my work ethic的有关my holiday英语作文文

写一个以会计为专业的英语作文my major_百度知道
写一个以会计为专业的英语作文my major
I am XXX from the Hunan University with ac I understood that your company advertised for the recruitment of talented individuals in the finance and accounting sectors. I feel this is extremely suitable to my specialty and the experiences I had. This is why I am responding to this call for recruitment. My most important characteristics are my self-confidence, positive attitude, and the sense of responsibility. Simultaneously, I do not lack rigorous attitude and can work calmly and steadily. Through more than three years of studies, I accumulated specialized knowledge related to the financial inventory accounting system. My major grade point average is good. My weighted grade point average is 80 out of 100. I participated in the accountant training class and had taken the September Registered accountant and tax laws exams. I can skillfully use three accounting softwares like UF and have photoshop designed capacity to a certain extent. Since my entrance into the college, I have continuously worked in the student government, given the position of director. Due to my outstanding performance, strong organizational ability, in my sophomore year at Hunan University, I was appointed the chairman of the Association for Science and Technology. I have achieved success in organizing and planning a number of large scale activities, such as the Hunan &mock recruitment& in the talent exchange centers, &Shenzhou VI concept, see Heaven style& popular science lectures which prodeced good results. Throughout this year, I enhanced team spirit and built up my ability of communication. Since junior year, I have held the post of grade student association propaganda department minister, also the place of class and grade propaganda committee member. In junior year, I have a heavy workload regarding my studies. This year, my biggest gains are efficient organization of my time schedule, highly effec I have also established ability to facew trivial matters with confidence and patience whe and, I have also improved my ability to publicize activities. Because a number of successful passt events show my interpersonal and communication skills in addition of my strong sense of responsibility and expertise, I believe I could be a valuable part of your company. Your company is in the middle of
it is on a great platform for expansion. My work ethic is of an steady, diligent, and cooperative nature.If you can give me the opportunity, I will work diligently. I definitely will not disappoint you and completely dedicate myself to the company's expansion
How to Effectively Work with People Who Are Smarter Than You如何高效地与比你聪明的人合作
It's entrepreneurship gospel&hire those who are smarter than you. There's no mystery to this wisdom. Clever, skilled employees require less management, constantly teach you new things, and shore up your weaknesses. But while the rationale behind this oft-repeated tip is simple, executing it isn't.雇佣比你聪明的人是企业的福音。这不足而怪。聪明、技能熟练的员工无需太多管理,还可以教给你新的技能,甚至可以弥补你的缺点。虽然这条多次被人提及的小建议背后的道理很简单,但是做起来却很困难。
The problem is people have egos and insecurities, and being surrounded by folks who are smarter than you can make you feel bad. Few would freely admit it, of course, but this is often the reason people fail to heed this obvious advice. Even the most assured among us can see their confidence erode when they're surrounded by geniuses.问题在于人们都有自尊心和不安全感,和比自己聪明的人待在一起感觉会很糟糕。当然了,很少有人公开承认,但这就是为什么人们都没有采取这个明显的小建议。即便是我们身边最有自信的人,当他们和一群天才在一起时,他们的自信心也会大受打击的。
So is it possible to rewire yourself to reap the benefits of a team of super-achievers without suffering self-esteem erosion? It's possible indeed, said a parade of responders on question-and-answer site Quora recently. Veterans of some of the brainiest companies in the world shared their experiences of feeling like the team dunce, as well as their advice for others who are suffering from self doubt. Here are some of their top tips.那么当你成为超级能干团队的一员时,有没有可能调整自己从而使自己既得到益处又不会自信心受打击?答案是肯定的,最近Q&A网站Quora上一群回答者给出了这样的回答。一些在人才济济公司中工作的老员工分享了他们在团队中感觉自己愚笨的经验,并对饱受自我怀疑困扰的人员提供了建议。下面是其中的一些小贴士。
