作文my dream.tenmany years agoo

急!英语作文 My life in ten years_百度知道
急!英语作文 My life in ten years
ten years ,i think
i'll be
report,because,i want to meet
interesting people,and
live in a big
like living
alone ,i also think i'll
have a pet dag,and i don't have dag now,because,my
hates it,and
my home is
! i'll probably to go swimming
day ,during the
able to dress
beautiful.oh!last i 'll
dream will
My future life
in 10 yearsHello,everyone! What do think your life will be like in 10 years? Well, I will be a popular and famous singer and I will sing around the world. I will buy a big house for my parents and girl friend in Xiamen.Because I`ve ever been to Xiamen a few times and I`ve already fallen in love with it. I will keep a pet dog and I might even keep a cute koala。I will make much money and work hard to make my parents and girl friend happy. Although my dream hasn`t come true yet,I will try my best to make it come true and I won`t never give up forever!So how about yours?
in ten years,i think i will be a doctor.first,i will work in the big city like shanghai or beijing.i will save more money.then i will go to the poor countryside and help the poor people.i will build a hospital for them.they will take the medicine witnout money.if they don't have homes,the can live
in the hospital.i hope they can get love .as for free,i will enjoy the nature,because i love nature and i also will dress casually.when i have a vacation,i will go to hangzhou to enjoy the scenery. i think hangzhou is really a beautiful cityi hope me life can be wonderful in ten years!(原创)
出门在外也不愁英语初二作文 my life in ten years_百度知道
英语初二作文 my life in ten years
题目my life in ten years
my life in ten years
In ten years,l hope l can be a nurse.As a nurse ,l'll help doctor well.l'll live in beijing.l think beijing is a very beautiful city in China.l love beijing people best.because they're very friendly.l'll have some pets .l mighe even keep a pet pig.l'll probably go swimming every day ! l'll keep healthy.l will very happy with my feiend!
我现在研究生毕业后工作了,帮你写篇大学程度的英语文章也是a piece of cake(小菜一碟),但是那是对你的不负责。
my life in ten years have lots of change. such as ten years ago, i was a little boy and i was very cute. when i was a kid zhe people like me a lot .right now i am a mid school's student .i love studying . my life is more wonderful than before . how change it is
I,m work harder than that term because I want to have a good future.I will be a teacher in ten years and I ,m not rich .but I should be happy with my students.we would play together,and we should talk about their future.I have told them a lot :&To be a
useful people.&this is my school life.
in ten years ,I have a good family.My family is strong because wo often do some exercise together.My little boy will grow into a man.I think he will be rich and have a beautiful wife.
I hope that every family will be happy every day and I will have a good future!
汗``这么爽~`` 我们要写 in one hundred years~~~
my life in ten years
In ten years,l hope l can be a repoter. l'll live in beijing.l think beijing is a very beautiful city in China.l love beijing people best.because they're very friendly.l'll have some pets .l mighe even keep a pet pig.l'll probably go swimming every day ! l'll keep healthy.l will very happy with my feiend!
>>>阅读理解 Living an Adventurous Life Nearly ten years ago, I ..
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Living an Adventurous Life&&&& Nearly ten years ago, I was told that I had a brain tumor (瘤), and this experience changed my attitude about adventure forever. I thought that I was going to die and that all my adventures were over. I did not have a brain tumor, it turned out, but rather multiple sclerosis (多发性硬化症), which meant that, although they were not over, the nature of my adventures could have to change.&&&& Each morning that I wake up is a fresh event, something that I might not have had. Each gesture that I make carries the weight of uncertainty and demands significant attention: buttoning my shirt, changing a light bulb, walking down stairs. I might not be able to do it this time. If I could not delight in them, they would likely drown me in anger and in self-pity.&&&& I admire the grand adventures of others. I read about them with interest. With Peter Matthiessen I have hiked across the Himalayas to the Crystal Mountain. I have walked with Annie Dillard up, down, into, and across Tinker Creek in all seasons. David Bain has gone with me along 110 miles of Philippine coast, and Ed Abbey has rowed me down the Colorado River. I enjoy the adventures of these courageous figures, who can strike out on difficult trips - 2 miles, 250 miles, 3000 miles - ready to bear cold and tiredness, indeed not just to bear but to celebrate.&&&& But as for me, I can no longer walk very far from the armchair in which I read. Some days I don't even make it to the backyard. And yet I'm unwilling to give up the adventurous life, the difficulty of it, even the pain, the anxiety and fear, and the sudden brief lift of spirit that makes a hard journey more attractive.&&&& I refine adventure, make it smaller and smaller. And now, whether I am moving on my hands and knees across the dining room to help my cat, lying wide-eyed in the dark battling another period of sadness, gathering flowers from the garden, meeting a friend for lunch, I am always having the adventures that are mine to have.
