough the school teacher training, to master the use of AUTO CADThrough the study on the graduation test preliminary mastered the electrochemical workstation,method of XH-3000UL computer microwave ultrasonic ultraviolet combined catalytic synthesis ofinstrument and so on many kinds of instrument useNoun won't last a period of several professional equipment can be replaced by XXX, thank you for emergencies, the final choice of a good 200日文:大学の専攻以外の课目外、大学内サークルサークル参加XXX、社団训练と独学して、初级掌握したフォトショップなどのドローソフトを使用した、远いところなど、wpsなどの事务処理ソフト、校内研修を通じて先生を通じて国家コンピュータの3级のネットワーク技术、校内研修を通じて先生をAUTOのCADの使用方法、卒业试験での勉强を通じて予备を身につけた电気化学ワークステーション、XH-3000ULコンピュータマイクロ波紫外光触媒合成机器を组み合わせて超音波など様々な机器の使用方法最後の1段の専攻机器の名词ではXXXの代わりに、ありがとうございましたけれども、最後を200分韩语:제 대학 전공 과목 외에큰 한 참가 학내 동아리 XXX 동아리 통해 동아리 훈련 및 자습, 초급 파악하고 photoshop 등 드로잉 소프트웨어, 기능 사용 만약 orange, wps 등 오피스 소프트웨어;교내 선생님이 훈련을 통해 통해 국가 컴퓨터 삼단식 네트워크 기술;교내 선생님이 훈련을 통해 파악 AUTO 방이 어디죠? 사용 방법;졸업 시험 중 학습을 통해 초보 파악하고 전기화학 워크스테이션, XH-3000UL 컴퓨터 마이크로 초음파자외선 그룹 촉매 합성 기기 등 다양한 기기 사용 방법마지막 단 몇 개의 전문 기구 명사 안 쓸 수 있는 XXX 대신 감사합니다 주신 마지막 선택 좋&#5 분
In addition to the university major,XXX community freshmen to participate in the campus community, by community training and self-study, main mastered the photo shop graphics software, such as familiar with such as orange, WPS and oThrough the school teachers' training, through the national computer level 3 netThrough the teacher training, to master the usPreliminary learning graduation test, electrochemical workstation XH - 3000 ul computer combined with microwave, ultrasonic ultraviolet catalytic synthesis instrument such as a variety of instruments to use
In addition to College to major in subjects outside the freshman campus community XXX community, through community training and learning, primary master graphics software such as Photoshop, skilled use of Office software such as orange,WPS; Through teacher training in school, through a national computer grade net Through teacher training in school, learn AUTO CAD Graduation test through study in the preliminary electrochemical workstation XH-3000UL catalytic synthesis instrument with computer combination microwave and ultrasonic, ultraviolet light and other instrumentation methods.
In addition to University majoring in courses outside,A school community in the XXX community, through community training and self-study, the primary master Photoshop drawing software, skilled in the use of such as orange, WPS and oThrough the school teacher training, passed the national computer netwThrough the school teacher training, to master the use of AUTO CADThrough the study on the graduation test preliminary mastered theelectrochemical workstation, method of XH-3000UL computer microwaveultrasonic ultraviolet combined catalytic synthesis of instrument and so on many kinds of instrument use好,翻译完毕。


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