Know Your Strengths认识你自己的优点
If you've been hired (or gotten to be the owner of a business), you must have something to offer the team. Focus on the strengths you possess, rather than the skills or knowledge you lack.如果你找到工作了(或打算创业),你必须能为团队提供服务。关注你拥有的优点,而不是你缺乏的技能或知识。
Andy Johns, an early Facebook employee, offers a greater metaphor for this bit of advice: &If a punter/field goal kicker showed up to practice with a new football team and thought 'Crap, all of these guys are bigger and more athletic than me!' and tried to outperform the wide receivers and running backs, they would fail miserably. But they don't. They focus on the intersection of their skills and experience and they focus on being the best punter/field goal kicker in the game. Within that more tightly defined role, they aim to perform.&Facebook早期的员工Andy Johns为这个建议做了个很好的比喻:&如果一名橄榄球踢球手去新球队里练习,心里想&糟了,这些人块头都比我大,都比我健壮!&然后试着胜过接球手和跑锋,那整个球队会悲惨地以失败告终。但是他们没有。他们专注于技能和经验的交集,他们专注于成为球队中最好的踢球手。在更具体的角色中,他们的目标在于行动。&
Be the King or Queen of Questions成为问问题之王
When surrounded by smart people, your first impulse may be to hide your ignorance, but that's the wrong way to go, according to Doug Edwards, Google's first director of marketing and brand management, who joined the company in 1999. If you don't ask questions, you'll never learn. Communication is key.当周围全是聪明人时,你的本能冲动可能是掩盖自己的无知,但是这种方式是错误的,谷歌的第一位市场营销和品牌管理主任Doug Edwards这样认为。他是1999加入谷歌的。如果你不问问题,那你就无法学会。交流是关键。
&It's much better to appear uninformed than to give the impression you know something you don't, which can come back to haunt you. I used to ask the engineers to explain things to me 'in little baby words that I can understand,'& he remembers. Engineer B. Nguyen agrees in snappy style: &The credo here really is, 'The only stupid question is the one not asked'. So ask and ask often.&&不知道比不懂装懂要好,不懂装懂会再次让你困扰的。我习惯让工程师用孩子的语言向我解释事情,这样我能听懂。&他提到。工程师用B. Nguyen用时髦的方式表示赞同:&这里的信条真是这样, &唯一愚蠢的问题是没人问的问题&。所以要经常问问题。&
Take Your Time慢慢来
Getting comfortable among a team of whiz kids isn't something that happens over night, many of the responders warn. Getting to know, and learning from, truly smart collaborators can be a lengthy process, so don't expect to wake up a week later and feel totally comfortable. &It took several years to be one of the top people,& says Quora employee Jay Wacker of his experience arriving at the University of California, Berkeley, for grad school.很多回答者提醒大家,不可能一下子就能习惯待在能手团队里。认识并从真正聪明的合作者那里学习是一个漫长的过程,所以不要期望一周后你醒来就能感觉非常舒服。&&要想成为顶尖的人才需要几年的时间,&Quora的员工Jay Wacker谈及他在加州大学伯克利分校时读研究生的经历时说道。
Imagine the Alternative想象另一种选择
Leo Polovets, an ex-LinkedIn and Google employee who has a resume full of genius-filled environments, offers a simple but powerful trick to keep your perspective.Leo Polovets以前在LinkedIn工作,现在是谷歌的员工,他的简历上的工作环境中到处都是天才。他提出了一个简单但是很有用的建议,能让你保持对事物的洞察力。
&How did I adjust?& he asks, &I considered the alternative to working with smarter people, and that was even less enticing. In my experience, working with people who are less smart or experienced than you is less educational, less rewarding, and more frustrating than working with those who are smarter/experienced. Working with great peers will help you up your game.&&我该如何调整?&他问道,&我考虑到不和比我聪明的人一起工作的情形,发现那种选择更没有吸引力。以我的经验来看,和与比你聪明或有经验的人一起工作相比,与没你聪明或没你有经验的人一起工作会缺少教育机会、缺少回报、更让人沮丧。与比你优秀的人一起工作会让你更加优秀。&
Remember What You Can Control记住你能掌控的内容