1. Which of the following is TRUE about the author's reaction after the illness?
A. The author is drowned in anger and self-pity.B. The author travels to places he/she has dreamed of.C. The author can't take care of himself/herself any longer.D. The author adapts to the condition successfully.
2. Why does the author admire the people mentioned in Paragraph 3?
A. Because they write popular novels.B. Because they are great adventurers.C. Because they are famous geographers.D. Because they fight with hardship in life.
3.Which of the following shows the author's strong love for adventures?
A. The author spends almost every day looking for adventures.B. The author works hard to make more money for adventures.C. The author imagines having adventures while reading.D. The author expects to recover only to continue adventures.
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解 Living an Adventurous Life Nearly ten years ago, I ..”主要考查你对&&故事类阅读&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
1、抓住文章的6个要素:阅读时要学会从事情本身的发展去理解故事情节而不要只看事件在文中出现的先后顺序。因此,无论是顺叙还是倒叙,阅读此类文章时,必须要找到它结构中的5个W(when, where, who, why, what)和1个H(how),不过不是每篇都会完整地交待六个要素。毫无疑问,寻出这些元素是能够正确快速解题的一个先决条件。 2、注意作者的议论和抒情:高考英语阅读理解故事类文章常伴随着作者思想情感的流露和表达,因此议论和抒情往往夹杂其中。行文时或按事情发生发展的先后时间进行或按事情发生发展的地点来转换,也可能按事情发展的阶段来布局。在引出话题,讲完一件事情后,作者往往会表达个人感悟或提出建议等。这些体现作者观点或思想的语句在阅读时可以划线,它们往往体现文章中心或者写作意图,属于必考点,所以要仔细体会。 3、结合前两点归纳文章中心,把握作者态度:故事类文章是通过记叙一件事来表达中心思想的,它是文章的灵魂。归纳文章中心思想时,尤其要分析文章的结尾,因为很多文章卒章显志,用简短的议论、抒情揭示文章中心;文章中议论抒情的句子往往与中心密切相关;也有的文章需要在结合概括各段大意的基础上归纳中心。另外,叙述一件事必有其目的,或阐明某一观点,或赞美某种品德,或抨击某种陋习,这就要求我们在阅读时,通过对细节(第1点中的六要素)的理解,把握作者的态度。 4、有章有据进行解题判断:分析文章,归纳主题,属于分析、概括、综合的表述能力的考查。切忌脱离文章,架空分析,一定让分析在文章中有依据。
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187495189787205192211603183248173184members are participating in a group writing project called &Then and Now.& The idea is to compare our personal finances today with how they were ten years ago. Of course, the idea is to show what progress we have or haven't made in the last decade. Here's what's happened to me.
As most of you know, I track everything by looking at my net worth. I feel that it encapsulates how I've done financially -- how I've saved, how I've grown my career, salary, and side businesses, how I've invested, etc. -- all in one number. That said, here's what I can tell you about my net worth over the past 10 years:
In the past 10 years, my net worth has gone up 340%. For those of you wondering, that's an average compounded rate of 17.9%. This includes both savings from my income (of course) as well as growth of assets that I've invested in during those years.
10 years ago, I owned my house outright, and it was 66 percent of my total net worth. I still own my house completely, but it's less than 15% of my net worth.
Yes, it's been a good 10 years. I'm REALLY looking forward to the next 10 years. ;-)
So how did I make so much progress in a decade? All it took was .
Here are some more posts from other MBN members on the same topic:
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