whatdate year month dayis the ninthdate year month dayin a year?怎么回答?

What is Ramadan?
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is a time of fasting for the Islamic people. Each day during this month, Muslims all over the world abstain from eating, drinking, smoking, as well as participating in anything that is ill- from dawn until the sun sets. Fasting is intended to educate the Muslim in spirituality, humility and patience. It is a time to cleanse the soul, focus attention on God, and put into practice selflessness. Ramadan is a time for Muslims to fast for the sake of God and to put forward more prayer than is customary.
Fasting is one of the Five Pillars of the Islam religion, and one of the main types of Islamic worship. Restraint from everyday enjoyment and curbing wicked intentions and cravings are considered as an act of compliance and obedience to God, as well as amends for sins, faults, and mistakes. Ramadan is also called Ramazan. During Ramadan, Muslims request forgiveness for sins in the past, pray for direction and assistance in abstaining from everyday troubles, and endeavor to cleanse themselves through self-control and great acts of faith.
In comparison to the solar calendar, the Ramadan dates differ, moving forward approximately ten days every year due to the fact that it is a moving holiday which is dependent on the moon. Ramadan was the month in which the initial verses of the Qur'an were said to be shown to Muhammad, the Islamic Prophet.
The name "Ramadan" had been the name of the ninth month in Arabian tradition prior to the onset of I the word itself originated from an Arabic root ?rmd?, in words like "ramida" or "ar-ramad? which means severe heat, burnt ground as well as shortness of provisions. Individuals say it is named Ramadan because it burns out the sins with good deeds, as the sun scorches the ground. In the Qu'ran, God declares that "fasting has been written down upon you, as it was upon those before you". In accordance with the first hadith, this is in reference to the Jewish custom of fasting on Yom Kippur.
The lunar cycle determines the Islamic calendar, therefore the month of Ramadan, which is the ninth month commences with a mixture of the sighting of the new moon as well as astronomical calculations. The precise time of Ramadan will at times vary from place to place because some depend a great deal on moon sightings, while others rely on science. An Imam which is a Muslim holy man will make known the correct time of Ramadan right before it begins. The fasting phase finishes upon the sighting of the next new moon, which take place after 29 or 30 days.
Ramadan conveys an extraordinary sense of emotional enthusiasm and religious eagerness among Muslims of all ages. Even though fasting is compulsory for adults alone, children as young as eight readily watch fasting with their elders. Children look forward to the thrill of the moon sighting and eating unique meals with their relatives. Adults are grateful for the chance to double their rewards from God and ask for pardon for their past sins. Ramadan highlights Muslim brotherhood and customs and brings about a special feeling of closeness.
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Ramadan News
Upcoming Ramadan Calendar dates
2010 - August 11 to September 9
2011 - August 1 to August 29
2012 - July 20 to August 18
2013 - July 9 - August 7
2014 - June 28 to July 27
2015 - June 18 to July 16
Ramadan Trivia
How exactly are the Ramadan calendar dates determined? The Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar, and months begin when the first crescent of a new moon is sighted. Since the new moon indicates the beginning of the new month, you can usually safely estimate the beginning of Ramadan. Naturally, there are and will always be disagreements about the exact start and end dates of Ramadan when using the naked eye. More recently however, more Muslims are turning to the use of astronomical calculations in order to avoid this confusion.的海词问答和网友补充:
相关词典网站:In the fourth year of King Darius, the word of the Lord came to Zechariah on the fourth day of the ninth month, the month of Kislev.的海词问答与网友补充:
相关词典网站:s is the ninth month of year_百度作业帮
s is the ninth month of year
September is the ninth month of year
september九月九月是一年中的第九个月Ramadan- a Month of fasting
- Month of Fasting
&&&&&&&&& Ramadan -a month of
obligatory daily fasting in Islam is the ninth month in the Islamic lunar
calendar. Daily fasts begin at dawn and end with sunset. Special nightly prayers
called, Taraweeh prayers are held. The entire Quran is recited in these prayers
in Mosques all around the world. This month provides an opportunity for Muslims
to get closer to God. This is a month when a Muslim should try to:
See not what displeases
Speak no evil
Hear no evil
Do no evil
Look to Allah with fear and
&O you who believe! Fasting is
prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may
become God-fearing.& (The Quran, 2:183)
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) said: Whoever fasts during Ramadan with faith and seeking his reward from
Allah will have his past sins forgiven. Whoever prays during the nights in
Ramadan with faith and seeking his reward from Allah will have his past sins
forgiven. And he who passes Lailat al-Qadr in prayer with faith and seeking his
reward from Allah will have his past sins forgiven (Bukhari, Muslim).
Ramadan ends with a day long celebration known as Eidul-Fitr. Eidul-Fitr
begins with a special morning prayer in grand Mosques and open grounds of towns
and cities of the world. the prayer is attended by men, women and children with
their new or best clothes. A special charity, known as Zakatul-Fitr is given out
prior to the prayer. The rest of the day is spent in visiting relatives and
friends, giving gifts to children and eating.
(An excellent resource)
announcements on start/end of Islamic months)
(announcements on start/end of Islamic months)
prayer times,...)
The Magnificent
World Event of
Ramadan takes place in Makkah each year, where more than 3 million Muslims from all
over the world go and spend time in worship and devotion
to God. You can watch the special Taraweeh prayers
being held in Makkah during this month either through a satellite dish
network or internet. A website to watch these is:
(may require a nominal fee for membership)}


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