Sure, you were dealt whatever genetic hand you have when it comes to innate intellectual horsepower (though smarts may be more malleable than many of us believe), but there is still one giant factor 100% under your own control. As Gwynne Shotwell reminded the audience recently from the Women 2.0 Conference stage: &You can't control whether you're the smartest person in the room, but you can certainly control whether you're the most prepared.&你的智力是由基因决定的(尽管聪明人可能更有可塑性),但是仍有一个很大的因素百分之百是由你自己控制的。就像Gwynne Shotwell 最近在妇女2.0大会上提醒观众的那样:&你无法控制自己是不是房间中最聪明的人,但是你却可以控制自己是不是里面准备最充分的人。&
&You can't get smarter. But you can always work harder than someone else,& agrees Farhan Thawar, VP Engineeringat at XtremeLabs, on Quora, &so the adjustment is to work extremely hard at your craft until you feel like you fit in.& Christina Bonnington, a writer for Wired, also concurs: &Pedigree doesn't mean anything. Work ethic is everything.&&你无法变得更加聪明。但是你总能比其他人更加努力,& XtremeLabs 的副总裁Farhan Thawar在Quora上写道,&所以调整方式就是努力工作直到你感觉自己融入了进去。&《连线》的作家Christina Bonnington也持同一意见:&血统并不意味着什么。职业道德就是一切。&
Read and Educate Yourself多读并自学
This one may be simple, but it was one of the most common bits of advice. Charles Martin, for example, recalls that &a few year ago, I had a chance to work as a quant in a very large and successful hedge fund, and with former professors from MIT. The first thing I did was read the thesis of the managing director, so I could get 'into his head' and learn how he thinks. This made it much easier to work with him as a colleague.& Consultant Mark Simchock boils it down to &read a lot.&这一条可能很简单,但它也是最常见的建议。例如,Charles Martin回想起&几年前,我有一个机会在一家非常大、非常成功的对冲基金公司工作,还是和几个以前是MIT教授的人员工作。我做的第一件事就是读总经理的论文,这样我就可以知道他是怎么思考的。这样把他作为同事一起工作就容易多了。&Mark Simchock把它浓缩为&多读。&
Also, aim for diversity in what you pick up. You probably aren't going to out-expert the experts, but you could contribute that key piece of out-of-left-field knowledge. &I tried to absorb all the information I could from outside so that occasionally I could contribute a perspective that was different, without being completely idiotic,& reports Edwards.此外,以多元性为目标。你可能不打算超越专家,但是你可以从另一个角度去处理知识。&我试着吸收我能得到的所有信息,这样偶尔我就能从不同的角度去看问题,不会什么都不知道,&Edwards写道。
Don't Compete不要和人竞争
The more you're competing the less you're learning and accomplishing. &Don't start competing. The day you'll accept the fact that there will always exist smarter people, learning will become much easier,& advises Rajay Chamria. &Don't compete, contemplate,& agrees Saraswati Chandra.你参与的竞争越多,你学到的和完成的内容越少。&不要开始竞争。总有一天,你会接受总有更聪明的人这个事实。等到那一天来临,你学习起来就简单多了,&Rajay Chamria建议到。&不要竞争,要沉思,&Saraswati Chandra赞同道。
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I will be sixteen years old when 2008 Olympic being held in Beijing. I have many dreams about it, I want to be a translator to work for foreign athletes. I want to be a guider to show Beijing to foreign visitors. I also want to be a athlete to win honor for China. I want to be… But as a pupil, what can I do for it now? First, I should make Beijing’s environment to grow better, I can save water, electricity and paper, place garbage by classifying it, actively spread the knowledge of environmental protection. Second, I should enhance my ethic , safeguard the nation’s honor and take good care of public facilities. Third, I should work hard for my lessons, especially in English. Fourth, I should do exercises every day to improve my health. I am proud of a Chinese. I hope my country to be much stronger. I look forward to 2008, I will say to the world aloud: Welcome to Beijing. 我能为2008北京奥运做什么? 等到2008北京奥运举行的时候我就16岁了。我怀着很多的梦想,我想为外国运动员做个翻译员。也想为外国游客做个导游展示北京。也想成为一个运动员为中国赢得荣获。我还想.... 但是做为一名小学生,我现在能为奥运做些什么呢?首先,我应该让我们北京的环境变得更好,我可以节约用水、电和纸,按类放置垃圾,积极传播环保知识。其次,我应提高道德修养,捍卫民族尊严,爱护公物。第三,我应努力学习,特别是英语。第四,每天坚持锤炼,使身体健康。 我为我是中国人而骄傲。我希望我们国家更加强大。我期望2008 年, 对世界大声将说: 欢迎光临北京。 How Much Nature Is Enough? By Andrew C.Revkin Even some ardent conservationists acknowledge that the diversity of life on Earth cannot be fully sustained as human populations expand? use more resources? nudge the climate and move weedlike pests and predators from place to place. Given that some losses are inevitable? the debate among many experts has shifted to an uncomfortable subject? what level of loss is acceptable. The discussion is taking place at both the local and global levels? How small can a fragment of an ecosystem be and still function in all its richness? and thus be considered preserved? And as global biodiversity diminishes? is it a valid fallback strategy to bank organisms and genes in zoos? DNA banks or the like? or does this simply justify more habitat destruction? Is nature on ice a sufficient substitute for the real thing? Some conservation groups have strenuously avoided or even attacked such calculations and strategies. They say there is no safe diminution of habitat as long as human understanding of ecology is as sketchy as it is? a fallback strategy is unthinkable. Furthermore? banking nature in a deep freeze or database of gene sequences cannot capture context. For instance? even if a vanished bird was someday reconstituted from its genes? would it warble with the same fluency as its ancestors? On the other side of the debate? those considering what the smallest viable habitats are or how to expand archives as an insurance policy say that recent trends have proved that old conservation strategies are no longer sufficient. A few decades ago? the issue seemed fairly uncomplicated? identify biological “hot spots” or species of concern and establish as many reserves as possible. But the picture has grown murky. Twenty?four years ago? Dr. Thomas E. Lovejoy and other biologists began a remarkable experiment on the fast?eroding fringe of rain forest near the Brazilian city of Manaus. They established 11 forest tracts? ranging from 2.5 to 250 acres? each surrounded by an isolating sea of pasture similar to what is advancing around most other tropical forests. Among the many findings? an analysis published last week on birds in the lower layers of greenery found that it would take a fragment measuring at least 2?500 acres—10 times as large as the biggest one in the experiment—to prevent a decline of 50 percent in those bird varieties in just 15 years or so. In the understated language of science? the new study? in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences? concludes? “This is unfortunate when one considers that for some species?rich areas of the planet? a large proportion of remaining forest is in fragments smaller than 2?500 acres.” In the face of this and other evidence? a growing group of conservation biologists say? try everything? at the same time. “Clearly? the most effective way to protect biodiversity is to protect natural areas?” said Dr. Peter H. Raven? the director of the Missouri Botanical Garden? “and to find those organisms most endangered in nature and somehow protect them in type?culture collections? botanical gardens? zoos? seed banks or whatever.” But most important? he said? is to find ways to limit human pressures on the world’s last wild places by slowing population growth and using resources more efficiently. One pioneer of genetic deconstruction? Dr. J. Craig Venter? agrees with Dr. Raven. Dr. Venter has moved from sequencing the DNA of humans and other species to assaying genes in entire ecosystems? most recently the waters of the ?Sargasso Sea. In five 50?gallon samples gathered in February? he said? his team had found 1 million distinct genes? quite a haul compared with the 26?000 or so of a human being. And that is the tiniest scratch in the surface? he added. His is one effort among many. Britain has a Millennium Seed Bank? a growing archive of all the country’s plants. The San Diego Zoo has its parallel Frozen Zoo? an archive of thousands of DNA samples and cell lines from a host of species. Nonetheless? given the overwhelming complexity of nature? Dr. Venter added? “we’re better off trying to preserve the diversity of what we have rather than trying to regenerate it in the future.” 环保的困境:自然要多大才足够? 连一些积极的自然资源保护论者都承认,随着人口的膨胀、消耗更多的自然资源、引起气候的变化,以及造成大量害虫和捕食动物的迁移等,地球上的生物多样性肯定不会完全地持续下去。 许多专家的争论焦点已经转到了一个令人不安的话题,假使一些损失是不可避免的,多大程度的损失是可以容忍的呢?关于这个问题的辩论在局部和全球范围两个层面上同时展开:生态系统的一小部分可以小到何种程度仍能维持其完整、丰富的功能,从而可以认为是受到了保护呢?在全球生物多样性减少的过程中,把生物有机体和基因保存在诸如动物园、基因库之类的地方是一种有效的保全策略吗?或者这样做仅仅为更多的(动、植物)栖息地的破坏提供了借口?冷藏的自然能够充分地代替真正的自然吗?一些自然资源保护组织一直极力避开甚至反对这样的推论和策略。他们说,只要人类对生态系统的认识还是一知半解的,那就不存在对栖息地的安全缩小;因此也就谈不上什么保险策略了。更何况,把自然生态深冻起来或者将其存入基因序列数据库并不能保存与其相关的背景。比如,就算一只灭绝的鸟儿某一天被人们从它的基因中重新组合出来,它的啁啾声能像其先辈们一样婉转动听吗?另一方面,寻求最小可行栖地的人们或试图扩大现有档案库作为一种保全策略的人们则说,最近的趋势已经表明,旧的保护策略不再够用了。几十年之前,问题似乎还不是那么复杂:只要确认出那些受到威胁的生态地区或者令人担忧的物种,然后建立尽可能多的保护区就是了。然而,目前这个状况已经变得模糊起来。 24年以前,托马斯•E•洛夫乔伊博士和其他一些生物学家在巴西马瑙斯市附近遭受快速侵蚀的热带雨林地区边缘开始了一项备受瞩目的实验。他们建立了11块森林试验区,面积大小从2.5英亩到250英亩不等,每一块都被一片分割开来的广袤草场包围起来,这些草场与正在向大多数其他热带雨林周边推进的草场相类似。在大量的调查结果中,上周出版的一篇关于生活在绿地较低层的鸟类的分析报告发现,至少需要一块2500英亩的森林区域——相当于实验中划出来的最大的一块试验区的10倍——才能防止那些鸟类的品种在仅仅15年左右的时间里减少50%。 《美国国家科学院学报》上新刊登的一篇专题研究论文用毫不夸张的科学语言总结道:“当你考虑到在地球上一些物种资源丰富的地区,留存下来的森林中一大部分是小于2500英亩的分散小块时,这是多么不幸。” 面对这些情况和其他证据,愈来愈多的自然资源保护生物学家说:应该同时尝试所有可行的办法。?美国 密苏里州植物园园长彼得•H•雷文博士说:“显然,最有效的保护生物多样性的方法是保护自然栖息地,同时,还要找出那些自然界中最为濒危的物种,用某种方法把它们保护起来,比如,把它们放入物种培育采集库、植物园、动物园、种子银行等诸如此类的地方。”他说,但最为重要的是通过减缓人口增长和更有效地利用资源找到减少人类对世界最后原始生态地区的压力的方法。遗传解构学的先驱之一,J•克雷格•文特尔博士同意这一看法。文特尔博士从对人类和其他物种的DNA基因排序的研究转到了对整个生态系统的基因分析,最近开始了对马尾藻海海水的研究。他说,他的小组在2月份(指2003年2月份——译者)收集的5份50加仑的样本中发现了上百万种不同的基因类型,这与人类个体具有的约26000种基因相比实在是太多了。他补充说,这不过才触及到皮毛而已。他所做的只是许多努力中的一部分。英国有一个“千禧年种子银行”。它不断扩大,收藏了该国所有植物。(美国)圣地亚哥动物园有一座与其相应的“冷藏动物园”,其中保存了许多物种的数千个DNA样本和细胞株的资料。即使如此,考虑到自然界极为复杂,文特尔博士补充说:“如果我们尽力保护好现存生物的多样性,而不是试图在将来去重新创造它,我们才更明智。”
The earth scale change of climate has brought a new kind of natural disaster and the developed and complicated city system is holding a latent risk of expanding the damage artificially. Also people has been spoiling the health since the immense quantity of chemicals have been produced and already used in pursuit of convenience and various toxic substances have been produced unintentionally and accumulated in environment. Therefore, We need some countermeasures from the viewpoint to prevent the city environment form disaster and to manage environmental risks. So we will develop and improve a new risk management system and a disaster prevention system to preserve and create the city environment where people feel easy and sound in their life.
Protection of the Environment
Once man did not have to think about the protection of his environment. There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be unlimited.
Today things are different. The world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources,and polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, human life on earth will not survive.
We realize that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none left. Yet,with modern fishing methods, more and more fish are caught.We know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disappear. Yet, we continue to use powerful machines to cut down more and more trees. We see that if rivers are polluted with waste products, we will die. Yet, waste products are
still put into rivers.
We know that if the population continues to rise at the present rate, in a few years, there won’t be enough food.What can we do to solve these problems?
If we eat more vegetables and less meat, there will be more food available. Land for crops feeds five times more people than land where animals are kept.
Our natural resources will last longer if we learn to recycie them.
The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth control.
Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems we shall have a better and cleaner planet in the future.


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